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Wallet vs Malifaux

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My name's Mark, and I have a problem.

Just went on Maelstrom to order a Lady Justice box (my sworn enemy! My ancestors will be turning in their graves!) and obviously the hats and guns blister is almost compulsory (so the Judge and Lady J can kick undead ass in style). But then I thought, "She's going to need a totem too, eh? Hmmm, her Scales of Justice is a rather nice model, and I can see it's abilities being quite handy. Oh an executioner wouldn't go amiss would it, nice bit of melee support? He'd look just dandy in that bowler hat too......Hmmm, they'd look really cool on those Graveyard bases wouldn't they?"


It's lucky I don't have kids or they'd be pretty damned hungry about now.

I feel better having spoke about that. Thanks for your support.

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LOL you're not alone. I got a small raise recently which will amount to about $50 extra per month. My first thought...."SWEET! That will pay for my monthly Malifaux addiction!" :P

For instance, I already have Hoffman on order at the LGS, and I recently won a Gift Certificate for the LGS. Rather than wait till Hoff arrives and use the GC for that, I instead used it to buy a Levi box set. :wacko:

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I'm currently suffering from withdrawl symptons (imagine the baby scene from Trainspotting). I want Lucius, I want Hoffman, I want Colette, I want Hamelin, I want Kirai, I want Collodi and.. and.. I want money with which to shower Wyrd with, like a man who thinks he's a rain cloud and heard someone say he's thirsty.

But, if someone could pay me to go to rehab that'd be nice as I can't be trusted wih money anymore.

If it's not wyrd then I'm only gonna waste it on making stupid films. I know where I want it to go (clue: it ain't a bank)

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Well I had so much of a problem my wallet is in the hands of my wife, now I need to to pimp out my painting services in exchange for crews, however I am finishing all my painting before I do that though, so at least its good motivation.

Indeed. That is how I manage my addiction for the most part...pimping out my panting skills lol. I just really need to get a camera so I can start doing it professionally lol.

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lol i might use that.

A word of caution if treading this path; most, if not all, women will compartmentalise things like hair-do, nails and other beauty and pampering sessions as a monthly bill rather than non-necessary expenditure.

To a female, guys have no such equivalent unless the money is being spent on said female.

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To a female, guys have no such equivalent unless the money is being spent on said female.

Lucky for me, my girlfriend fully supports my gaming habit-addiction. She is even interested in the models now that I have started playing Malifaux.

I think I will train her first paintbrush upon some old Skaven that I will never play. Just so she can learn the basics. Then paint up my Gremlins and Seamus and then show her the beauty of the game itself. :D

She has her beads-jewelry design thing, and scrapbooking and SCA. I have minis. It works out to give us our own space and down time from each other.

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