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The odds against it aren't all that unlikely. I wouldn't plan on it happening, but I expect to see that sort of hand several times over a year. (of course with my luck, never whilst I'm actually palying this list, but you can't have everything)

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Wyrd is awesome because it makes you want models because you want them. Unlike GW/PP which make you buy models because you have to. 

Mostly true, I still raid ebay on a regular basis for Chaos Dwarfs and Sisters of Battle and ONE MISSING House Escher Sculpt 

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Ooh I used to have House Escher stuff...


I will have a look if its still around at my Mum's house at some point..i bet I could make a nice amount on ebay now lol..  However, if I do find some Deluge, I will let you know and then go from there..

I'm desperately searching for this one



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I will try and get over there at some point and have a look..


I can't say it looks familiar but then its probably almost 25 years since I last saw inside the Necromunda box!

I doubt you'd have it. Last one I saw went for £85.00 on ebay. Plasma cannon one for £110.00. I'm not that desperate

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Between my husband and I we have every master. In a few cases my husband and I have the same master twice. (Lady Justice, Rasputina, Kaeris, Somer, Marcus, Lucius) I have doubles of many crews in both metal and plastic. (for example, I have three metal lady justices and one plastic perdita and two metal perditas, and a bunch of other doubles).




I don't have a problem. Nope.

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I have a habit of picking up cheap Malifaux boxes whenever I see them, so I can give them away to new players... or just store them in my closet.  At one point I thought I might like to paint up some extra crews and try to sell them.  But I never have.  :P

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Do you guys sometimes have these... moments of weakness? Like you watch kung-fu movie and suddenly think: "I like kung-fu. I would like to purchase Shenlong even though I haven't even finished this and that." Next day you read a story about Molly and think: "Heh, Molly. I would like to..." Day after that you see some preview...

If I was starting with Malifaux right now, knowing everything that I know, I would choose Zoraida again, it's just... Do I have low Wp? Is this normal?


No, I don't. Well, yes to the thoughts, but never moments of weakness. ZFiend kept me from getting Molly (a real friend, he is), and my brother lent me Mei Feng, so I'm out of danger for the time being.

Additional Note: Still need Kirai, Ironsides, Jack Daw, Ulix, Mah Tucket and Brewmaster. Perdita I would only buy for the rest of the models, not her. The other Masters don't interest me.

Would you sell me the box Dita? I need her right arm....

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It's possible. I would probably just charge you the shipping at that point. But that is an "after all other boxes" thing, like me buying Lilith just for Barbaros. No luck contacting Wyrd to get a replacement arm? 


To be honest, the metal Dita's were superior sculpts

Not tried yet. Vacation and stuff.

Alt Perdita was a butter face, but the original sculpt is awesome. I like the plastic sculpts a lot as well, though.

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