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Dark Eldar incoming


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Meh. I'm so done with GW after playing games like Hordes and of course the greatest game ever - Malifaux. I'm ussually not as impressed with the quality of they're sculpts anymore - even the new DE there is only one that I think is great - the chick with the red hair - other than that, I'm not impressed.

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Sorry to all the GW players, and i say this in the must humble way, but those designs are IMHO a cheap imitation of the infinity miniatures or at least inspired by them, this time i wont applaude GW, cheers guys.

Honestly I don't see what you are seeing. Dark Eldar pre-date Infinity by several years.

The model style is definitely more modern, but GW has been doing this style for years.

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Sorry to all the GW players, and i say this in the must humble way, but those designs are IMHO a cheap imitation of the infinity miniatures or at least inspired by them, this time i wont applaude GW, cheers guys.

Nothing particularly against Infinity or for Dark Eldar, but how are they an imitation?

Aren't Dark Eldar a design over 10 years old? Sure, old minis were showing their age and poses were boring, but seeing how more dynamic poses are the standard across the industry, it's hard to call them imitation in this aspect as well.

Just interested in how you came to the conclusion? :)

Edited by Q'iq'el
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Whoa, speaking of rip-offs... has anyone ever noticed how much Tolkein ripped off GW's basic concepts for Warhammer? Hobbits? Just re-named Halflings. Dwarves? Just GW Dwarfs with a different spelling! Elves? Elves! Orcs? Orc/ks! They even had the audacity to copy GW's human race. If you look closely at the new DE sculpts, you can even see where both Tolkein and Peter Jackson's design team ripped off the designs of Orthanc and the aesthetic design of Mordor architecture. It's a shame not many people point out such blatant abuse of intellectual property!


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Whoa, speaking of rip-offs... has anyone ever noticed how much Tolkein ripped off GW's basic concepts for Warhammer? Hobbits? Just re-named Halflings. Dwarves? Just GW Dwarfs with a different spelling! Elves? Elves! Orcs? Orc/ks! They even had the audacity to copy GW's human race. If you look closely at the new DE sculpts, you can even see where both Tolkein and Peter Jackson's design team ripped off the designs of Orthanc and the aesthetic design of Mordor architecture. It's a shame not many people point out such blatant abuse of intellectual property!


Not to mention how the Weta team blatantly ripped off the Archon's head for that lame Sauron guy.

Seriously though, the new sculpts are pretty nice. I've been surprised how excited some people locally are that that the DE warriors look like eviller guardians. I would have preferred something more divergent. And while I really like the overall design of the Raider it bothers me how much flat surface area it has. For me the Wyches and the jetbikes are the best and also most improved.

Oh, and this is probably extra nit pickey, but in a world of zenithal highlighting and other super advanced techniques, does it bother anyone else that for the super awesome paint jobs for their newest hottest range their painters just chose to line the plate ridges with 2 colors? Check out the ones on this page. There's absolutely no source lighting of any kind. I guess it works to show off the detail, which those kits definitely have in abundance. The wyches weird helmet is really cool though.

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Oh, and this is probably extra nit pickey, but in a world of zenithal highlighting and other super advanced techniques, does it bother anyone else that for the super awesome paint jobs for their newest hottest range their painters just chose to line the plate ridges with 2 colors?

There are some nice effects on the models. I like the spherical helmet on one of them, with reflections of a light source raying out.

But I don't think GW has ever been making top-notch paint jobs on their minis. To a degree where many minis look much better in person than in the GW's paintjob.

I suppose the point is to show players something they can realistically aim for and something that works for large scale games. A sight of 50~60 minis all in non-metalic metal, glows and lightsourcing could be discouraging to the point of being counter-productive.

They just try not to put the bar too high for average players. Anyone can go to CMON for that. ;)

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Oh, and this is probably extra nit pickey, but in a world of zenithal highlighting and other super advanced techniques, does it bother anyone else that for the super awesome paint jobs for their newest hottest range their painters just chose to line the plate ridges with 2 colors? Check out the ones on this page. There's absolutely no source lighting of any kind. I guess it works to show off the detail, which those kits definitely have in abundance. The wyches weird helmet is really cool though.

Yes, it is extremely odd looking after being away stylistically from that game for so many years and seeing the awesome paint jobs on the studio Malifaux and Warmachine/Hordes miniatures. I'd love to see the miniatures painted in some other style than the GW highlighting style

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They aren't nearly as cartoon/anime as the infinity line. To me some of them are very very Dark Elf (yes, I know, they are just Dark Elves in space, but still).

