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Control Deck vs Playing Card Deck - Combining the Two


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At present my intentions are to get the sample deck, confirm the quality and cut of the cards: make sure the colours print well and that the cards are durable, etc. Who knows, I may have to go with a different supplier, or I may have to redesign some aspect of the cards.

Once I have a firm plan, I will let you guys know! I also contacted Mr. Caroland and Mr. Johns about this, but they have not responded to me, sadly. :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

The cards arrived last night. I took some pics.

Overall, I am quite happy with how they turned out. The clear plastic case they came with is actually pretty nice (I was expecting a pretty flimsy case). The spacing from the numbers to the edge isn't optimal, so I will likely adjust that a bit, but the colours turned out very well.

The cards themselves feel pretty good. They have a decent feeling surface, and can be spread with ease. They are a bit stiff when it comes to riffle shuffling, but they feel like a new pair of cards in this respect.

I snapped some pics:



















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It seems the Malifaux big wigs have not gotten back to me about my custom deck. I guess they must have a don't ask, don't tell policy with regards to this stuff?

I will be making a list of everyone who wants a deck, though I am still not sure on the details of how I will make this happen. I may end up having to just bite the bullet and take on some stock. We'll see. I don't exactly have a lot of cash float for this, but hey, I really like this deck and would love for others to get a chance to use it. :)

Thanks for the comments guys!

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Hi Cadilon! (Great Twitter coverage of GenCon!)

I considered having unique stains for each card, but I decided it just wasn't practical. Even shifting the cards doesn't hold much interest for me. I actually don't mind the repeating pattern. it made it very easy to make them all "face up" while sorting through them.

I didn't use anything directly created by Wyrd, no. I also used GPL licensed face cards (and have now contributed my jokers to that set, the author liked them very much!). I know in their rulebook it states they have a patent pending for their game system. It's possible that the use of "Rams, Crows, Tomes and Masks" would be a breach of this patent, when they get it.

If I were to straight up sell them online, say, I wouldn't be able to advertise them as cards for use with Malifaux. I would have to say something like, "A custom deck of playing cards featuring 4 non-traditional suits: Ravens, Goat Skulls, Spell Books and Harlequins. The deck features two jokers, Death and Life."

So it the deck does kind of float in a grey area, but still, I wanted Nathan and Eric to know about the deck... as I've said, I'd love if they wanted to use the designs for a formal set of cards and maybe drop me a few coins for my efforts. But based on the fact that I haven't heard a response from either of them, I am inclined to think that this will not happen.

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