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I'm working on a mod for a somewhat odd take on the Teddy miniature. I had inherited a large number of miniatures from a friend not long ago, and one of the miniatures is a small teddy bear (about the same size as Kade) that I want to use as a proxy for Teddy (either alongside an actual model for larger games, or on its own for smaller, non-tourney games). However, I'm kind of stuck on what I want to do with it: do I leave it as is, and present it as a normal teddy bear on the asylum floor (the theme for the Pandora box I've just picked up), build up something for it to be sitting on (shelves, tables, or something of that sort), or as part of some sort of aetheric entity (which, honestly, without access to clear resin/plastic, I have no idea how I'll pull off)?

Personally, I kinda like the simple solution (use the model as is), but I can understand that some people would be rather irritated by having a size 1 model represent a size 3 character.

PS: A link to the mini in question: http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/teddy/latest/02887 It's the one furthest to the right.

Magius out.

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Well, i know that your last thought is probably the truth. Teddy (while not the largest) is a pretty huge model. And there is something rather satisfying about him towering over other models, particularly Kade himself. Personally i don't see a huge issue with a proxy that's the wrong size as long as it's on the right base. However i can see there being a slight issue when dealing with line of sight. You'd have to keep in mind (and i'm sure you know this) that he is a height 3 character.

i like your idea for the "aetheric entity." It would be interesting to see where you take that

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You could always take the Ht 1 you model you currently have and then Green stuff it on a Ht2 Rainbow... and have him flying on it.... At least that's the way I image "Thing of Nightmares: On Dreaming Wings" would work.... but then again I also painted my Teddy to look like a Care Bear.... so I might not be the best to ask.... heh

Edited by Placidemu
Horrible Grammar Issues <.<
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If the people you play against are ok with it, I say run with it.

You could build the base up a lot. Maybe built some of those old wooden ABC blocks, but make them big and have (your) Teddy sitting at the very top.

Or if you wanted to get really crazy, think about it in terms of nightmares. Kids are always afraid of whats in the closet, right? So you build a big door, opened just slightly so that your Teddy is peeking out. Maybe put like paper behind the door frame so that if you look towards the crack in the door, you can see faint green glowing eyes all inside it. Making it seem like theres more nightmares behind the door.

These will help with that Ht 3 problem, no sweat. Just some ideas. :D

Edited by Blank
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Yeah, don't forget the height is a stat, not physical attribute of the model.

Even if you take just a ht1 proxy, you still play it as ht3. One thing you need is the correct base size.

Personally I like the idea of elevating the model so that it is ht3 in the end. It will make it harder to forget his actual size during games and will be easier to see for your opponents.

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Thanks for the feedback, everybody. I decided to go with the Shelves idea, nice and rickety. The idea was to make the shelves look as if they were put together by an inmate (in other words, close to what is should be, but not quite), with the teddy bear sitting on top. You can see how it came out:


Magius out.

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Nicely done! I'd have had him coming out of the toy box myself. I think the shelves need more stuff on them, understated books, trinkets etc.

I really like the idea of the trinkets. I think that would add a little more fun to your teddy. Something ratty and unkempt to match your rickety shelving like worn books and bronken dolls. Maybe even a twisted up slinkie.

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a**ther *pti** is t* put the *itt*e teddy bear ** a big base but pai*t his shad** ** the base huge a*d s*ary.

I think what JMP is trying to say is put a "jester" on the shelves. Either that, or he's passed the filter too many times and he just isn't allowed to use the letters "c", "l", "o", "w", or "n" anymore.

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