The jetbikes are really cool. I'm not totally sold on the new Raiders, although I love the sails (very Man O' War).

I'd like to see a new Talos, it was one of my favorite models from the original line.

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I'd like to see a new Talos, it was one of my favorite models from the original line.

Agreed (in terms of looking forward to it, wasn't a huge fan of the miniature), I am very much looking forward to all of the mini's that would fit in with the Haemonculous aspect of the army.

There is talk that grotesques are now monstrous size - so may see a purchase as a second flesh construct - with smaller human size slaves/monsters also.

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@Nilus, handsome dan, i am not refering to the general dark eldar design, i played 40k from 1992 to 2004, of course i know dark eldar!, but if you see the design of the wych, you`ll notice the resemblance to the infinity ninja and the body motion sculpt has never been GW signature and this is the main characteristic of CB, that`s all, no more fuzz, was not my intention to create a discusion.

@hoarcat snuggler, you don`t have to be sarcastic, read and understand before comment.

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So they decided to do a couple dynamic sculpts and use the flat helmet look, therefore they MUST be stealing ideas from Infinity?

I understand being a fan of a game, but really? Yeah GW is guilty of pilfering IP for their stuff, but there's no way it's a direct rip-off. Everything is influenced by something and I'm sure I could find tons of things that have used that style. Like Anime.

I like the new DE, and am sorely tempted by them.

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So they decided to do a couple dynamic sculpts and use the flat helmet look, therefore they MUST be stealing ideas from Infinity?

I understand being a fan of a game, but really? Yeah GW is guilty of pilfering IP for their stuff, but there's no way it's a direct rip-off. Everything is influenced by something and I'm sure I could find tons of things that have used that style. Like Anime.

I like the new DE, and am sorely tempted by them.

I like the models as well, if the codex is good I might just have to pick up a new DE army.

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Whoa, speaking of rip-offs... has anyone ever noticed how much Tolkein ripped off GW's basic concepts for Warhammer? Hobbits? Just re-named Halflings. Dwarves? Just GW Dwarfs with a different spelling! Elves? Elves! Orcs? Orc/ks! They even had the audacity to copy GW's human race. If you look closely at the new DE sculpts, you can even see where both Tolkein and Peter Jackson's design team ripped off the designs of Orthanc and the aesthetic design of Mordor architecture. It's a shame not many people point out such blatant abuse of intellectual property!


You notice how the game we're playing, and who's forums we're posting on has ripped just about every miniature and concept off from something else (Oh God, don't even get my started on Oogie Boogie!)?! I know this isn't exactly your point and don't take this as me riding your case, your post was just an excellent piggy-back point for this comment.

Here's the great part: WHO CARES?!

People need to ditch this idea that "omg that's ripped off from something else!" and get with the idea that "oh WOW that looks freakin' cool!"

Which the DE do.

After having played 40k for over 10 years (still my favorite game system/world/fluff) and playing DE as my initial army (back when the models were completely unique, and sucked) I'm VERY excited about the new release. They look great, are incredibly sexy (oh, and the DE warrior art pre-dates infinity, so suck it!) :P


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The models look great, to those that say they aren't as detailed as most skirmish games YES that is true. But 40k isn't a skirmish game it is an a platoon plus game. You have to see the models as an army rather than on an individual bases, not to say that some single models don't look great i'm just sayin'

They do look nice.

I've said it many times in many places before, but GW really does have some stellar plastic kits nowadays. I own 60 odd plastic daemonettes (newest ones) and they are fantastic. The detail is fine. Sure, not quite so unique as a smaller scale game, but, well, I could make some comments about the quality of certain sculpts from a certain range that would undoubtably incite a flame war here...but I won't. Not because they wouldn't be true, but because it wouldn't be appropriate.

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I have to admit I have always been a fan of pewter miniatures over plastic even if they cost more and are a bit limited in poses. Just a personal thing though. The Dark Eldar look great they were one of the armies I started playing 40k with back in 98? Back then i didn't have a job and used my lunch money to buy things and I thought they would be expensive so i started orks a few months later... Yes i know what you are thinking but at the time it didn't seem like quite an investment lol

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For anyone interested, a "roundup" of spoilers for the new codex was posted on my local gaming stores forums. Can't verify the authenticity of everything, but it is from some reliable sources

A quick note about the codex:

It allows for mixed Dark Eldar or Kabal, Wych Cult and/or Homunculus themed armies

All the old units appear in this codex, none are obsolete, plus there are 3-5 NEW units/vehicles.



