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Hi!I would like some advice on something!


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You see,I am a avid player of malifaux.However,I realise I can...well,a sore loser and,for some reaosn,I keep having really bad luck whit my cards.Anyhow,I wanted to know if anybody have some trick or advice for me to be more relax and keep my calm when I play.Whan I get iritated by my bad luck,I start getting negative and I know my adversarydint like it and it spoil it fun.I want to get better on this part of the game.Any Idea?

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You see,I am a avid player of malifaux.However,I realise I can...well,a sore loser and,for some reaosn,I keep having really bad luck whit my cards.Anyhow,I wanted to know if anybody have some trick or advice for me to be more relax and keep my calm when I play.Whan I get iritated by my bad luck,I start getting negative and I know my adversarydint like it and it spoil it fun.I want to get better on this part of the game.Any Idea?

I do the same thing. I am told it's something you grow out of as a gamer. I usually try to start the game off strong by Picking schemes that work well with my strategy... so if you have plant evidence as your strat, and you're playing neverborn, I would suggest reclaim Malifaux and stake a claim... If you know your opponent has to be on your half of the board, Pick schemes that pit you on his half.

Next, don't be afraid to take your time. I know Malifaux is supposed to be played fast, but if you need time to look at your options do so.

If you feel yourself start to get upset, tell your opponent you need a drink or to use the bathroom. Take a minute to cool off.

Try and keep your objectives in mind. Don't focus on what your opponent is doing quite so much. Don't let your foe control you. Try to smile as much as possible. It will improve your mood and throw your friends off.

Last of all, REMEMBER it is supposed to be fun. Good luck!!! :)

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Here is the thing in malifaux things can go down fast , but if you keep your cool it works both ways . against crews like Victoria or dreamer they are made to hit you fast and hard . no matter what against those crews your are going to lose things early , just decide what and move on bait them feed them something of your choosing and counter and take away there big hitter .

against them take things like body guard and hold ground , hide your caster or play someone that can play from the back , and shoot shoot shoot .

bad cards happen but read when it happens to them and take that turn to jump them . i find the caster or a henchman can also force a hand from some one use your soul stone to make them drop there hand , feed them your master most people take the bait and use your soul stones to force them to drop big cards for a few wounds on your master . than take that turn to attack hard with the rest of your crew .

Also taking odd crews that are not competitive help also , since there meant to lose but are a blast to play , and when you do win with them it feels double good !

Also keep your cool I had a ruff game and lost the first few turns but turned it around and squeaked out the win . I was about to quit the game ( Victoria fustrates me ) but Perdita happens and all was well . Also flipping red jokers on damage in the last 2 turns helps as well !

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Dude take a chill pill. Games are made for the enjoyment of other peoples company not for the outcome of the game!

I dont mean to sound harsh but maybe you just need to grow up a bit.

Um - while I'm not a mod here on the forums, you're definitely coming across as "harsh". I never like to lose at a game, but yes, sometimes it happens. Gamers will grow, or not, at their own pace - no need to be hostile towards a new forum member just because you can't relate.

At any rate, my advice would be to just study the game a little more - maybe watch other gamers and see how they handle situations. Frustration will occur if you're having a run of bad luck, but just try to take a positive experience away and learn from your strategic mistakes. :)

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yeah, I think the most impressive thing is that Irall identified this trait in himself, and is actively looking to work on it. Honestly, that's FAR more impressive than being born with a laid back attitude, because it takes work, and it takes someone admitting they dislike something about themselves and are willing to do that work to improve. It's something you simply won't find probably 99% of people willing to do in regards to anything, but doing it in competitive situations is...well...more impressive.

I've played with a ton of gamers over the years who got grumpy with bad luck or losing (even myself at times), and I can't think of one who admitted it as a problem, and asked for help to improve.

My best advice is to enjoy the competition of it, and don't try to overlook the fact that it IS fun to win, because tryign to do that would just be lying, lol. But also just look to find other sources of enjoyment in the gaming experience. Talk with your opponent, even about non-game stuff. Things like that, just to make the overall experience not just about winning.

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In all my own games, I have only ever become frustrated when I knew my opponent was not playing fairly... at times even contradicting themselves on rules when it suited.

This happened on the weekend at AUSCON. I was playing against a Win At All Costs player... it was not an enjoyable game.

To the OP I say, just try to enjoy the game and take enjoyment from small victories until you are able to win crushing victories. For example, I was playing the local champ and even though I lost 8 - 2 I congratulated myself in making him earn those points. I also managed to kill his toughest minion and prevent him from killing my master.

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When the game first came out a couple of years ago, I tried it out. I ended up passing on it, because the card mechanic frustrated me. It seemed like no matter what I did, my opponents always cheated in a 13 to defend, and I was always missing while they were constantly shredding my crew. This colored my impression of the game and led me to not get into it at first.

Now that I'm getting back into it, I am realizing that the cards weren't my problem. My problem was not understanding the nuances of the game. Once I came to understand that a large part of the game is forcing your opponent to burn up his hand and force tough cheating decisions, the game warmed up to me. Hand management is integral to your success in the game, and I'd encourage you to get with a knowledgeable player who can explain these subtleties to you.

