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Absolute Newbie


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Hi all,

So my Rules Manual arrived in the post today - only had a quick flick through, but what I found interesting is that there doesn't seem to be any section on the different factions.

Is there a thread that has a brief description of all the factions, what they are good / weak at? Am I being really dumb and missing something obvious?

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Well there isnt a thread per say but there is the Malifaux wiki which gives a bit of an overview of different Masters.

What sort of playstyle are you looking for?

Magic - generally Arcanists

Resilience - generally Resurrectionists

Scary things of nightmares - Neverborn

The Law - The Guild

Plus then you have the Outcasts who are pretty much what it says on the box, a bunch of mercenaries and cutthroats whose agenda differs from the major powers, plus Bayou Gremlins.

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Cheers guys, that's perfect.

Is there an 'easier' faction that's recommended for newbies? I'm guessing the Resurrectionists if they are more resilient?

Actually the Guild is the most straightforward (and was designed to be) - most Book1 models are all about damage output, mainly ranged aswell - giving you an advantage while the mentality of your play group is still 'rush forward and crack some heads'.

It is my strong belief however, that everyone can learn to play every Master.. And in general I dislike the 'too advanced for beginners' label that alot of people like to give to various Masters.

So I'd really suggest that you just go with what you like the look/fluff/playstyle of - imo that's the only way to go, with any gamesystem (although it might be hard to have ideas about playstyle before you get into the game).

Also, very important - It's not like you're on your own with the so-called 'difficult to start with' Masters - when Malifaux was first released it took several months for the community to realize Pandoras potential and she was claimed to be underpowered - now there are long tacticas that you can read and should be able to get the grasp of her fairly quickly (will probably still take some practise, but if you're looking for help, we're all here for you ;)).

So again, go with what you like!


Aside from Seamus the Ressurectionists will actually be the most 'beginner unfriendly' Faction in my optic, simply due to the amount of models you'll need to get from the beginning (Nicodem need most of the line to be at full potential), Kirai needs several additional Spirits and McMourning has the worst starter box released as of yet (at least in my opinion, though I doubt too many will argue otherwise).


Hamelin and Som'er are also on the heavy side model wise.

Edited by Wodschow
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Ok narrowed it down to:



Colette (those show-girls....)

Lady Justice (it's the black leather)

Perdita (seems possibly the most straighforward. And its the Wild West)

Lol, only just realised my list is all female - hmm.....

Although the dreamer seems pretty cool too, but I was a bit put off by the comment on the wiki about "the hardest to get used to"

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Although the dreamer seems pretty cool too, but I was a bit put off by the comment on the wiki about "the hardest to get used to"

Yeah, he's tricky.

My advice to most newcomers is: Think about the faction that you have at least two Masters you like the. This way you can get models that will "float" between them, and end up with a lot more flexibility to handle the different situations that you'll encounter.

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Yeah, he's tricky.

My advice to most newcomers is: Think about the faction that you have at least two Masters you like the. This way you can get models that will "float" between them, and end up with a lot more flexibility to handle the different situations that you'll encounter.

Interesting advice, doesn't really work for Arcanists or Outcasts though, and Kirai is a bit odd aswell..

Edit: But for everyone else it's true! xD

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Aww but Pandora looks so good too.....

Life's full of tough choices....

If this helps, I'm just starting out too, and I was immediately drawn to Pandora and the Dreamer.

Then I too was drawn to all the eye-candy... Lilith looks great, Zoraida looks creepiily awesome, Perdita just looks badass, and on it goes...

In the end, just go with the ones you were first drawn to. Everyone said Pandora and the Dreamer are two of the hardest Masters to get used to... but I'm getting both because I like those two above all the others.

This help you out at all?

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Ahhhh but no other faction can offer you the wonders of the Resurrectionists. In the style of a barker from the world famous Cabal Bros. Carnival.

"Roll up, Roll up! Come one, Come all! Experience all the Grave Spirit offers you!

Experience the exhilaration commanding the monstrous creations of Dr. McMorning.

Thrill in the dark aura of majesty you will project at the at the head of Nicodem's undead army.

Luxuriate with the cold, sensual caresses of Seamus' Rotten Bells.


Send your foes screaming into the next world with the might of the Spirit hoards commanded by the Sorrowing Kirai.

All this and more can be yours for the low, low admission fee of trafficking with the forces of darkness & the eternal damnation of ones immortal soul.

Come one, come all! Tell your friends that you were brave enough, that you were bold enough to join the Ressurectionists."

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First off @TheRiddler Welcome to the other side of The Breach

sticking with the advice given go with you like look/fluff wise

and if your not keen work deals with your fellow players.

I myself started with Rasputina & Colette, then picked up Ophelia.

Then I traded my them for Pandora & Perdita and gave Ophelia up as a b-day gift after painting it up all perdy-like. But then....

I traded Perdita off for Nicodem and bought Mcmourning. Finding my true calling as a Ressurectionist. I have a Seamus deal in the works and will get Kirai soon enought too, then I'll just be waiting for the lovely Molly Squidpidge.

Might have save alot of time if I had heard "Fetid Strumpet's" Barker.

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I started with Colette (I was sold on the showgirls) and they are a pretty tough crew to start with and they take a wile to get used to playing. I'm still getting to grips with them really after 5 or 6 games with them so I wouldn;t call them all that beginner friendly, even more so since there's a lot going on and it's difficult to keep up with it all unless you are used to the game.

My second crew is Sonnia Criid and find her far more forgiving as a newer gamer, but been told that Lady Justice is about the easiest to run out of all the masters (not sure if this is true since I've not tried her).

If you're not to afraid of losing quite a few games while getting to grips with your crew, just throw caution to the din and go with whatever appeals to you most :)

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