To reflect the Dark Eldar growing in power from inflicting sadistic pain on the enemy they get this rule on their units. After destroying a non-vehicle enemy unit in Close Combat the DE unit gains a 'Pain' token.

1 token = they gain Feel No Pain

2 tokens = they gain Furious Charge

3 tokens = they become Fearless

Tokens are cumulative and cannot be lost once gained. Encourages players to get stuck in and start carving up the enemy fast to 'power up'!

One of the possible die roll results of a Wyche squad Combat Drug Dispenser is that the unit starts with one token already on them.

Haemonculae also grant a unit they join a token. Unknown if they can join Wyche squads or if there is still an enmity between the two factions.

NIGHT VISION - The whole army has the Acute Senses USR.

COMBAT DRUGS - ONE roll is made on the Combat Drugs table and the same result is applied to every Wyche unit (rather than the old time consuming method of rolling for each unit...and forgetting what you'd rolled). Table is pretty much the same except that the 12" Assault result has been replaced with "This unit begins the game with one 'Pain' token".


Splinter Pistol: 12", S2, AP5, Pistol, Poisoned 4+

Splinter Rifle: 24", S3, AP5, Rapid Fire, Poisoned 4+.

Shard Carbine: 18", S3, AP5, Assault 3, Poisoned 4+.

Splinter Pods: an underslung weapon on Hellion skyboard same stats as carbine

Splinter Cannon: 36", S6, AP5, Assault 4 OR Heavy 6 Poisoned 4+.

Blaster Pistol: 12", S8, AP1 Lance, Melta (!!!)

Blaster: 18", S8, AP1 Lance, Melta (!!!)

Dark Lance: 36",S8, AP1 Lance


Asdrubael Vect - He's back but without his fancy Ravager. His page wasn't in the Codex folder but the designers say he rivals Abaddon.

Vect's Wife - Seems that Vect has an estranged Ms. who wants his kingdom. No word on rules.

Drazhar, Incubae Master of Blades - Basically a Phoenix Lord for Incubae.

Lelith Hesperax - Much more kill-ey, much more dodge-y. She only uses daggers because that's all she needs to kill. So lithe and nimble she's rumored to have a 2++ dodge save that doesn't go away and can NEVER be countered (not even by C'Tan!).

Urien Rakarth - Insane Homonculae master is back and rumoured to have army boosting abilities similar to Fabius Bile. Roll a d6 for each unit in the army to see if they get a free 'Pain' token at the beginning of the game.

There are supposedly other SC's but not known at this time.


Archon -

WS/BS: 7 S/T/W: 3 I: 7 A: 3 Ld: 10 Save: 5+

Can take a wargear item the effect of which is that if he kills an enemy MC or IC in close combat he doubles his Strength to 6. If he kills another one, he doubles his Strength to 10.

He can also now carry a Blaster Pistol, which with his prodigious BS 7, means that if he sees a vehicle it's dead!

The Shadow Field is back and now it doesn't burn out! BUT it's save is reduced to 3++.

Other Archon wargear is uncertain but one of the models is holding a Tyranid Bonesword ?!

Wyche Lord - Pretty much the same.

Haemonculus - T4 other stats are uncertain. Gives any squad he joins one free 'Pain' token.


(Now a pretty crowded slot)

Harlequins - ARE in there and are identical in every regard (points, stats, options) to the Codex: Eldar entry

Incubae - Moved to the Elite slot rather than being an HQ retinue.

WS5, BS4, T3, S3, I5, A2 3+ sv,

No more Tormentor Helms. They carry Klaives – Power weapons that add +1S.

Squad leader has WS5, A3 and can take 2 smaller Power Blades that he can choose to either give him +2 attacks or +2S (can switch each turn).

Can take squad skills similar to Craftworld Exarchs.

One provides himself and his squad with the ability to roll another attack for each 6 to hit they roll. Keep rolling 6's? Keep getting attacks!

Another grants the squad Preferred Enemy.

The two abilities CAN be combined!

Mandrakes - (The glowing yellow guys on the cover)

Dark Eldar that are the offspring of fusion with Daemons. They strike from the shadows and get more powerful after they've tasted blood. They can't carry weapons but they have a shooting attack that gets stronger with every kill they make. Can Outflank.

Grotesques - have bulked out and are reminiscent of Ogryn size and stats.

Hekatarii Wyches - similar to the Troop version but with enhanced stats and higher number per unit of special weapons.

