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Everything posted by jty3

  1. Thanks for posting the pictures. Did you notice any problems with your sculpt on the Avatar Colette model in the middle that is squatting down? Not problems in the sense of a miscast, but the fact that the lower parts of her legs are really puny and poorly sculpted?
  2. Week One 15 ss Jason (McMourning) Destroy the Evidence 4 Hold Out 2 Army of the Dead 0 v. Jarrett (Seamus) Destroy the Evidence 0 Eye for an Eye 0 Steal the Relic 2
  3. Still playing Collette but painted a Pandora crew and eyeing Kaeris and Molly.
  4. jty3

    Kaeris Crews

    The idea of running so many fire gamin is interesting. I was thinking the same thing.
  5. Awesome! I was waiting to see these guys painted up beyond the studio paintjob.
  6. Those are great! I love the basing, too.
  7. Beautiful job. When I look at those models, I can feel the cold!
  8. Beautiful paint job. I love the cohesive look of the crew. The feathers on the vulture look great.
  9. Love the albino skintone. You've really captured the look.
  10. I definitely understand the sentiment, too, that sometimes certain lists can be a negative play experience, regardless of if they are balanced or can be beaten.
  11. Excellent work, I like the colour choices, especially the purple on the sword.
  12. Thanks for the analysis, Odin1981. I'm still trying to figure out the crew and you've definitely given me a new perspective. I think I've been playing my crew too aggressively without thinking about the synergies between the "Big three."
  13. Great post, Drake! I've been looking for a concise tactica like this. I will have to try out some of these tricks tonight.
  14. I like the commitment! Please post pictures of the crew as you paint it. I really should do the same thing, damn this faction and master A.D.D.!
  15. I either hold the base or glue the base onto an empty paint bottle for a better grip. I've been using spare pin vices these days with the miniature attached at the foot. Makes it pretty easy to prime this way as well. Since I've been using resin bases, I always have to clip the tab off of the miniature anyway.
  16. Truly incredible. Love the pirate ship. Thank you for the WIP photos, too. Looks like a ton of fun to play on.
  17. That's a really nice looking set. I like how the board is built in, too.
  18. Maybe Wyrd will release a LE Teddy 5 pack one day?
  19. Thanks, Ratty! They look great.
  20. I like this idea but it will feel weird taking less than 7 stones with Colette, even with the stones I make in the first 1-2 turns. I was thinking about only adding Angelica in at 40ss but will give it a try at 35ss, too.
  21. The two separate coryphee are actually on 40mm bases, no? Magnetizing them isn't too hard. There are a lot of good examples on the forums of people who have done it.
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