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Arcanist Conspiracy!


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I've figured out the Arcanist conspiracy... it's all right here in front of us - you just need to know how to see the patterns:

Rasputina: "By the power of icy waters!"

Kaeris: "By the power of fire!"

Ramos: "By the power of air's lightening!"

Marcus: "By the power of the earth!"

Collette: "And by the power of heart!"

All together: "Let our powers combine!"

... followed by bolts of energy shooting from all five Arcanist casters, combining mid-air, and then:

"By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!"

It makes perfect sense - the next release for the Arcanists needs to be Captain Planet... or perhaps Miss Planet? :)

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I would kinda envision Captain Malifaux flying around *causing* disasters, destruction and chaos... Hmm - that *does* sound good!

Of course, the other possibility (as my wife pointed out) is that the five could be the Power Rangers of the Malifaux setting. Is that better?

Edited by Faelin
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I would kinda envision Captain Malifaux flying around *causing* disasters, destruction and chaos... Hmm - that *does* sound good!

Of course, the other possibility (as my wife pointed out) is that the five could be the Power Rangers of the Malifaux setting. Is that better?


Moving on...

And yes, Ramos is powered by cake. The cake is a lie because he ate it.

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...it occurs to me that while Captain Planet is a boring little boyscout, Captain Malifaux would be a homocidal terror.

That... is very true... oh dear lord.... what has Wyrd brought down upon us..... next thing you know, Nerdelemental is going to come through the thread humming the theme. *shivers* Maybe Chufe wasn't the strongest Tyrant... maybe one of the yet named ones is Captain Malifaux.... O.o

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