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Anybody listened to the latest Gamers Lounge podcast?

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Very sad that Molly is only a possibility for Gen Con rather than a certainty. Very excited about the Avatars. I'm only worried that a game vs. an opponent where one person has access to their avatar and the other doesn't will feel slightly like playing with a handicap. I know Eric said they are just options, and that it's hopefully not going to descend into a game of "Race for the Avatar", I'm still slightly concerned.

All in all a fantastic interview, and I'm very excited for this Gen Con.

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Very sad that Molly is only a possibility for Gen Con rather than a certainty. Very excited about the Avatars. I'm only worried that a game vs. an opponent where one person has access to their avatar and the other doesn't will feel slightly like playing with a handicap. I know Eric said they are just options, and that it's hopefully not going to descend into a game of "Race for the Avatar", I'm still slightly concerned.

All in all a fantastic interview, and I'm very excited for this Gen Con.

Huh, I thought I heard things along the lines of Avatars and Masters and Henchmen balanced against each other. And other things like "not a dramatic expansion to the power level".

Then again, I might have been listening between the recordings....


Overall, I applaud Eric at leaving me speechless at least 3 times during the interview, twice that made it onto the recording I believe!

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Huh, I thought I heard things along the lines of Avatars and Masters and Henchmen balanced against each other. And other things like "not a dramatic expansion to the power level".

Then again, I might have been listening between the recordings....


Overall, I applaud Eric at leaving me speechless at least 3 times during the interview, twice that made it onto the recording I believe!

Damn he knows how to spoil without spoiling us!

BTW you forgot one thing... And I'm not going to tell you what it is...

I'm thinking the Box is going to have to be Molly... She's the fan favourite that hasn't came out compaired with her and Kaeris.

Unless he's throwing us for a loop and it's going to be something from the next book!

As for a convertable single model with different options I'm thinking it's going to be something like one of the Riders or the Rogue Necromancy since being the Chompy size is what I can think it is...

Next is how many avatars am I going to have to buy... Currently to give Avatars to all of my Masters I'm going to need 8...

Thanks for getting as much info as you did Nix!

Can you remember how much Chompy was last year as well? I'm saving my pennies now!

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Here are my predictions:

I'm betting the nightmare single sculpt is Teddy. I don't know a model in the line that I've heard talked of with such fondness as I have heard in my local area or Online as Teddy is. Eric did say it was an already available model that everyone currently loves.

I'll wager the new version of Miss Pack is a Rotten Belle, I could be wrong but in the threads I've read more people seem to ask for an alternate Belle Sculpt than anything else (although it could be just that I read many more Resser threads)

The Alternate sculpt box....hmmm. I don't know who they are but I have a supposition that as it is a five pack, and there are five factions in the game that it will be a model from each. My guess is that it will either be a Master from each faction, or perhaps 5 of the henchmen. Which outcast henchmen would make it in I'm not sure, but I'd guess Von Shill.

Oh and Nix to clarify my point about Avatars. I know Eric said that they will be not be the automatic choice in every situation. I'm just concerned that in a game vs two people if one has their Avatar and the other doesn't it gives more options to the player who does. Since it seems that the option to go avatar is inherent in all Masters it would be like playing with some of your rules missing. If you have to pay for the ability to choose to go avatar at the beginning of the game I could see it.

Whatever it is I'm sure it will work out. I'm still very excited and want to thank you for putting together such a great podcast, been listening to you regularly since January.

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Here are my predictions:

I'm betting the nightmare single sculpt is Teddy. I don't know a model in the line that I've heard talked of with such fondness as I have heard in my local area or Online as Teddy is. Eric did say it was an already available model that everyone currently loves.

I think you might have hit the nail on the head there...

I'll wager the new version of Miss Pack is a Rotten Belle, I could be wrong but in the threads I've read more people seem to ask for an alternate Belle Sculpt than anything else (although it could be just that I read many more Resser threads)

That's something I haven't thought of and makes alot of sence... the only reason I'd think it wasn't would be that Nurse was a Resser so it might be time to move to something else... Guild Guard, Stitched Together, Preformer/mannequin or Gremlins.

The Alternate sculpt box....hmmm. I don't know who they are but I have a supposition that as it is a five pack, and there are five factions in the game that it will be a model from each. My guess is that it will either be a Master from each faction, or perhaps 5 of the henchmen. Which outcast henchmen would make it in I'm not sure, but I'd guess Von Shill.

That's an interesting one... and for those only with 1 or 2 factions then it might get them to go for more... I'm still hedging my bets on Molly though.

