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The Malifaux World League - Registration Thread


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This is the official registration thread for the Malifaux World League. Gaming will start on the the 30th July and painting will start on the 1st August, as per DAGabriel's Tale of Skirmish Game Painters

In the meantime, please register your interest by posting your username and chosen Henchman or Master(s) here!

Details for the League are below.



The MWL will be a never-ending league, with a simple format and available to anyone on the Wyrd Forums. Players set out to become the best gamer they can be with a particular Master or Henchman, by having a fully painted crew, playing and winning (or losing) games, and most importantly (IMO) succeeding with that Master/Henchman in every conceivable scenario. Progress of all players will be tracked by me and made available each month, so you can rank yourself against other players and plot your course to glory!

At the very least, it will be an easily available resource for players to track their progress with a given Master/Henchman. At best, it's a world wide league ladder for players to compare themselves against others around the world!


Each participant enters the league by nominating a Leader (Master or Henchman) to focus on. You can enter multipe Masters or Henchmen but each one counts as a seperate entry, and the progress of each is calculated seperately. Aims for the league would be;

- Build and Paint a legal, 55SS crew (ie. the maximum allowable size for a scrap) led by your Master/Henchman of choice during the course of the league (Picture is required for proof!)

- Achieve (ie. 2+ VPs) all 13 individual strategies in the Malifaux Rules Manual (Shared strategies count toward their individual counterparts), and achieve (ie. 1+VPs) every individual scheme available, using the Leader you've chosen.

- Play against as many different Masters and Henchman-led crews as possible.

A new thread will be posted each month (eg "Malifaux World League - August 2011"), where players record/discuss their acheivements for the month and I transfer them into an excel sheet that's available for download.

The details recorded will be;

- The Master/Henchman leading your crew

- New Masters and Henchmen-led crews you played against

- Number of wins, losses and Draws with your Master/Henchman

- New Strategies acheived with that Master/Henchman

- New Schemes acheived with that Master/Henchman

The painting part will be run in conjunction with DAGabriel's Tale of Skirmish Game Painters. When players post photo's of their finished 55SS crews there and I'll record them in the exel sheet accordingly.


There will be no prizes of any monetary value - this is a quest for honor and glory!

The downloadable excel sheet will allow players to see how far they've come compared to others (or even others using the same faction/leader) but whether you want to make a competition of it or consider it a personal challenge, that's your own choice. That said, some players will be better positioned to achieve the goals, whether it's because of how often they play, the skill of their gaming group or even their choice of Master. So bare that in mind when you're checking out your progress compared to others.

Some will point out that it'd be easy to cheat in this league, but I'm hoping that people won't be quite so dishonest and ultimately, with no prizes to be given out you'll only be cheating yourself.


Achieving the above aims gives you the right to include the following title in your forum signature;

MWL Recruit

League Participant, no aims achieved.

MWL Veteran

Played against 13 (half) of the 26 available Masters and Henchmen

MWL Elite

Played against all 26 Masters and Henchmen

MWL PaintLord

Built and painted a full 55SS crew, from start to finish, during the league.

MWL Warlord

Have a fully-painted 55SS crew (does not have to be painted during the league) AND achieve all schemes and strategies with their master (as above).

Note that the Paintlord and Warlord Titles are mutually exclusive! You don't need to have painted your entire crew during the league to qualify for Warlord, and you don't need to have played any games to qualify for PaintLord.


Gaming for the league will begin on the weekend of the 30th July, and will run through to the end of the year. After that we'll see whether there's enough interest to continue it and if so, possibly make changes as needed. If everything goes according to plan, this will be a never-ending league, with players able to join or drop out as they wish.


Q: Can I enter on behalf of someone else?

A: Yes, so long as you use the exact same name when submitting results. If they're feeling ambitious, tournament or club organisers can choose to do the same with League players who participate in their event.

Q: Can I start part way through the league?

A: This league is intended to be never-ending, so you can enter into (or opt out of) the league whenever you want. Just post up your first result in the latest monthly thread and make a note that you're a new player. I'll handle the rest.

Q: (Insert question about how often or against whom they can play)

A: You can play as many times as you'd like and against whomever you want, regardless of whether they're in the league. All results will be counted.

Q: Can we submit tourney games to this?

A: Yes - any games you play.

Q: Can we enter crews/masters that we already have painted?

A: Yes. You can enter a painted or partly painted crew, but you'll only qualify for the MWL Paintlord Title if you paint 55SS worth of models from start to finish over the course of the league.

That said, if you enter with a painted crew then you'll still qualify for the MWL Warlord title, so long as you have 55SS painted.

Q: I get that we need to paint up a 55SS crew but do the qualifying games have to be at 55SS or is it any size game using figures solely from the 55SS crew?

A: The 55 SS size is for the painting aspect only.

You can play any sized game you want against any opponent you want using any scenario you want. Whether they're tournaments or friendlies, against veterans or learners. All wins, losses, draws, acheived strategies and acheived schemes will be counted.

Q: How am I supposed to achieve a strategy if I never end up flipping it?

A: Ask your opponent nicely if you could play that strategy? :smugpuppet1 This isn't a serious league. If you want to play a certain strategy and your opponent is cool with that, then I'm cool with that too.

Q: I have Von Schill and want to improve that, possibly into 55 points. Would he count as my master for that army, or the Viktorias that I plan on getting would be the ones I count instead?

A: Games using crews led by different Henchmen or Masters will be counted seperately. So if you start with Von Schill and then add the Viks into your crew, those subsequent games will count as a new entry, with the Viks rather than Von Schill as the Leader.

Edited by Rathnard
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She will be my first Non-guild Outing, and is currently sitting in her box still. Having played one game with her (proxies win!) I have found her very much to my liking. I don't know how I will go getting all the schemes and strat's but I'm going to give it a shot.

Q: Can we add MWL Recruit to our sig as soon as we sign up?

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Somer Teeth Jones

I got to get painting and need an excuse to focus more on Malifaux (and stop being distracted by other projects). Somer is the Goal for painting and playing. Though not sure I'll get the option to play all Masters and henchmen. 26 is a lot particularly if others are trying for all the Scenarios etc with their own favorite.

Great idea Rathnard and DAGabriel. +1 :)

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Q: Can we add MWL Recruit to our sig as soon as we sign up?

Yes you can!

aim for the tale is:

55ss Gremlins

55ss LadyJ/(+v.Schill?)

Two things;

Since I'm counting results according to which Master/Henchman is leading your crew, I'll need to know whether you're using a crew led by So'mer or Ophelia. For now I'll assume two sepreate entries (So'mer and Ophelia)

Also, there's no need to include whether you're Master-led crew will also have the Henchman in it. I'll only count Henchmen as an individual entry if they're actually leading the crew (ie. for playing with, playing against and painting).

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Doh there is a tournie I'm playing in this weekend before the kick off.

Was going to see about getting the results in as my first games but I've reconsidered. I think I'll use it as the last hurrah before burying myself into playing more Somer for the next few months.

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