I think if you can see the "game within the game" and realize that Malifaux isn't just about blowing up your opponent's models but is more about resource management, deception and attrition of resources, I think you'll enjoy the game more. Once you feel like you're in control of your Fate deck, you'll feel better about it.

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You see,I am a avid player of malifaux.However,I realise I can...well,a sore loser and,for some reaosn,I keep having really bad luck whit my cards.Anyhow,I wanted to know if anybody have some trick or advice for me to be more relax and keep my calm when I play.Whan I get iritated by my bad luck,I start getting negative and I know my adversarydint like it and it spoil it fun.I want to get better on this part of the game.Any Idea?

As an attachment to the previous statement,

A lot of the game revolves around the card mechanic, but a lot of it is just model position.

If you get the gut feeling that cards aren't going to go your way, take Stake a Claim, Breakthrough, or other similar Schemes.

That way even if combat is a total bust, you can still bank of free VP just for being somewhere.

As for the anger issues, just find yourself an anchor.

Take a seat and try to think of the rhythm of your favorite song.

It'll force your brain to focus on the chords, beats, bass, et cetera and you'll stop thinking about getting your ass kicked.

It really does help a lot.

There's other methods, though.

That's just what I do, though.

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I'm a new player with Rasputina and almost my entire game history involves people handing me my derrière. Out of thirteen games I have one win, one draw and eleven losses.

It is so disheartening to see your people killed randomly and all your schemes coming to naught, but I always remember it's a game and I'm supposed to enjoy it. I therefore focus less on winning and more on trying out combos and shoring up my tactics.

One of these days I will win and on that day I'll be happy :)

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Wow,I dint realise so many poeple reply afther my last one!I take all your comment in consideration and will apply them,since I am going to do some game today.Rhaskasha,know what?My most ofthen adversary actualy use a Rasputina crew and it ofthen end whit me dead.Anyway,I am going to give you a report today whan I get back from my hobby center!Again,thank you all for your help^^

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Well, the day came and I am happy! :D

I went to the brilliant Malifaux Tournament at the Leeds Wargaming Centre and actually managed to eak out a draw and a win against the nicest players you could imagine.

I kept my cool, concentrated on completing my strategies & schemes and not on exacting revenge. These are the skills I brought away from the tournament.

Just go into every game with the desire to have fun and you won't go far wrong. :)

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I used to get really frustrated at losing frequently in any tabletop miniature game I tried. I was convinced that I just sucked at them. Now I have a lot more fun with them, Malifaux in particular, because I approach each game as its own entity. I sit down with a friend, and over drinks and music we create a story -an encounter. It isn't important that I win because I can look back and remember interesting and/or significant and/or crazy things that happened during the game.

I get excited when my opponent cuts Teddy down from across the board with Nino's amazing repeating trigger cannon because I left Teddy just a little too exposed. That was awesome. Perdita's executions are also particularly memorable and impressive...

I still try to win with everything that I've got, but my satisfaction in a game comes more from the act of playing than the outcome.

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Bad news,I wasnt able to play because of a miss communication whit my boss at work:She said she needed me right now,so,I drive all the way back home,only to find out she only needed me at 4pm and it was 1pm......(Put French-Canadien swaer here).Anyway,I am going back to play soon^^Again,thank for your comment.

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When I am playing a game (any game, I play a few) and it's getting to me (usually through the means of a bad opponent with a poor attitude) I ten to close my eyes, shut it all out for a moment and take a deep breath. If that doesn't work, I'll excuse myself and go for a quick toilet break (usually this means me going for a quick cigarette). Those brief minutes of a time out can work wonders and you can go back to the game wit ha fresh, calmer attitude.

This can happen even when I am winning a game, a bad opponent is a bad opponent either way round. At a recent 40k tournament I had 2 diabolical players back to back. One kept trying to cheat and when I called him on it he gave me a big fat 0 for sportsmanship (even though I'd let him use my tape measure, dice and templates since he didn't bring his own) and the other was a win at all costs rules lawyer (who often got rules wrong I might add). I did go on to win both games (tabled the first opponent) they did spoil my mood and was glad lunch followed since it gave me time to calm down and restore my inner peace.

Sadly, sometimes you have to put up with bad gaming experiences, thankfully there are more good than bad experiences in the hobby (or so my 27 years of gaming have taught me, lol).

Anyway, I went off track a bit. If you find the pressure a bit much and you're getting aggravated, take a time out like a toilet break. Those few minutes can do a world of good :)

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lrall, you should let us all know how your next few games go. Keep us in the loop; I'd +1 Eric's earlier post and say that it's an awesome thing to see that you've identified something in yourself you want to change and that you're working toward it.

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I actualy just finish one before going home.I manage to keep my calm and stay focus,whitout getting cranky or negatif.However.....God was I feeling anoyed.The game was a one side slaugther,whit raputina killing half of my crew herself.I know Gremlin arent that strong,but for god sake!

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Aww, sorry to hear that; Raspy can be evil sometimes (butI still love her).

Remember if she can't see you, she can't shoot you. Use cover and get your strategies and schemes avoiding her firing range if possible.

Glad to hear you're keeping your cool. You'll get it soon, then you'll feel good. :)

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