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V2 Card fiasco


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So its been many months since our Henchmen informed us at the LGS about the cards. We gave our lists, and we waited, and waited, and are still waiting.

I go to the site to just take care of it myself and the deadline was March 15th.

WYRD - Where are the V2 cards?

Wow. "Fiasco" is a bit harsh don't you think?

When did your Henchman submit their list? Did you talk to your Henchman?

We've received HUNDREDS of redemptions. And not all of them have been filled yet. Mainly because we've run out of cards in the warehouse for some models.

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To clarify as I've been watching the numbers, closer to several thousand packages, with two people working them near full time for three months and only on this last Monday did cards for two models run out and were reordered.

If your henchman waited till the last minute to send it in (and quite a few did) then obviously its going to be the last ones filled despite when he got your particular numbers.

All else fails contact your henchman for clarification or failing that, Zee who oversees the redemption program (Zee@Wyrd-games.net).

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That depends on the models you picked up.


To elaborate on WS' response, if the models are from the first core rulebook, then you need to check the cards for a little "v2" down in the corner to make sure they are the most up to date.

If the models are from the second expansion rulebook "Rising Powers" then they are up-to-date (minus any specific errata).

To figure out which book they are from if you don't own either, you could:

A.) Provide a list of what you bought and people can tell you what book they are from if they are feeling helpful.


B.) Look at the v2 Stat card PDFs (links in the left-hand column of this website) for the appropriate faction. If you see the model in those PDFs that means they are from the 1st book. If they are not in the PDFs then they are from the 2nd book.

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All else fails contact your henchman for clarification or failing that, Zee who oversees the redemption program (Zee@Wyrd-games.net).

Careful though, he's prescient! He told me when mine would arrive to the day. I still fear that he may know more about me than he let on...

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I bought the Rasputina box, Dreamer box and Kirai box...do any of those need the updating?

If they do, since the deadline for free updates has passed, how would I update?

EDIT: Seems only Rasputina and her crew need updating I think?

Edited by Wild
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Check the bottom right front of the card (the side with the master and listed stats.) At the bottom all your models from the raspy box set should have v2 in small print.

Dreamer and kirai boxset do not have v2 cards, in fact nothing from book 2 has v2 cards. For the future click the link on left under v2 statcards. That let's you download the pdf of each factions v2 cards if model is does not have a pdf card under that download that means there is not a v2 card for it.

Hope that helps.

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It's also worth checking your v2 cards against the ones in the pdf as in some cases there's more than one v2 card about as they made changes to them. I know this is the case with Leveticus and Sorrows not sure about any others but worth double checking them so you know whether you've got the right rules or not.

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