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malifaux...seriously, who thought this stuff up???!!!

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Iamwyrd, you and I both bud, I was a big 40k fanatic then the models, the fluff, then the mechanics! Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire! This game is fantastic thats why I signed up for the Henchman program, If you love the game as much as you seem to, try to sign up yourself, im glad your enjoying the game as much as you are.

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And you will get more out of your money. lol

Thank You, Wyrd for not having prices like GW.

Lol, couldn't agree more :D

I satrted off on 40k because I liked the grim dark future idea, but GW huge price increase is what actually led me to this wargame...and honestly, I just think its a better game full stop.

@thael-how does becoming a henchman work? I'm not sure if theres some kind of age requirement (I'm only 16) but I guess being oler would make it easier. As it is I think its something I'd look more into during the summer when I have more spare time, with A-Levels and all that stuff, never mind actually playing this game :P

I really, really, really hope you guys at wyrd keep this up, but I'm positively sure that you guys on the other side of the pond have some more amazing ideas.

to think, when I saw this game I initially thought it was some rubbish card game, like pokemon...

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I took a break from 40k for Malifaux because I got tired of painting whole big units of figures. I like the small scale of Malifaux and the models are just awesome.

Now if they can just squeeze in Werewolves and Vampires we will be set!;)

Lilu is technically a vampire. And for a werewolf, just putty a ton of hair on lady justice and bam a werewolf. Lol

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I gave up on GW the second my Khorne Berzerker army wasn't viable anymore, or at least not viable for what I'd built it for (No I will most certainly not use them as bikers with a khorne icon! I didn't spend all that time and money converting them for that!). After that I was all about skirmish games and then Malifaux came along and completely won me over. Don't get me wrong I still love other games; Infinity, Dark Age, Hell Dorado, Warmachine and more recently Freebooters Fate but Malifaux has a certain, what the French call, "I don't know what" that puts it above the others.

Book two sealed the deal, I'm nothing if not a complete Maliphile now!

I think I've said it before, but Wyrd should get a nobel prize for Gaming.

Hats off to the Wyrdos!

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My local store owner has asked me if I figured out how to marry the Malifaux book.

If it weren't for a few loved painting projects and a few mates who play 40K it would be long gone.

I play Warmachine to get my chessmaster on and Malifaux for the hilarity and just beautiful game mechanics and miniatures.

Doing my best to convert Warhamsters in Brisbane.

Fantasy's ridiculous price of entry with big units in 8th edition is causing a lot of Fantasy people to jump ship.

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With one of my mates from High School being a Henchman, how could I not be talked into coming across from the darkside (GW)... now I enjoy painting more as I am not forced to paint 20+ static infantry in order to play a game and can focus on a higher standard, while still being able to play with fully-painted minis in a short space of time.

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