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Anybody listened to the latest Gamers Lounge podcast?

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Assembled and Painted as well, don't forget...

Somebody buys it Thursday morning, has it assembled and painted by Thursday afternoon...EASILY.

Being painted is not the same thing as being painted well. And if I deemed that it was worthwhile having the Avatar form for the games that weekend, I would bet that some folks would even consider a very rushed, hack job of painting, and then just strip and re-do it when they get home after the weekend.

Besides, one of the things I always wondered about the Gaining Grounds document, is that it doesn't really specify what 'painted' is. Is it just spray painted with a base coat? Two colors? Three?

Sorry, not trying to cause problems here, but I've been involved with high-end competitive play in other systems before, and I'm just familiar with how people will try to twist things to get any advantage that they can get. Most game companies, if they are releasing brand new product the same weekend as a major competitive event, will specify it as a pre-release, so that the new stuff isn't legal for the main events. Otherwise, it's more of a measure of who wants to spend GenCon weekend painting stuff rather than actually a measure of who are the better players. Plus, if there ARE any imbalance issues, hopefully playtesting has worked those out, but as we've seen in other places, that isn't always the case. You don't want someone to find an imbalanced combination and then wipe the competition with it before anyone in the dev team has had a chance to review said problem.

If that's how Wyrd wants to do it, then honestly it's OK with me. I'm more just playing devil's advocate, and making sure they thought through these implications.

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Really sorry if you guys feel like I've derailed this thread. I'm game to take the discussion elsewhere if anybody wants.

Anyways, I actually thought of an alternate scenario that I feel is worth mentioning.

Say I was somebody involved in the playtesting, and I really had fun with certain pieces. We learn that these book 3 pieces will be sold at GenCon, and so I decide to pick them up, and quickly assemble and paint them so I can play with them in the events over the weekend. Now, I don't purchase them because I think they are uber-powerful or anything, but simply because I think they are fun pieces, and a neat element to the game, and I enjoy their fluff.

So, come to the tournaments, and I win my games, not because of the new pieces, but simply because I'm a decent player. But part of it could also be due to the fact that I've had 3-4 months to be semi-familiar with the rules/abilities for these new pieces (that is, if they haven't changed drastically from playtesting, which I wouldn't expect). Now this presents a situation where the losing players feel disheartened and are likely to complain that I have an unfair advantage because I more or less had access to these pieces many months before other folks.

This could turn away people from participating in competitive events at conventions, as it might give the appearance of Wyrd catering to the 'privileged' who were playtesters. There are only two options to keep the playing field even among the players: 1) not allow the new models, or 2) ban playtesters from competing. Obviously, the latter will cause quite a few problems, and a policy like that would ultimately cause some people to not want to participate in future playtesting, so they could participate in competitive events.

The flip side of this then becomes, how much advance release time is enough? If the models were released a week earlier, is that enough time? I don't know the answer to that. But at a minimum, I think it's unfair that a person who has been a playtester may have played 15-20 games with one of those new pieces, and had ample time to learn and understand some of the nuances, while a person who is seeing the stats for the first time on Thursday morning has 2 days, or maybe a few hours at most to adapt.

Just trying to help you guys not have to deal with these kinds of headaches the weekend of GenCon. Or at least make sure you have good answers prepared ahead of time.

FWIW, I know we're not supposed to brag about being playtesters, and I'm not doing that here. But I was a playtester, and even though it would give me an advantage in the tournaments, I'm AGAINST having those new pieces be legal for the events. I'd rather have a level playing field, and for things to actually be a measure of skill and tactics, and not necessarily who has enough money/time to buy the new stuff, or who can learn the new stats the fastest.

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i wouldn't mind facing against an avatar though I have the 4-10 thursday event so i doubt i will really see any "in play". Now the people that are in friday-sunday events they will likely see an avatar!

going into an event you will see competitive players so i dont mind facing off against competitive players. I don't mind getting beaten i would just prefer to have a guy that isn't a total dick though. I will never fault a player for being a better tactician or knowing the rules but if they are being an ass that crosses the line. Be funny/social guy that loves the game and we will get along fine thats all i want.

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I listened to both podcasts twice today at work and was on wyrd induced gencon high all day. For my two cents, I agree with folks about a nightmare Teddy as a possibility. Makes sense: 1) because it is a previously existing model, 2) it is a beloved model iconic to Malifaux, 3) is one of the few 50mm models in the game (part of the success of LCB is that he's compatible with the game) and 4) it makes sense that he would have alternate parts! "On dreaming wings", anyone?

And I dont know how, but my leftfield guess for the other "5 man nightmare box" is Nightmare Ortegas. Don't ask me how you'd nightmare them up, but given that they were at the epicenter of events in Rising Powers, I could see some of that.

Anyway, just my two cents. I thought both podcasts were great and my gencon excitement (which is already at dangerous heights to begin with) is boiling through the roof like lasered popcorn.

Edited by Malifauxcurr
Stupid autocorrect...
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It was said that they were happy with the current masters and that no new ones were to be released in the Avatars book, but that all of the masters were covered in the avatar book (their avatar forms).

Though having 5 riders that seems like an interesting concept.. Though a few riders are already out so not too sure on that. I am tempted to say its Molly, with her necro machine, an abomination (forget what its called) and 2 new belles. Though totems have never been a box "standard" it seems like it might be possible.

The avatars book will also make special forces more viable with more options for their respective factions. Though not AS many models as book 2 introduced it was said so i'm still speculating on how many new characters for each faction...

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Nightmare edition of a fan favourite?

Baby Kade has also drawn a lot of people to try Malifaux for the first time. I vote for Nightmare Baby Kade, complete with victorian pram and accessory frame containing toys, dummy/pacifier and an assortment of sharp stabby objects.


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the box: nightmare so'mer teeth or Ophelia+crew?

Nightmare Gremlins would fit the "well loved" lead, and remain affordable ad a group of larger models.

Listened to the final third of the ep this morning and despair at how much I'll be dropping at Wyrd's booth: Terraclips, Avatar/alt Sonnia and maybe Colette, puppet wars...

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There are no limits per customer.

We are bringing a lot, and our storage will start filled to overflowing.

We expect that the popular items will sell out no matter what.

Last year, we offered people who could not get a sold out Gencon Special a coupon so they could order it from the site and get free shipping, so if we're sold out, there will likely be added options.

That is all :)

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There are no limits per customer.

We are bringing a lot, and our storage will start filled to overflowing.

We expect that the popular items will sell out no matter what.

Last year, we offered people who could not get a sold out Gencon Special a coupon so they could order it from the site and get free shipping, so if we're sold out, there will likely be added options.

That is all smile.gif

Will you guys be holding any of the product from day-to-day, to make sure that there is some available all the way through till Sunday? I know that runs the risk of having product left over that you have to cart home, so I understand if you're not going to do so. Offering the free shipping thing instead works as well, but it means not getting your stuff for another 1-2 weeks. That's what happened to me last year, LOL.

This would make me very glad I haven't yet ordered other Teddies for my dreamer crew.

Same here! I have the Dreamer crew and Nightmare LCB from last year, but other than Chompy, I really haven't got the rest of the crew very much finished. And I've not bought anything besides the boxset, the Daydreams, and Lelu/Lilitu. So if it IS Teddy, I will be very happy.

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