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Rquest for the Teaser gods!


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I'm going to have to say that of all the games I've been keeping tabs on for spoilers, Malifaux is taking the cake for massive disappointment so far. Tons of info on stuff for other games.

You know, they are called "spoilers" for a reason. Not all of us want to have our Book 2 spoiled immediately. Sure, it's inevitable in the long run, but for a couple of days, as long as people haven't returned from Gencon to post all the stuff, why not? (for the record, I think I'll stop reading the forum till my book arrives :D).

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From one Arizonian to another dont toy with me man!

completely unrelated to topic at hand...

I Hate Arizona!!!

I'm in le military so as an intel rat I was trapped in the lowest, hottest, muckiest part of Arizona for 6 long terrible months under the lovely command of TRADOC [[Training and Doctrine Command]] in the lovely land of Fort Huachuca


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completely unrelated to topic at hand...

I Hate Arizona!!!

I'm in le military so as an intel rat I was trapped in the lowest, hottest, muckiest part of Arizona for 6 long terrible months under the lovely command of TRADOC [[Training and Doctrine Command]] in the lovely land of Fort Huachuca


Hey man dont you dare go dogging on my beautiful state thats just hurtful.

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More and more I'm becoming convinced that the guys at the Wyrd booth are handing out stuff going, "Here's your copy of the new book! Enjoy torturing people on the forums!"

Because honestly? Roles reversed? I'd have some fun, too.

Haha or maybe they're at the booth saying "Here's your book, tell anybody what you see in here and well chain you to the table and make you play demos!"

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Let me preface this with the fact that I won't have my book until saturday and I was not a beta tester. But I have pumped people for info/eavesdropped so take this with a grain of salt.

First up the ortegas. The matriarch of the family (grandma loco if you will). She has an ability called shotgun wedding that gives another model family or maybe companion family.

Second, I believe it was the d6g that broke the story that there are master specific schemes. Levi's scheme is to die every turn.

Third, I really hope I didn't get anyone in trouble by posting this since nda should be over since the book is out.


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Huh, weird. They're showing up for me... Sorry about that. I'll try to attach them a different way. Are these working?

from what I could make out it seems that nightmare is a creature type like spirirts or constructs. if so im relived i thought that a dreamer crews would be only one type of creature and one or two teddys to get the max amounts of ss.

shame on me for missreading "My teddy bear"

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Me two... oh dear spoilers gods please give us insight! and plase tell us about the new (If any) family members and guild stuff that is out there.

I beg of you show mercy on those who could not make it!


Mamma ortaga

Shotgun wedding

whats that, you want me to marry Perdeta or you're going to shot me with that shotgun, OK then

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Mamma ortaga

Shotgun wedding

whats that, you want me to marry Perdeta or you're going to shot me with that shotgun, OK then

That is what you say now... but just you wait until you are slow about mowing the lawn or forget to take out the trash. Ay chihuahua!

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True that. At least something, how many models each faction gets or something.

Guild: 1 Master, 2 Totems, 1 Henchman, 8 Minions

Resurrrectionists: 1 Master, 2 Totems, 1 Henchman, 10 Minions

Arcanists: 1 Master, 2 Totems, 1 Henchman, 12 Minions

Neverborn: 1 Master, 1 Totem, 1 Henchman, 10 Minions

Outcasts: 1 Master, 2 Totems, 2 Henchmen, 19 Minions (although the Gremlins have their own section).

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Less guild love? Gods, just wait for the Henchman, he IS the most badass thing to ever hit this game.

I will be running a guild guard luscius army if at all possible. So many minions...

And if you think pandy's a freakshow, wait for Dreamer's dastardly crew....,

and you've seen Collette, but what about all the new toys for existing masters? Ramos gets some fun stuff.... A whole... Box of fun.

Lilith gets a little repetetive, doesn't she? What if she had other deadly minions?

Sebastian's been working overtime with those stitches, let me tell you.

And foes of Kirai will quickly find themselves alone in the gathering dark, surrounded by irrational fears and hunted by the muddle flashes of their inneffectual flintlocks, accompanied by the fell wingbeats of quickly approaching death.

How's that?

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Less guild love? Gods, just wait for the Henchman, he IS the most badass thing to ever hit this game.

I will be running a guild guard luscius army if at all possible. So many minions...

Granted, he may be a Bad Ass by stats and minions... but the kind of bad ass that I'm looking for is Fluff bad ass, :[ which is why I'm a little disappointed in The Ortega's... BUT! Granted I didn't read the Chronicles in the Malifaux magazine, so book one they just seem like a big family who got Demon Hunter status simply because the Guild will just about Hire anyone... sure she's bad ass in the game but that story/background thing is just a little bit lame :\ Lady J is bad ass because she's got a blindfold, Blind Swordman is always awesome, not to mention she uses necromancer's to hunt down and kill More of the same, and Exy is just a fat jolly murderer. Sonnia Criid is the most bad ass using the Arcane Arts that she hunts and the forbidden lore to burn everything to the ground >.> not to mention Inferno at 1 Health left and running into the crowd :] super bad ass

speaking of which I'm sure it wouldn't break the NDA, if there is one if you confirmed any level of bad ass story-wise of C. Hoffman and/or Luscius :]

sorry for the wall of text lol I adore the guild >.> and I'm being just a little to inadvertently nerdy about it right now, seeing as I just beat the snot out of Rasputina with Sonnia <3 much love to the Witch Hunter lol


thanks for reading

Edited by gunpowder saint
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