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So my LGS caught a couple players cheating


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happened last week. we have a decent ammount of Malifaux players at our store..4-6 at any one time on our monday gaming and we managed to catch a couple of the guys cheating recentley

how does one cheat at malifaux you may ask...it seems they had purchased several decks and had literally taken out all the low cards and stacked them with high cards. It was only with a sharp eyed player that noticed one of the guys layed down 2 cards that were both 12 of crows did anyone pick up on what they were doing and after checking thier decks and finding out what they had done were they asked to leave

it disheartens me that people would go to these lengths to cheat at a game...but there you have it

just a worde of caution to people out there that people do literally "stack the deck' in thier favor

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That really is pathetic.

I guess you lucked out that one of the cheaters is such a leprous retard that he forgot that he was cheating, and played two of the same card. What a muppet!

Good riddance to bad rubbish, but terrible that you guys should have to experience this.

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They must have been really dedicated to cheating if they had bought 2 decks of the same color...

(statistically, they only would have needed to buy 2 decks, and they could replace all of the 1-6 cards with 13-8 cards.)

This reminds me of one game I played where I SWEAR TO GOD I had lost my Red Joker, because I didn't flip/draw the damnable thing once in the entire game (not even for initiative). I looked through my deck at the end of the game and it was at the very bottom of the deck... makes me wonder if it was there all game >.<

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"Lies make baby Jesus cry."

―Todd Flanders

Even with dice games people have been caught bringing in weighted dice to increase their chances of success. I know of one large (40-50ish players) tournament where one player brought a 40k army that was a 300-400 points over the 1750pt limit, without a list, and claimed ignorance when he was finally busted in the last round (at the head table of course).

I think it's sad that some people seem to enjoy going to these lengths despite the hollow victory they will earn in doing so.

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When it is all boiled down to its basic context, what we have is a game of pretty pewter miniatures, played on wonderful terrain of the imagination, and utterly subject to the mercurial whims of Fate.

Winning such a game is no testament to any degree of pure skill (as is chess), nor social significance.

Anybody so utterly focused on winning these games that they'd go to any great lengths qualify immediately as Very Sad Gits!



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Sad, very very sad...

Of course, even doing a deck check before a game won't avoid all forms of cheating. Some people can do some very nifty slieght of hand tricks when shuffling a deck. It's sad, but people do cheat and in any sort of game someone who wants to cheat can find a way to do it.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... won't happen cause after the 1st time I kicked you in the nuts and don't play with you anymore.

Like Poker, when Malifaux is on ESPN we'll have to have a dealer at each table ;)

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I always pass my deck off to my opponent to shuffle. kinda fosters the same sence of treatment in return.

course im the kinda guy who will also print up his list before hand with points and book and page refrences on them to hand to my opponent so he can look it over before playing-thats mostly for FoW I do that.

Back in my Fantasy days ~cough15yearsago~cough~ we had a guy we were pretty sure was using loaded dice...so we all got together and whenever he showed up we would all claim we forgott our dice and have to use his. of course he stomped his feet and blustered about it...but eventually stopped brining those dice

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back in my fantasy days ~cough15yearsago~cough~ we had a guy we were pretty sure was using loaded dice...so we all got together and whenever he showed up we would all claim we forgott our dice and have to use his. Of course he stomped his feet and blustered about it...but eventually stopped brining those dice


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Pretty sad really what exactly was they trying to achive? Sure they would start too win a lot but that would then draw more attention too them anyway and then I am sure that their cheating ways would then have been discovered. Now they end up with not being able to play at their local games store and end up looking really pathetic as well.

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Pretty sad really what exactly was they trying to achive? Sure they would start too win a lot but that would then draw more attention too them anyway and then I am sure that their cheating ways would then have been discovered. Now they end up with not being able to play at their local games store and end up looking really pathetic as well.

well the funny thing is that even with the stacked decks they really didnt win alot which is why they probley flew under the radar for so long

they migrated to Malifaux from 40k...and were trying to play it using 40k style tatics....

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