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Yeah, Friday is the legal part (in Germany, you have to be married by the state before you can marry at a church), and Saturday is the church part with all the guests and the cake and loads of alcohol. And then, I'm off to Rome for a week.


I think it should be that way everywhere.


Watching Dirial post only helpfully and on topic is like watching a monkey pretend to be a person. It's just awkward and disturbing.



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Not sure if restraint... or just constipated?


Well, look at the way derailed threads usually went... It's not much of a difference. :D




He has earned a little comeback, I think. After all, he still comes in here, despite his claims of needing showers.


(I'll not say that that's a win, because he will just delete it. :P )

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It's just going to keep building and building, until an all consuming torrent spews forth unto the forums... kinda like


We'll see. If it comes to that, I will surely blame zFiend.


Why? Because it's the right thing to do!

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To change the subject just a tiddly taddly bit,


Roll out for the meatball tour!


The magical meatball tour!


The magical meatball tour is coming to take you away...!


And this, my friends, is how I spend my thinking time. :D

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I just wanted an excuse to reference that gif.


Not sure if priming minis on the sprue is worth it if these Mantic Zombies I'm working on are any indication. I am sure there are specific instances (priming different parts in different colors, for example), but by default, it seems like more trouble than it's worth. Scrape, scrape, scrape...

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I have 60 Zombies, 9 Werewolves, 10 Revenant Cavalry, and two Heroes. I am going to be picky about mold lines on the Heroes and Wolves because they will stand out. I will be kinda picky about the Rev Cav, and not much on the Zombies. That's 81 models to paint between now and May 22nd, and that's assuming I don't want to paint anything else for that weekend (like Dreadball teams- don't know if there's going to be any Malifaux beyond demos).

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Myyrä proposed this for Dita's conflux

Friendly family minions within :aura 1 get Manipulative 6.

I think we could do better. After all, there are Family Minions. Peon would be worse because it would require Abuela.

What do you think is the worst thing Dita could get?

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Myyrä proposed this for Dita's conflux

I think we could do better. After all, there are Family Minions. Peon would be worse because it would require Abuela.

What do you think is the worst thing Dita could get?

probably syphilis and/or gonorrhea. But worst for us? I'd say the Hands Off! trigger from the Nurses.

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You should have some parameters here.

I mean, "After flipping initiative, lose the game" would be worse.

The Ability has to be technically beneficial and possible to use.

Yeah, of course. In that regard, Myyrä was off to a good start.

What about "Friendly Family models may discard a card to gain the Guild Marshal characteristic till the end of turn."?

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Nah, I finished those Belles already. Along with the Dead rider. I am working on 3 Autopsies and Simulacrum atm.


Simulacrum will be a really strange Emissary proxy. That fragile, mobile thing the Ressers got?


At least the Master will not be somewhere in it.

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