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Downtown Malifaux WIP


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WIP shot of a terrain setup I am making, primarily to play Malifaux. I was just laying them out to see how much more I need to make, thought I would take a WIP shot. I figure I need a few more road sections, about 5-6 more buildings plus a few more wall sections and some more crates etc to scatter around for cover.

The base is a couple of sheets of foamcore, hinged together with duck tape so it folds in half for easy storage. This has the basic stone tiling all over. The roads are then seperate bits of card stuck on with tiny bits of blutac, as are the buildings, so the whole thing is pretty modular.

Its slightly narrower and longer than the "standard" 3' x 3' Malifaux board, more like 2'6" x 3'6". I have a vague plan to turn it into a dockside area using water to one side with some little piers and boats - so one crew can arrive by river! Also want to make some ramps and risers to inject some 3D-ness to proceedings, but I'm concentrating on getting enough buildings first ready for a game in a couple of weeks.

The whole thing is currently Dave Graffam (www.davesgames.net) stuff, his models are all pretty easy to make, pretty cheap but great quality, I can highly recommend. Nice thing is that a lot of the pdfs are multi-layer, allowing you to make several versions of the same building that look totally different.

Edited by waferthinninja
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They are cardstock (210g/sm). They are very light, but will stay where they are well enough when stuck down with blutac. They are quite sturdy, but would not survive, for example, being sat on - but then you have the pdfs so if one does suffer such a terrible fate, just make a new one. It only takes about an hour or two to put one together, depending on the complexity; fiddly bits like chimneys and dormers take as long as the rest of the building.

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The layout is about 2ft 6in x 3ft 6in. Enlarging to the side with a water area with piers/docks will bring the whole layout to about 3ft 6in x 3ft 6in - about right as might we be playing 3-4 player games.

The roads are actually not WWG Himmelveil ones, everything in the picture is from Daves Games (http:\\www.davesgames.net). I figured everything would look better from one manufacturer as they tend to have the same overall "feel". I do have the Himmelveil pdfs too - the main reason I didn't use those streets (which are arguably nicer) is that the "blank/no road" square didn't tile as well - the 6" squares were really obvious.

It definitely quick and easy compared to making "normal" terrain (i.e. out of foamcore, balsa wood etc), looks just as nice IMHO and requires no artistic ability. The whole of what you see in the picture was put together over a week or two of evenings.

I would say a decent printer is a must, prob the only real barrier - I used to have an inkjet which produced results which were either too dark, or washed out if I used economy mode, and I would get through ink cartridges like noones business, and if I went a few months without printing they would dry up and I'd need new ones. I got a colour laser (Brother HL-4040CN) and its fantastic - prints are clearer, faster, and though the toner is expensive to refill, I must have printed 500 full colour sheets and the readouts still say full. YMMV though, I know a lot of people prefer inkjets.

I have the pdfs to make ramps and risers for some multi-level goodness, but I'm dubious about them being sturdy enough made from just card, so I will prob make from foamcore and use the textures to skin them. There are buildings with balconies and the like for gargoyle perching, but I've not built any of them yet. I have a game in less than 2 weeks, so I want to get enough terrain to fill the board, then worry about stuff like that later.

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FLitting over to the Dave websit eand I see ... quite a lot of neat stuff, actually.

Might I ask which buildings you're using?

Warehouse of Rakes Corner

Cottage of Rakes Corner

Apothecary of Rakes Corner

Walls of Rakes Corner

Low Street Buildings Bundle

Ground Tiles Bundle

Coachhouse (this one is free)

Hovel (free)

Also just bought the Clock Tower and Jumble House though they aren't in the picture.

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I'm torn. After building the hovel (Super easy!) and the Coachhouse (Tricky, but not bad), I start glancing at the ones that aren't free and the City bundle for $25 is awful tempting. Several houses of assorted sizes, the clock tower, multi-story places ... all look good, but, I wonder how they play? I mean, larger buildings with removable rooftops = awesome, but these buildings, while sized properly, are kinda small and not very gaming-friendly from the first glance.

But, man, that clock tower's pretty...

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Looking very good. Very clean and crisp. I have some of Dave Graffam's stuff, and while I prefer the flexibility of WWG, Dave Graffam's multiple texture layers are a big bonus.

They are quite sturdy, but would not survive, for example, being sat on
This seems to be the default comment about cardstock terrain, and I don't know why. Seriously, people - when was the last time any of you actually sat on your terrain, cardstock or not? ;)
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I wonder how they play? I mean, larger buildings with removable rooftops = awesome, but these buildings, while sized properly, are kinda small and not very gaming-friendly from the first glance.

