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Why do you lose?

Jonas Albrecht

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Or you get too carried away going 'RAWR' and making clawy grabby motions while moving your toys around... Oh you are fun to play Jo :D

Its the way i roll Ginger :P

AND i think you'll find that i also steal peoples' tape measures, steal their soulstones

It wouldnt be scary to play me if i didn't pretend to be a Mature Neph when i move him

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Its the way i roll Ginger :P

AND i think you'll find that i also steal peoples' tape measures, steal their soulstones

It wouldnt be scary to play me if i didn't pretend to be a Mature Neph when i move him

Exactly! It provides all the comedy goodness, especially when I stand there all confused looking around for my tape or swear I had another soulstone or 5... pretending to be a Mature Neph? it really should be a Nekima

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I think its really easy to lose when you forget about the Strategy

A guy i played over the weekend spent so much time taking down Nekima that i delivered the message turn 3 and legged it.

And then when you don't pick up your schemes too it becomes a bloodbath


And he stole your GW tape measure... you would think that the guy would own about 50 of his own being who he was

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The biggest thing for me is that I don't realize what needs to be done until there aren't enough action points left to do what needs to be done.

There's really nothing worse than realizing a game's outcome on turn 3.

The amount of times I see that happen or have realised myself (even as early as turn 2 some games)

as Jo said above forgetting the strategy and schemes until turn 3 doesn't usually help

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I lost by turn 2 the other day to Mitch because he bored me stupid. So sometimes thats how i lose too :D

Shall we make a list of how you lose at our games club.

1. Play Me at the game (I be boring so I am told) in which case throw the game.

2. get too carried away trying to be a mature neph and not lilith.

3. forgetting what your supposed to do

4. Getting your tape measure or soulstones or even control hand stolen by a sneaky neverborn mistress.

5. bringing all your cards, counters and rulebooks but forgetting all of your models.

6. Blame it on your control deck.

7. Blame it on a model who did terribly.

8. Blame your audience for putting you off or bringing bad luck

9. someone cheats (conveniently dropping your cards and losing a black joker and some aces on the floor).

10. Not following the 10 Commandments of Malifaux Jesus (still in development)

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Yeah, it does suck to know the outcome of games turn 3.

Many of my friends, because we play together so often, will see the game won due to one initiative flip. Happens probably 1/2 of our games. Some crucial turn, usually 3 or 4, will come up and it's usually whoever wins initiative wins the game. Can be kinda depressing knowing you have to play 2-4 turns and still know you're going to lose, lol. I mean, that make for great games because we're so close...for the first couple of turns.

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Yeah, it does suck to know the outcome of games turn 3.

Many of my friends, because we play together so often, will see the game won due to one initiative flip. Happens probably 1/2 of our games. Some crucial turn, usually 3 or 4, will come up and it's usually whoever wins initiative wins the game. Can be kinda depressing knowing you have to play 2-4 turns and still know you're going to lose, lol. I mean, that make for great games because we're so close...for the first couple of turns.

I used to notice/think this a lot too but I don't know when or how, it hasn't been a deciding factor in any games in the last few months. I don't know why actually. Weird.

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As I have lost more games then won I find they tend to be one of five things.

1 Not realising what my opponent’s crew can do.

2 Over extending minions so they are out of support position

3 Bad luck with control hand and flips

4 Forgetting what my Crew can do

5 Choosing the wrong action at the wrong time.

I have lost a game on turn 1 due to points 1 & 2 I took Kirai against the viks. He catapulted the Sword Vik half way down the table and proceeded to whirlwind my Shikomi and dead rider to oblivion unfortunately they where out of the seshin creation bubble :(. To give my opponent his dues he did offer to restart the game.

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I wanted to say I lose because I don't know my opponent's crew.

But I think it isn't exactly right. I lose when I worry about facing the new crew and try to wrap my head around all their rules and tricks. My own strategy and execution starts to suffer.

If I focus on my objectives and protecting my own models, I can still win (no guarantees obviously) and learn a thing or two on the way.

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Having played CCGs and not miniatures games for the last 15 years...

Experimenting with models I know to be sub-par, just to have knowledge of them.

Playing against broken models with non-broken crews (everytime I play against Neverborn the quality of their units point for point compared to every other faction makes me wonder when Wyrd is going to get off their ass and balance this game)

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When I win it's because my strategic and tactical superiority.

When I lose it's because my opponent plays with cheesy lists and my own bad luck.

That's funny because;

When I win it's because I play with a cheesy list and get lucky.

When I lose it's because of my opponent's strategic and tactical superiority.


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In my LGS most people lose because they lose sight of the goal, and go for destruction. Except when LCB alp bombs you deployment zone turn one.

Played 50 SS game yesterday LCB vs Som'er & Ophelia (Scrap). I was able to stall out my first turn so I had a Warpig, Ophelia, Remi, and Francois left. LCB drop shipped his alp bomb force on top of me. War pig (slowed) stampeded and took out an alp. Next ophelia activated, Uses 4 SS to pass 2x alp, and 4 terror checks, then on fifth, flipped a 6 and needed a 3 on extra card from SS to pass last last check, got a 2. If I passed she was in a position to take out the last 2 alps (he only brought 3 to try alp bomb, not abuse it.). I would have been hurt, but still able to at least hurt my opponent, without it...


Sounds like a fun game.

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