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The Undertaker's Lot.

Jonas Albrecht

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I don't know, I love Punk Zombies.

They may not hit as hard but they almost always hit. With Paired weapons and combat 7, they are monsters.

I have come to use the Vultures more and more. I just forget sometimes to use Eyes and Ears. Same with Putrefy...

You might want to pick up Killjoy, Sebastian, and/or Mortimer.

I personally don't like him but...to each their own.

I like the Crooked Men, minefields are Lilith's nightmare hehe

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Necropunks and Bette Noir.

The former because their speed allows them to capture objectives and brings maneuverability to a Master than often lacks it. They are also remarkably resilient with both Hard to Kill and Slow to Die.

The latter because she is arguably a better heavy-hitter than Killjoy, and can operate reliably and independently outside of Nicodem's buff bubble (if she is inside it, all the better!). Granted, she cannot be summoned, but her points are worth spending particularly since you can summon the other undead depending upon your opponent, encounter and scheme.

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If you're killing off dogs you can get Bete in play from that.

Yeah but that brings her into play during your turn. And she is way to much of a target(and fragile) to leave her out like that.

I still stick by the law that I always bring out Bete after my opponent kills one of my models. That way I can almost assure one activation with her before she gets buried again.

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The reason I like KJ more is because he isn't as fragile as Bete.

In order for her to cast her spell to come back to life you need to save a higher card for it. I would rather use those for KJ to beat on people.

Also, if you are going against Sonnia and she smacks her with that sword...

well you're silenced and pretty much dead.

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I stand corrected on the usefulness of Canine Remains. I had two today and, playing against Lilith with Assassinate, I Drained Soul on both of them, and brought them back as Mindless Zombies. It's a good thing I did, too, because Lilith was on Nicodem turn 2, and was quite determined to hack her way through every zombie I had, and kill the Lord of the Dead.

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I often bring 4 canine remains with my Nicodem list. They die quick which provides a good supply of corpse counters. Also, in pairs they are no longer Insignificant, so if I need to send a few of them off on their own to grab an objective they can do so without me sacrificing a better model to go do the job. Plus I just love turning a 2ss dog into a 5ss punk zombie. ;)

Edited by Mach_5
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I stand corrected on the usefulness of Canine Remains. I had two today and, playing against Lilith with Assassinate, I Drained Soul on both of them, and brought them back as Mindless Zombies. It's a good thing I did, too, because Lilith was on Nicodem turn 2, and was quite determined to hack her way through every zombie I had, and kill the Lord of the Dead.

Isn't Drain Soul a sacrifice and leaves no corpse counters as such?

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Betty Betty Betty. Bam ba lam. She is a weapon for Nicodem, an absolute brutal tool of destruction.

Notice I did not say mass destruction. Nicodem's biggest weakness is dealing with single, powerful models, especially at longer range. Betty is the solution. You send in a dog, a punk, get them into suicidal melee combat, they whack you, and boom. Betty is here and ready to smash. You can always keep a 10+ in your hand, surely, especially if it isn't one of the vital crows, so betty never dies. Either she sucks up a ton of fire and attacks, and "dies" or she gets to stab the living crap out of whatever poor sucker she spawned near. Her paralyze attack is just devastating to masters and high point models, even if you don't go for the kill, and the mayhem she causes is just the distraction Nic needs to summon a whole mess of stuff that would otherwise get taken out. Maybe betty disappears in a turn, but then there may be a flesh construct charging right in, or some other such hilarity.

Personally, I find killjoy to be the "easy way out" for a heavy. He's much easier to use, yes, but he's simply not as sustainably horrific and irritating as betty. once he's dead, you have a bunch of corpses, but he's dead, jim. Betty is never ever ever dead, and with nic, things will always be dying, ready to bring her back swinging.

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