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Who is the best Malifaux Master


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I know that a lot of this depends on how you play, who you bring with them, your strategies, and who you're playing against but overall, who do you think the best Master is in Malifaux?? My favorite is easily Sonnia but I've never lost using Hoffman or Pandora (though I have easily dispatched both). My toughest fights have always been the dreamer and Ophelia. Overall who do you think wins most and who is the toughest to beat and why??

I'm sorry if this is a repeat post.

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Many people will say Hamelin is the best, and I can agree on some levels.

But when it comes to best in my terms, they must be fun to play and good, so I will chock a vote for Colette and her beautiful babes. Lol

But just straight game terms as it stands, hamelin is. IMHO.

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Putting Hamelin aside (Because look up just about any Hamelin thread and its non stop Rage of OP rants) I think your looking at LCB, Colette,and Levi, are a few of the top dogs, though most mentioned by others are mentioned for a very good reason, they are awesome as well

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The best Master is the one you mix the best with truthfully. Otherwise it's simply far to subjective a question.

If you mean best as in the most powerful killing wise? It's up for argument.

If you mean best as in the most versatile for objectives? It's up for argument again.

It all boils down to how you play the game and how that interacts with each Master. Reading threads like this does have value, especially if you follow peoples posts on the forum and do some digging into them. It's often interesting to see how responses to questions like this match up to a persons online persona and their thoughts on tactics etc.

So my answer? Whatever Master I put down on the table is the Best Master in my opinion. Be it Pandora, Lilith, Levy, McMourning, Marcus, Ramos, Kaeris, VonSchill etc. Whatever I pull out and set down is the best Master (IMO) at that moment because it is the one I'm putting myself behind.

Edited by karn987
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I think the top Tier are a case of Paper/Rock/Scissors. The top tier played well will beat rest if played properly.

I see Hamelin as being great, but Colette disappearing act on rat catchers force him to clump, then as turn 6 approaches needs to speard to thin and killed.

Colettes crew can run, but LCB or Lilith have enough mobility and high enough attack to take her out.

But Hamelins crew if played right will outlast LCB or Lilith.

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I have to agree with karn.I know Seamus isn't the "best" master in the game but i can win with him pretty consistently. Each master has strengths and weaknesses, the scenario matters too. Rethinking about the question i have to say i have changed my mind, in siding with karn i have to say what i say to all people i get into this game. The best master is the one you like the fluff for, because even when you lose you will enjoy playing the game because you love the master. :peace:

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Though If i were to say,what is the top tier masters for me? Seamus and Sonnia. Assuming equal luck on card draws,I can answer most problems in the game with one of those two masters.I say most,only because my experiences with Hamelin have unfortunately been theorycrafting.But Sybelle,several belles,two punk zombies and a hanged can put a severe crimp in Hamelins abilities. The Hanged being able to generate win wp duels or fall back(note,not a morale duel,just a wp duel or you run away) pretty much at will,combined with the ability to give certain key models -flip to wp duels means that even masters will lose a WP duel eventually. The ability to pull the ratcatchers or Nix far from their swarms and tear them apart will also make matters easier.The punk zombies ability to walk up and slice&dice the swarms finish the job. The large amounts of terrifying that the army has will make it harder for Hamelin to get to grips with the army. With Sonnia,it would probably involve some creative abuse of Cordon,combined with Flame Walls and a Governor's proxy for the second set of flame walls,and just play a rousing game of "you dont get to move past this point" Not to mention the raw hilarity of a guaranteed two VP from the Subjugate scheme.The Guardsman cordoning mean that Holdout and bodyguard both are quite likely. So your halfway to a win without doing very much actual damage to them. Not counting the sheer raw hilarity of the Stalker bombs exploding constantly.Wow...got a bit off topic there but anyways.

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It really comes down to the Master you know best. Sure some do better against others but at the end of the day the game is so varied as to what your objectives are that each master approaches those objectives differently, some really excel at denial, some manipulation, other board control, other for sheer hitting power but you will need a little bit of all of this to consistently win games. For me Seamus is 'my' best master because I started playing Malifaux with him and am extremely familiar with how he works and what his weaknesses are and how to get around them, the familiar you are with a given master the more powerful they will become in your hands.

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Fanboy time!

Sonnia. I mean, she'll straight up Violate you to win.

In all seriousness, it is dependent on who you know best. I won't repeat the same arguments everyone else has made, as that would be redundant. I've looked at some of these 'top tier' masters, and honestly, I've been a bit unimpressed. There is no one "instant win" master (well, besides pre-fix Hamelin instant win button). Any master can be epic or terrible. It all depends.

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it realy depends on how you play your master, some say rasputina is strong but can go down very easily when facing LCB or lilith. but i love playing with a master that isn't of the top, you will never see me play with LCB or pandora or hamelin, because winning with them is "easier" then winning with another master. i like the challange

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