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Horseman Apocalypse

gunpowder saint

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tell me your not waiting for the GUILD HORSEMAN! you can't! it's a Lie! I know for a fact that either the Outcasts or the Guild will be getting a horseman, think about it....

4 main factions

4 horseman of the apocalypse

Death- Dead Rider

Pestilence- Hooded Rider

Famine- Mechanical Rider

War- Guild Rider

or that's what I think... no one at my Local Game Store shares my enthusiasm of this brilliant idea though lol so I come to the forums.

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How is the Hooded Rider Pestilence? How is the Mechanical Famine?

It was an allusion to the Biblically scholarly as is Leveticus' whole persona, The Hooded Rider in the Bible is depicted as wearing a hood, he is famine thus the horse he rides lacking a stomach, it is starved. The Mechanical Rider (Plague) is depicted with a bow and arrow, the mechanical rider does not have one, but rather a javelin, the only rider thus far to have a ranged attack. The horse itself is not alive, and the biblical rider carried the bow signifying that there was no hiding from plague, the javelin serves the same purpose. Leveticus like I mentioned earlier is a living interpretation of a Lazerous pit, a Biblical tale from the book of Leveticus.

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Leveticus like I mentioned earlier is a living interpretation of a Lazerous pit, a Biblical tale from the book of Leveticus.

I don't remember a Lazerous pit in the bible, wasn't that just something out of Batman comic series?

Lazerous was in the New Testament, Leveticus is the Old Testament

of course with the Four Horseman mention I now have that Metallica song stuck in my head

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pestilence is never named as such nor associated with the white rider in the bible, its the association with apollo (arrows) by some theologists that gave him that status in pop culture.

assuming the riders are *negative* from a heavenly point of view (wich is debatable as the scripts describing them leave alot of interpretation.) then a maybe even more likely candidate for the first rider would be false prophepecies/lies/unholy zeal etc. (the crown, the described *lightness* etc. all give the interpretation of a heroic and good personality, yet the bow has no arrows (wich kind of nullifies the apollo/pestilence association.) so can mean empty promises.)

it also makes more sense in the order of their arrival, empty words/lies lead to war/struggle wich leads to faminine/emptyness wich leads to death/void/the end.

based on that Id say :

white horse/pestilence = mechanical rider (mages, unions, organised crime it does fit a biblical false prophet thing.)

red horse/war = hooded rider

black horse/famine = Guild rider (the famine rider specifically measures and judges people, so thats a no brainer ;))

pale horse/death = Dead rider

but thats assuming the above mentioned hypothesis.

based on colors, the dead rider's horse is closest to pale (death.) hooded rider is closest to white (lets keep calling him pestilence.) and the mechanical rider is black (famine.) leaving the red horse (war) as a potential guild rider. this combo isnt really without further interpretation either... the hooded rider has alot to do with light (the place of the sun.) was the first (neverborn being the oldest faction of the 4) and it is their world (crown.) that said, the mechanical rider doesnt really measure well with famine.

what does it all mean ? that you can easily back up any theory with interpretation ;)

is there even coming a fourth rider ?

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thats the big change coming,

rams will become pigs/boars, and the gremlins will become the fourth main faction, while the guild is all ripped apart and spread out among the other factions,

Lady J joins the resurrection, the Ortegaz go outcast (or worse... turn out to have a lot in coming with the gremlins, Perdita and Ophelia becoming BFFs) or Abuela throws a shotgun wedding between nino and nekima... its not yet decided.

both Hoffmann and Criid go arcanist, and as its getting crowded there it causes Rasputina to leave (since she likes evil creatures she joins up with the neverborn.. despite heavy objections by Lilith.) while having two lovechilds with Zoraida, Marcus decides to stay with the arcanists, but the two still meet in secret.

the Governor general and Lucius both turned out to be gremlins in disguise.

Leveticus contemplated joining the resurrection but he kept dying and this frustrated Nicodem, shouting out "its UNdead ok !? not dead-alive-dead-alive" besides his young-women fetish freaked the ressers out. (kirai was glad she was too old for his tastes.)

Hamelin ran into a swamp filled with bug eating frogs, now he is just an empty shell.. he is plotting a return tough.

Viktorias are no more, just one Viktoria, the doppelganger turned out to be killjoy in disguise, wich completely freaked her out (not to mention the many men either of them dated, especially the one who was with her/him/it during the big revelation), she painted her skin green and is the first non-gremlin gremlin mistress.

killjoy followed, he likes pigs.


I spoiled all ;)

Edited by Illustrange
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