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Looking for new Candy mini (story spoiler maybe)


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If you read the lore in the books Rising Powers ends with Candy growing up. I was wondering if anyone has a good idea for a new version of Candy. I honestly have no idea what to type in for a search. Insane (because she has a Joker grin now) Woman Candy and miniature...don't look good in Google. :tired:

While we are at it, what are peoples predictions for what is to come in the next book?

Judging by what is described as happening to Pandora, it appears to be her in avatar form and matches the sculpt.

My personal prediction is that the next book will be mainly updated stats based on the Event.

I noticed that Molly and Seamus were left out of the aftermath, after being so big in the first book.

Edited by David.Hanold
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I think Candy will end up wearing the same thing, just with a less child-like body. I forsee her continuing her vendetta against bad daddies via seduction. She would appeal to the most vile of men with a Lolita complex.

And as for a next-book prediction: the avatars of each faction will come to be along with a strong supporting cast of Henchmen, all following the story, of course.

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And as for a next-book prediction: the avatars of each faction will come to be along with a strong supporting cast of Henchmen, all following the story, of course.

According to Wyrd's Twitter feed, Avatars won't be included in the next book, which appears to be titled "special forces".

So it's probably safe to guess that Book 3 will consist mostly of new special forces models and Henchmen.

Based on the Book 2 story, there's a good chance of Wyrd doing alternate versions of existing characters (a little like what was done with Hamelin). But I doubt they would do it in a way that makes their original versions obsolete. Nobody would be happy with that.

So basically, Candy MK2 will probably get a new model and stats, but I don't think she'll replace Candy MK1 (or I certainly hope not).

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According to Wyrd's Twitter feed, Avatars won't be included in the next book, which appears to be titled "special forces".

So it's probably safe to guess that Book 3 will consist mostly of new special forces models and Henchmen.

Based on the Book 2 story, there's a good chance of Wyrd doing alternate versions of existing characters (a little like what was done with Hamelin). But I doubt they would do it in a way that makes their original versions obsolete. Nobody would be happy with that.

So basically, Candy MK2 will probably get a new model and stats, but I don't think she'll replace Candy MK1 (or I certainly hope not).

I highly doubt that they would berid us of little Candy; I do enjoy her so. I see it far more likely that the 'Unique' restriction will play a role here.

I am quite quite contented by the idea of henchman releases, and I am also curious of what these special forces are to be.

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I noticed that Molly and Seamus were left out of the aftermath, after being so big in the first book.

They're in there! In the same mountains where Perdita is eating the miners.


Molly talks to him while he's looking at "the writing on the wall" about how it's going to hit the fan right before the red cage falls. :)

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The story describes Candy becoming a young woman, and I believe the language is "much the same as Pandora" or something like that, which clearly indicated to me that she was an adult or very close (not just an older child).

I was picturing a blonde Jessica from True Blood, myself.

I'm definitely looking forward to her in whatever form she takes.

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The story describes Candy becoming a young woman, and I believe the language is "much the same as Pandora" or something like that, which clearly indicated to me that she was an adult or very close (not just an older child).

I was picturing a blonde Jessica from True Blood, myself.

I'm definitely looking forward to her in whatever form she takes.

Well, I was for sure seeing pigtails. And, "older teen" is pretty close to Pandora, too.

Just use "Miss Pack" for the proxy!

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