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Gamer, modeller or painter?

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Painter, Modeler, Gamer.

Although it changes with each game system. 40k I am very much a painter and modeler first. I just love the background ( although the newer stuff is awful) and the whole universe.

I just loving converting and make awesome models. With 40k gaming takes a very large backseat, been collecting 40k for the last 4 years and played only 3 games.

With Malifaux I am more a painter/gamer/modeler. I would maybe even put gamer before painter but then I only game with painted models, so I need to paint to play.

I am not a modeler with Malifaux, there is no need to convert the models so I dont. With 40k I feel the models dont live up to the artwork or fluff so I feel I have to improve them, but not with Wyrd.

With Malifaux I actually love the rules and try and find cool combos and tactics. With 40k I dont really care about the gameplay as I find it to simple so the only thing keeping me there are fluff and painting/modeling.

Within 3 months of finding this game I was heading to my first tourney. I play Malifaux for the rules not just the story as with 40k.

It does help that Malifaux also has amazing fluff so its a win win for me.

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Gamer: 95%

Modeler: 5%

Painter: less then 0%

I love to game whether it's 360, TT, board games, etc.

Painting just isn't fun for me, I do not have very good skills and I do not have the patience to improve. It seems every time I sit down and tell myself to take time and do it right, the moment I screw up something it's immediate frustration and I walk away. In fact I'm trying to fire myself up to sit down and get my Malifaux figs painted but I have paint anxiety.

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