Oh and Nix to clarify my point about Avatars. I know Eric said that they will be not be the automatic choice in every situation. I'm just concerned that in a game vs two people if one has their Avatar and the other doesn't it gives more options to the player who does. Since it seems that the option to go avatar is inherent in all Masters it would be like playing with some of your rules missing. If you have to pay for the ability to choose to go avatar at the beginning of the game I could see it.

It all depends on what the Drawbacks to them can be... Lets say that Lady J gets a boost to attack but there might be a reduction in defence... or not able to use Soul Stones when in Avatar form...

It's really going to be a wait and see I think

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Trust me I hope Molly is coming to Gen Con. My heart and mood just seemed to sink to the floor when Eric said it was just a maybe that Molly would be there. I wanted Molly when I found the game back in January, I can't Imagine what I'd have been feeling if I'd been waiting since last summer like some people have been.

Wyrd should just send me a copy of her for services rendered. I'm designing the lighting for the summer season at a theatre in Michigan, and as relaxation I brought my crews with me to paint two recent additions to my collection. I ran a demo with my two crews for one of the shop carpenters and the game caught on like wildfire among the tech staff. Five people all went out and ordered full 35 Soulstone crews and we now have a summer league going. See Wyrd! I'm working for you! :peace:

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it may give people a SLIGHT edge but they also may be at a disadvantage using new models that they haven't played with before in a tournament setting. Especially with the stipulation of assembled/painted in a few tournaments. If a person wants to purchase assemble AND paint it all the night before I say why not?

It was said that avatars while powerful may not always be beneficial to have "out" depending on the mission. Some also have huge drawbacks to weigh them out if i remember hearing correctly. I rather play with a tried and tested crew on a tournament level rather than something i had to learn to use a few hours prior.. thats what the puppet wars tournament is for lol

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I wouldn't put money on Teddy. While he is loved by everyone, the big misunderstood stuffed bear doesn't really mix well with the idea of "extra bits/customization(paraphrased)" that Eric implied in the interview.

For the next Miss Pack, I wouldn't be surprised to see it is a Performer or Mannequin, to continue the attractive(?) lady theme, first being the Gremlinette and the second being a Nurse. Although the one thing going against the Performer/Mannequin is they are a matched pair and it would be a fiscally poor decision to use the combo. Perhaps a female Desparate Merc or Convict Gunslinger for slightly wider appeal than just one faction?

Regardless, I can't wait to find out what goodies Wyrd has in its top secret warehouse.

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I believe it was said that any miniatures/deals AT gencon for the 4 days that the convention was running that Wyrd would put up the same miniatures in the online store. Solely because they felt it sucked that people wouldn't be able to get miniatures if they didn't attend. So if i were you i would save a TON of cash for august 4-7 (gen con dates) and wait to place an order.

As far as speculation on what could be the two new "nightmare edition" models released at gencon i don't have the foggiest of ideas. Possibly "avatars" of some of the masters coming out with the new book.

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As far as speculation on what could be the two new "nightmare edition" models released at gencon i don't have the foggiest of ideas. Possibly "avatars" of some of the masters coming out with the new book.

From what Eric has said in the Aethervox and GL podcast interviews, the regular release Avatars are going to be pretty hefty, so I don't see there being a need for Nightmare versions.

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About the box of 5, ill have to listen to it again but it sounded like they were rereleasing a box as nightmare for gencon, god i hope its raspy or marcus if thats the case. Nightmare marcus beasts will be awesome, and eric has a soft spot for him.........

Belle as the miss pack is actually a good call that'd be good if it was!

Im going to be putting so much money into the online store during those 4 days its going to be incredible!

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That is an absolutely fantastic interview. Reminds me very well why I am in love with Wyrd and Malifaux.

As for the Dreamer/LCB avatar, what I would like to see is a switch- the Dreamer growing and becoming a kind of beast-boy and LCB shrinking to a size of a familiar, who maybe would be able to aid the Dreamer in the spellcasting department.

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Got through about half the podcast. Awesome interviews. I was definitely NOT expecting that many of the Avatars to be available at GenCon, so looks like I'm definitely going to have to put aside more money!

As for the Avatars, I'm not sure that I like the idea of making them legal for play the weekend of GenCon. I'm not worried about balance, as Eric stated several times that the Avatars are more of a sideways step, and not necessarily a step-up. I'm more thinking it's a tad unfair for players in the tournaments, especially if anybody was a play-tester. Those who helped with the play-testing will be MUCH more familiar with the models and stats, and if they want to take the time to quickly paint their models, it would be quite simple to have 1-2 Avatar models ready to go by Saturday's main Master of Malifaux event. If Zee and the team want the MoM event to be a judge of who really are the best players in the game, then I think it's better to leave the Book 3 stuff out for now, as I think there is the possibility of an unfair advantage there.

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