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popg0estheworld's Leviticus Crew

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Alright- the final "official" models of my Leveticus crew- The Hollow Waifs and Desolation Engine




Desolation Engine






Basing used similar methods to earlier models, just with some Mordheim bits to liven up the Desolation Engine's base (so it looks kind of like he just burst out of a tavern wall or something).

Anyway, thanks everyone for all the compliments. You flatter me.

I am going to post the "best of" on the original post so everything is more consolidated.

One more final shot of the whole family...


I still have four more SPAs and Ryle to paint, but I am probably moving on to other projects for now (as painting necrotic flesh is getting tiresome for the moment). I'll keep you posted.

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Come up to New Game in Town in DeKalb and check them out in person!

I might just have to do that sometime soon :-) All my time is currently dedicated to getting my Ressers ready for Gen Con, I might even update my poorly started painting thread later tonight. I've got either a little over or a little under 20 models to do still.

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Absolutely stunning, the talent is out of control in this thread! Would i be able to trouble you for the skin colours you used on the deso engine/waifs and also the colours/technique you used on the deso engine's armour?

Before we begin, might I mention that Acrylic Retarder, just a dab plus a little water, is like magic when you are adding highlights and shades- easy blending. I can't explain an easy ratio- you just have to play with it for a while.

Desolation Engine Flesh-

-Basecoat P3 Beast Hide

-Wash GW Devlan Mud

-Shade P3 Battlefield Brown mixed with Acrylic Retarder.

-Highlight Beast Hide and Retarder.

-Highlight mix of Beast Hide and P3 Thrall Flesh w/ retarder

-Highlight Thrall Flesh and retarder.

-Add shades of bruise w/ purple ink, red ink.

Desolation Engine Armor-

-Base coat Reaper Blackened Steel

-Wash GW Devlan Mud

-Shade P3 Battlefield Brown mixed with P3 Exile Blue w/ Retarder

-Highlight Blackened Steel w/ Retarder

-Highlight Reaper Aged Pewter w/ Retarder

-Add rust w/ thinned P3 Bloodstone w/ Retarder

-Finish model, use Testor's Dullcoat as sealant.

-Add final details/highlighting/scratches with GW Chainmail w/ Retarder.

Waif Flesh-

-Base coat P3 Cryx Bane Highlight

-Shade w/ P3 Cryx Bane Base w/ retarder

-Highlight w/ Cryx Bane Base mixed with P3 Trollblood Highlight w/ retarder

-Continue highlights w/ same mix as previous, but add in P3 Frostbite.

-Final highlighting with a very small amount of thinned and retarded Frostbite

Notice a trend? The magic is in the retarder. Available wherever acrylic art products are sold.

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