We are still learning the game, so part of the idea is for the terrain to look nice but be really basic rules-wise. The buildings just sit there blocking LOS, nice and simple. Its one less thing to have to think about, lets you concentrate on learning the characters abilities.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Finished Malifaux Docks by waferthinninja, on Flickr

This is the finished board I set up for the game (almost, I think I subsequently moved a couple of buildings around to balance it out a bit). I put the warehousey buildings along the waterside, a sort of open public gathering area in front of the clock tower in the middle, slums towards one corner and a slightly fancier walled area to the other corner.

Jon took some better photos, hopefully he will post a battle report before too long. We played a sort of 4 player game - a 35ss Brawl, each person taking control of one Master. It worked out fine, we had a great time, though it did take about 6 hours; 2 people had never played before, I have played one game, and Jon had only played a handful.

The boat did not survive the day - in several seperate incidents Hurricane Jon managed to first knock the sails off, then smack down the mast! Nothing some big gobbets of glue won't fix :)

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The water is from the WWG "The Maiden" - a massive galleon ship (I have one partly made but I am procrastinating about how to do the rigging). The water is literally just printed on thin card and stuck directly to the table with blutac, giving the dock has a slight elevation to it. The water is a 12 page printout (3x4, each 7"x7") meant to make a large rectangular area. I used pages 5-8, then another copy of I think pages 5-6 (or maybe 7-8, I forget) - the join being on a darkish edge which disguises the discontinuity.

The clock tower is sitting on a little 1" platform (which is a simple box reinforced with foamcore), with the stairs leading up being part of a bridge I've also made (next time we play we may use the water tiles as a river).

The boats are Dave Graffam models just like the building - "Patrol Boat" and "Smuggler's Rowboat".

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That looks really nice, good job. Some thoughts:

I have an aversion to paper terrain, I haven't been able to get over it, personal problem. You say it is sturdy but wouldn't stand up to being sat on. How about stuck in a rubbermaid and driven around for a couple of hours regularly?

Also, these buildings aren't modular correct? Meaning you can't go inside of them? What is the point of having three story buildings if you can't get up in them? A five inch (sorry 12cm) tall building would be sufficient to block any and all line of sight. That said it does look nice. Keep up the good work.

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I think they'd probably be fine, though to be honest I'd prob make something sturdier if I was transporting them every week or something. Its not an issue for me as I only plan on moving them between my spare room and my kitchen!

If you like the look but not the paper, you can always make them from foamcore, then use the textures to "skin" them. This is a significantly greater amount of effort (and a little more cost), but they would be plenty sturdy for the rigours of regular play.

I guess it is a case of personal preference, but I'm not fussed about building interiors - they are not very practical; you have to take the roofs and levels off, then find somewhere to put them (this is how terrain gets sat on!) and then if you have figures on multiple levels you have to perform these operations without sliding the figures around. In the case of Malifaux, I get the idea it wasn't really designed with this sort of terrain in mind. Consider the affect of multiple level buildings on the wording of abilities that let you ignore terrain like float and fly.

Bottom line, works great for me as it is, YMMV ;)

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That looks really nice, good job. Some thoughts:

I have an aversion to paper terrain, I haven't been able to get over it, personal problem. You say it is sturdy but wouldn't stand up to being sat on. How about stuck in a rubbermaid and driven around for a couple of hours regularly?

Also, these buildings aren't modular correct? Meaning you can't go inside of them? What is the point of having three story buildings if you can't get up in them? A five inch (sorry 12cm) tall building would be sufficient to block any and all line of sight. That said it does look nice. Keep up the good work.

I have paper terrain in the back of my truck (in the camper shell) in a cardboard box. It's done pretty well. I printed mine on 110 weight cardstock. On some blogs that I've read people have used everything from foam core (which is pretty thick) to artist's mounting board (check out Vampifan's blog, he details it really well).

World Works Games stuff is modular. Most of what they sell can be played both inside and outside of quite easily. They were a great choice for doing the upcoming tangible goods for Malifaux ( TerraClips, which is really just a logical progression of their TerrainLinx line, although they were conceived in reverse order). The .pdf's they design really are pretty awesome, and the modularity of their lines makes the work pretty well worth it.

Dave Graffam's work isn't modular, it's designed to be played around and on top of. He does beautiful work, for purpose built facades.

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