Kabalite Trueborne Warriors - similar to the Troop version but with enhanced stats and higher number per unit of special weapons/heavy weapons. Can carry either Splinter Rifles or Splinter Carbines.


"Homunculus constructs" - Name uncertain but they are human-sized T4 versions of Grotesques.

Kabalite Warriors - Stats are the same. Armed with Splinter Rifle only. Special and Hvy. Weapons are limited to one per 10 Warriors. Squad leader my carry a Blaster Pistol.

Wyches - Stats are the same. Retain 4+ dodge save in CC only. Combat Drugs are still in there but 12" assault result is replaced with +1 Pain token. Wyche weapons are back to being per model rather than a squad wide effect. Similar to Space Wolves special weapons, one Wyche per squad may have one of each of these (i.e. one model with Hydra Gauntlets, one with Shardnet/Impaler, one with Blade-chain).


Hydra Gauntlets: Requires two hands. Gives the bearer +D6 Attacks, rolled for at the start of each combat phase.

Shardnet & Impaler: Shardnet robs each model in base contact of one attack to a minimum of 1. The Impaler requires two hands, power weapon, +1 Strength. The bearer can re-roll to hit rolls of a 1 in close combat.

Blade-chain: Single handed, +2 A, the bearer can re-roll any failed to hit and to wound rolls in close combat. Might have Rending as well.


Reaver Jetbikes - The jetbike gives +1 sv and +1T to characters.

Unit entry has T4, 5+ save, can Turbo-boost 36". Armed with Splinter Rifles and MONO-MOLECULAR VANES. These allow them to perform a "fly-by" attack on enemy units they pass over without becoming locked in close combat. They start at 1 x S3 hits per bike. The unit can be bought upgrades that raise the hits to S4 or S6 hits on units when performing the fly by attack. Another upgrade can be taken that increases the number to D3 hits inflicted per bike. Hits cause Pinning too.

One in every 3 Reavers get access to a Melta Blaster.

Hellions - are "quite good now". No specifics on how aside from the fact that they have Splinter Carbines (pods).

Beast Masters - Can get more types of beasts and MUCH larger pack sizes.

HEAVY SUPPORT: - another packed slot

Ravager - Ravager AV 11 11 10, BS 4, Fast, Skimmer, Open-topped.

Ravager armed with three dark lances (seems to be standard, no idea about upgrades)

Able to fire all three weapons at cruising speed (12")!

They have a whole host of vehicle upgrades around 5 to 10 pts:

Shift Field: The vehicle receives a 5++ invulnerable save (yes, for a vehicle) *not* cover.

Void Engines: The vehicle moves an extra 2D6" straight ahead in the Shooting phase.

Razorwing - Yes, that Razorwing! The Forgeworld flyer is now in the main codex! Unclear how it will work, but probably not as a flyer in 40K. 2 x Dark Lances and a 'Long-barreled' Splinter Cannon.

Talos - Is back pretty much the same but can have different tail weapons. Is now officially classed as a Monstrous Creature.

Slaughterers - 'Baby' versions of the Talos with lower T and W and no tail weapon, but can be purchased in a squad of 1-3.

Scourges - rumoured to be the stealth power unit of the codex. Reasonable points cost and now with Assault weapons (FINALLY!). One of their weapon options is a Haywire Grenade Launcher that can launch Haywire Grenades 24". Roll a d6 for each hit on a vehicle. 1 - no effect, 2-4 auto Glancing Hit, 5-6 auto Penetrating Hit!


Raider - AV 10 10 10, BS 4 with a Dark Lance as standard weapon, Fast, skimmer, open-topped.

More expensive but has access to even more upgrades than the Ravager including the 5++ Invulnerable save.

Venom - The open-topped AV10 Vyper transport variant that appeared in the Citadel Journal Harlequin list back in 1995. Can only carry six models but can be a transport for Harlequins. Can't have Dark Lance but can mount one of the DE special weapons (Blaster, Shredder, Haywire Launcher).

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Starting with the Special Characters

Vects wife is called Lady Malys

Lelith does not have a 2++ dodge save. She has a 3++ save in combat, 4++ outwith combat.

Other SC's are


Baron Satohnix

Duke Sliscus

The 'Bonesword' is called a huskblade, the archon can also take a retinue of rather unique troops.

The troop grotesques are called wracks.

There will be two skimmer/flyers - not just the razorwing.

I like the sound of the two talos variants. The Haemonculous side of things are where my current wych cult will be heading.

A lot of pics are now available for the models.

My fave is Urien:


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