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Hanging up the Zoraida Boots...which Master next?


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I've been playing Zoraida almost exclusively for about a year now. I have most of the models available to her, I've written (and am updating) a huge tactica article on her, I've commented on almost every post about Zoraida for a year and talked about Zoraida for 2 hours on a podcast. The only thing I haven't done is attend a tournament with her (my first is in two weeks) but regardless of that, I think I can confidently say that I've Mastered Zoraida and how she works.

So it's time for me to move on. I've decided to retire old Saggy Bags and start regularly playing a new master...at least until some book 3 comes out of course. :D

The question then, is which one? There's a few I have in mind but I'm still swaying between which to go for. So what does one do when one can't decide? Why, make a poll of course! :D

So here are the Masters I've knocked it down to;

Leveticus - The one man Apocalypse! I already have 30SS purely for him (more if I start counting the constructs/undead I have for Z) but lack the Steampunk Abominations/Deso Engine. It'd be a good opportunity to expand my meagre collection of constructs and Undead. What I have is also completely painted, so there's no catching up before I get any more models.

Marcus - I do love the underdog and I do love a challenge. ;) I really like his fast playstyle and his toolbox of abilities/spells gives him some great options vs a wide variety of opponents. The fact that he's generally viewed as one of the worst masters in the game is a bonus. Once again, I've got most of what I want for him, but for the most part they're unpainted.

Hoffman - Aside from his support aspect, he plays nothing like Zoraida tends to. He'sall about armour resiliance, and bunching up into a big death-ball, so I'd have to relearn my playstyle if I want to use this guy. The only guild model I have is Papa Loco, so this'd require me to buy the crew from scratch. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's certainly a consideration.

Lady Justice - Playing a pure Melee Beatstick Master would be a big change from Zoraida, but my main motivation in getting LJ would be the gorgeous models. Like Hoffman, I have almost no guild so this'd be from scratch.

Lucius - Zoraida for the Guild! He's got alot of movement and obey-style tricks up his sleeve, which definitely appeals to me. But playstyle aside, the models are great and I already have a nice colour scheme in mind (with pink as a minor colour :rolleyes: ). Getting Lucius will inevitably lead me into getting LJ and the Hoff and visa versa, since the Lucius starter comes with models I'd want for them (Lawyer and Ryle, respectively).

Viktorias - I've always wanted to do a Powerpuff Girls theme with the Viks but the playstyle seemed a little bland to me. Then I thought more about the shenanigans you could do with student of conflict and boomeranging Viks for hit & run attacks. Throw in Hamelin for some awesome control spells and I changed my mind. :D I actually have a respectable chunk of the Mercs I'd want so I really only need to buy the Viks & Student to make this crew. It would also mean that for the first time, I might have a crew where some of the models aren't pink! :eek:

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Well Rath, it seems as if we keep some things in common with what crews we are doing. I have Levi and Lady J and am looking at branching out to Marcus as well.

I have abstained from voting but think Levi or Marcus would be best for you (and having played you a few times). Marcus is a toolbox and I think he might have a little steeper learning curve and getting his activation sequence right but I can see some really nice combos and he seems as if he can complete a lot of starts and schemes and can take on a wide variety of masters being able to exploit a few things too.

Levi to me just looks fun and the fact he has such a wide minion pool to choose form means whilst he will pretty well keep doing the same thing how his crew operates around him will vary greatly.

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I'm going with Hoffman. He has enough to make him interesting and is going to be new and shiney, as are his tactics. After listening to your Zoraida interview on the Aethervox (you did a great job on that by the way, even though I don't play her, I found it very interesting) I just don't see any of the crews like Justice holding your interest for long. You went into such depth about the tricks you had worked out for Z, and I got the impression this is part of what makes the game great for you.

"Welcome to the Aethervox, here's Rathnard again, he has some advice today about LJ who he started playing recently:

(A sad and dejected Rathnard voice fills the airwaves) Well, what you do is, you walk up and hit stuff :( "

So I'm personally voting for Hoffmann, because I have an interest in him and would like to see you do a tactica on him, but as long as you promise not to take a straight forward crew I'll be happy with any choice you make :D


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Heh, well if I really get into a particular Master, there's a good chance I'll be writing some kind of Tactica. ;)

The two I'd probably least likely write a tactica for are Lady Justice and the Viks. LJ is a Master I'd do for the painting rather than gaming, so I kind of suspect I'd move on from her before long. The Viks have potential and I certainly find their playstyle more interesting than LJ but again, part of the draw is the Powerpuff Girls paint scheme. :rolleyes:

And yes, James is absolutely right about what I enjoy about Malifaux - it's the variety of tricks and the depth of playstyle that gets me, which is why I've stuck with Z for so long.

EDIT: So we've got Marcus in the lead followed by the Viks. So far it looks like a race between those two.

Edited by Rathnard
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Lady Boobies for the win! Seriously, she may be a simple master to learn but the minis are awesome. And believe me once you start collecting the Guild, you won't stop! I know, I've been there!

I got Lady J, even though her beatstick approach is one I usually avoid in gaming. However, once I started looking at guild... yeah, I just want more. And more. And more... o.0

Guild Austringers are really cool models, in my limited experience, and are great molds. The death marshals go without saying...

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I'm with you on the Victoria's. They are surprisingly flexible and tactical. They are not as one dimensional as you might first think. I've really enjoyed playing them.

However, my vote was for Lady Justice. She strikes me as the polar opposite from the master you've been playing. Game play will be totally different. And I for one love variety.

And yes. Another reason is that the miniatures look amazing!

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Well with about 50% of the vote I think we have a winner...Marcus!

That's probably a good thing from a painting perspective - I'll actually have to paint my existing models before getting more beasts. ;)

A tactica is in the works - hell, I even started taking some notes since my first game with him. :D Now I just need to figure out a decent way of painting Marcus' skin.

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