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Howdy from Rochester


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I started with Malifaux last October. I looked through the Online Catalog, saw the Peacekeeper and decided I had to go with Guild :)

I bought the Perdita set and played in a halloween Event. It was a fun learning experience :)

When i finally saw Hoffman I knew I had to get him! I also picked up the Viktorias to get my brother to play

sadly I've only gotten to play three times, since my LGS (Pair-a-dice games) only seems to have events every 3 months or so :(

looking forward to playing more and getting to know people on the forums here :)

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Malifuaxians. . .Maliganders. . .Malifauxs . . . anything but Malifools. . .

The only one I've heard and didn't care for was "Malipeeps", but I remember when it seemed like the word "peeps" was being used every other word. It was not a good time to be a speaker of the English language, lol.

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Welcome to the Guild! Always nice to see another person embracing the Law and Order of Malifaux. I'm sorry to hear that you don't play as oten as you'd like. Use your LGS to start a demo/play night, and make sure the other folks who play Malifaux in your area know about it.

Good luck, and Welcome to Malifaux!

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