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wargaming couples

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So after a few conversations around here, I have noticed there seem to be a few couples who game together. It seems there is a higher proportion playing malifaux or on the wyrd forums than any other forum I have ever been on.

So I was wondering how many gaming couples are on here (be it bf/gr of married or whatever). Also did you convert them or were they already gamers.

For my part- I am engaged to gamesmistress (carol) she was already a wargamer but had been on a break from the hobby. We used to play 40k but malifaux has really re-ignited the wargaming flame.

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My husband and I play. He'd heard about an escalation tournament at a new wargaming shop that had opened so him and a few friends decided they would give it a try. Initially I wasn't very impressed, I thought it was the hobby of teenage boys, but a bit of research showed otherwise so I joined in too.

That was Warhammer. We're now getting into Warmachine and, of course, Malifaux.

Our good friends live across the road from us and they also play, so that's another couple. I don't think I know any others though.

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My wife was a generic Sci-fi/fantasy nerd but getting her to game was not hard. She was pretty big into Hordes for a while. She's tried Malifaux(she is my demo guinea pig) but her current hobby of being Super Mom takes up most of her time.

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I got my fiance to play Dungeons and Dragons and Paranoia. She's really open to these types of games but wargaming might be a bit of a stretch. Her one solid argument is that the game doesn't feel like it will be as "epic" as the miniatures that represent the characters.

What she means is, when I'm laying waste to terrain with my whirlwind (40k game), she wants to see actual missiles flying instead of just using your imagination. Granted, she's also anti-chess but after seeing and playing a few games, I'm sure she'll change her verdict.

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My wife was the one who encouraged me to quit a real job to write malifaux...does that count? :D

Big thanks to your wife!

My girlfriend wasn't really into wargames (I've been playing 40k and Necromunda before) before I showed her Malifaux...now this one was what she instantly liked. We bought some starters (gremlins for her), played some games...turned out she didn't like the playstyle of gremlins, so, she's playing Raspy now :)

And she's also into RPGs, plays with us every week, and she's even a Dungeon Master sometimes :)

Yeah, I have a REALLY COOL gf!

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My fiancee used to play all the oldskool pen and paper RPG games and she picked up a few bits of 40k as she was interested in trying it. But for her to come up with a sizable army to take on my Death Korps of Krieg she would of had to cough up lots of cash so her enthusiasm sorta disappeared. She then came along to Salute with me and we discovered Malifaux.We are getting our stuff painted up at the moment. Shes gone with The Neverborn and I've picked The Ortega's. It seems to be a game that has something for everyone and appeals to both the Guys AND Gals. :flame:

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