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Experimenting with Clear Bases


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I've been experimenting with creating clear resin versions of some of my bases to use with a Rasputina crew. I think I found the right product now it's just a matter of trouble shooting some of the kinks in the process (namely mixing issues and setting time).

Has anyone had any experience with casting clear resin, if so any tips?


As you can see from the photo, I set the bases down thinking they were set and the bottoms were just tacky enough to pull up the material I set them on.

Edited by jmp_mydog
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I like the idea, but it seems like a lot of work.

THere is a company that makes clear resin bases:


Of course if you enjoy the process, more power to ya!

It's a bit of a pain, but I think it will be worth it once I get all the kinks worked out.

The laser cut is a good idea, but these are 3-dimensional. Basically I took my rock base mold and am doing a clear version. It's amazing how much the rocks look like chunks of ice.

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Awesome idea!

If you want to try to torture yourself you can try for a two layer process to make the details stand out a bit more. You can fill the mold most of the way with your clear resin, then after it dries, use a slightly tinted blue layer to act as the wide base part.

This way, when you flip it over you have clear ice over a slightly tinted layer to make the clear ice blocks stand out more.

I saw someone try something like that about a year ago. I think on Dakka Dakka. It may be worth a search on their forums.

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I like this idea. I agree that a bit of tinting is a good idea. The secret with clear resin is 'a little goes a long way' so don't overdue any tinting, just a drop of paint or better an ink will make a huge difference in color.

as for your tacky problem, that just means let them sit longer. a friend of mine made several bases with water effects on them and said to wait at least 24 hours before touching them at all. These being thicker you may want to wait even longer.

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  • 3 months later...

I was contemplating trying clear\baseless models. Never got around to it because I wanted to play with the models too quickly.

I figure if you make a 30 mm circle mold, and remove the bar from the feet of a painted model, then hang the model using copper wire to hold it still in the mold then pour clear resin into the mold it should trapping the feet in the resin making for a clear base.

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I've been experimenting with creating clear resin versions of some of my bases to use with a Rasputina crew. I think I found the right product now it's just a matter of trouble shooting some of the kinks in the process (namely mixing issues and setting time).

Mind if I ask which product you settled on!?

If you nail down the timing do let us know :D

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