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Nightmare Bases (any Ideas?)


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Well I like doing road bases for them, making them look like brick or coblestone roads. Just lay down some putty on the base and carve in the stones, works well for me since Im not terribly good at bases =D

I saw some really good ones where the person layed out wood like a floor and added things to make the models basically have a scene. Teddy standing at the foot of a kids bed, Coppelius hunched over a dead body with it's eyes drilled out etc.

I would say fog but you said it didn't work for you.

Not really sure other wise... I like the whole sorta scene bases since they tell a bit of a story and give you a lot to work with.

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Well I like the Idea of foggy Bases but... how to make them?

I used some cotton balls... but this looks very... hmmm... trashy!


Second thing I´ll like to aslke you old neverborn Players...

As you see I´m a great Fan of Koalas... :)

Do you think it is Possible to use some Greenstuff to transform a Teddy into a Koalalike Nightmare?

I do not have Teddys Miniature here...

From the Pictures he looks very thin in his face...

For a Koala i think he needs a real big nose and some big plushy Ears...

Edited by Koali
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Well I like the Idea of foggy Bases but... how to make them?

I used some cotton balls... but this looks very... hmmm... trashy!


Second thing I´ll like to aslke you old neverborn Players...

As you see I´m a great Fan of Koalas... :)

Do you think it is Possible to use some Greenstuff to transform a Teddy into a Koalalike Nightmare?

I do not have Teddys Miniature here...

From the Pictures he looks very thin in his face...

For a Koala i think he needs a real big nose and some big plushy Ears...

For Fog... Im not sure... I think with enough work you could make Cotten work but it needs to be thin and whispy.... but yeah no real good idea here..

I think you could make him into a respectable Koala with enough work. His head is not that thick so you could add the ... well longer face to him rather easily. He is sadly 1 solid piece so reposing him is a B#$%h. I've considered sawing off his arms and legs and building my own, but haven't given it a try yet.

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I've considered sawing off his arms and legs and building my own, but haven't given it a try yet.

I tried it... it ended in tears, some of my own blood, and a teddy in my bits box... The sculpt is great for adding to, but reposing is neigh on impossible...

As far as the bases, I've been working on my crew too, and it's very hard to come up with true nightmarish bases. You could try doing the standard "Black Ooze" that is pretty common for "darkness" though I've never seen it on a base before...

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I'm planning to go with some 'Temple' bases from Micro Arts Studios I think. I would love to add something like fog or ooze to them though. So any ideas that folks have would be appreciated! I agree that cotton often looks sort of cheap, and I'd be worried that it will get caught on things and fall apart over time.

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That's what I have been doing for my Bad Dreams. My whole crew will eventually be on some balsa 'hardwood' floor. The Dreamer himself has a scratch built rocking horse added. One of the Teddy's has a scratch built jack-in-the-box, while the other has a few of Zoraida's little dolls (getting a kind of raggity anne and andy-ish paintjob)playing with him. I'm going to be rebasing LCB to have a toy train set underfoot (I originally based him on the Wyrd Victorian Streets insert). When the rest of the crew arrives, I intend to continue with the theme of the little boy's bedroom with a toybox, some rubber balls, alphabet blocks, etc. to tie them all together into a single theme.

At the end of the day, if I'm feeling particularly productive, and I ever enter these into a painting contest, I could easily make a display board with the bedroom theme all tied together.

I seriously, seriously LOVE concept of the Dreamer... thanks Wyrd :)

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I'll be using the "Daemon World" basing scheme I developed for some of my other armies. Initially, I couldn't decide between maggots, spikes, eyes, or seeping wounds. Therefore, I went with all three!

Hmmm... I've had some experience casting bases before. Perhaps I'll develop a mold and cast some of these up (I've been sculpting each individually up to now.

A painted test base for a Daemon Prince:




A Daemon Prince I previously painted for my fantasy army, re-based with a round base. The model and base are magnetized so I can switch him from system to system.



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Great Ideas so far...

Today i tryed out something with Pink and Blue Spirals...

Mixing some glue with different coulors...

Them trying to bing a spiral Effect on a 50mm Base...

I´m not so impressed ... hmmm...


Maybe to light coulours...

Ißll try this one more time with more dark coulors...

Eventualy mixing them with some washes...

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This rich vein of inspiration is precisely why I play Neverborn!

My own Neverborn (and it will ultimately include all Masters) are to be based on a black and white tiled surface which is roiling over the floorboards like ocean waves. So it will be floorboards attached to the base, then the 'waves' created using PVA soaked paper serviettes/ napkins as underlay, followed by cardboard cut out tiles.

(The black and white checkerboard patterning will also be the predominant motif on the actual minis.)

This will tie in to my two planned playing boards, the theme of which I think of as 'The Big House'. It is basically The Dreamer's 'other' home (his home away from home, per se), and I intend to make it as surreal as I can, all based on a warped version of the black & white checkerboard visual riff.

The whole point is that we came to the Neverborn by being caught hanging over the abyss at the very edge of normality, and then, realising that the normal rules need not apply, we simply let go and embraced our freefall in to uninhibited creativity. There is no aesthetic motif that a Neverborn player ever needs to justify. Just basically flaunt!

Our's is the freefall of the inspired.

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My idea for bases was a sort of "stuff dreams are made off", basicly put putty on the base and make small upward bubbles. Think of a lava lamp while modelling them, like they are actually dripping towards the sky.

It would look like some kind of weird living plasma that "gets form from imagination" and as such clutters together to form the Nightmare mini in the middle of the base.

Hope you get the idea :D

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I would love to add something like fog or ooze to them though.

Thank you, but at 192cms of height weighing 115kgs, I doubt that I'd fit on a 30 or 40mm base (I might, if I hold my breath, on a 50mm).


I'm working on a project I call The Big House, which will ultimately incorporate all of my Neverborn crews + two playing boards into a single recurring theme.

I find that if I talk too much about such things they never eventuate, so let's just say that it is seriously surreal, and that only the Neverborn could be done using it.

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Ooze has the idea. The black and white checker is just right for the dreamland/Neverborn feel in my opinion.

I have some bases I just finished making last night . They are tiled to appear as the good ole black and white checker look (but any two colors could work) and I have some of them broken open to show oozes and slime underneath the tiles. Kinda a mix of swamp bases and inside tile bases. I'll try to post some pics tonight when i get home. I plan on making molds for them over this holiday.

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Ok.. I am home! Here is a pick of some of the test bases that I will cast + one that I already cast (the tan-ish one is cast from my molds). They need a little cleaning up, but you can see the tiles and broken areas with the swirling mass of chaosy stuff under the floor. I had to fill in under the tiles due to using just one part simple molds. They should come out OK anyways... :)

I will also add various little details to the cast bases for each individual model as is necessary: toy blocks for children to play with, more tiles, dolls, tentacles coming from the chaosy stuff and reaching up onto the floor etc.

Let me know what you think and I hope this gives the OP more ideas :)

The black and white checkerboard idea is just very fitting to Neverborn!



Edited by Nemissary
Had to add photos... duh...
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