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Death Marshal a characteristic nowadays?


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Bought the Lady Justice crew to round out my Guils collection the other day. Nothing special with that except I noticed that all cards list the word "Death Marshal" above their stat block, a feature not present in the rulebook.

What this means is that Death Marshals' spell Finish the Job has become a lot more useful. It would now affect Lady Justice an Judge in addition to the Marshals and those two are much better in melee so can bring the buff to a better use. Imagine casting the spell with an extra :rams , then pulling a double :rams Critical Strike with Lady Justice: Dg would be 7/8/10 so we don't even care about Hard to Wound anymore (like that really was a problem anyway with LJ).

Has this been brought to attention before? In any case, I love the change and can't wait to get a chance to try it in a game. Wonder if Executioner has got this characteristic as well.


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Just checked my cards (as they were handy).

LJ shows Master, Death Marshal, but not Judge.

When have you bought them? I bought mine just a few weeks ago. Could it be that they are about to release an errata and have already started updating cards? At least I heard Steampunk Abomination cards had some new wordings not present in the current rules.


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Look in the lower right - if you see a v2 you have an updated card which will make its way through here shortly.

Will there be a list of V.2 cards eventually if we need to send in our old cards?

I'm loving the thought put into the customer care in this company, I do hope the V.2 cards will be the last ones we'll need though. It's cheaper for you guys and us if they are. :D

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Keeping track of all of this is getting pretty tricky.

I really don't want to be the stick in the mud, or the ass hole to point this out...


New Rulebook Coming out, and with new books come. Cooler Models, Cooler stradegies, more awesome, and over all coolness, but it also comes with another Errata, and if the current one is 20 or so pages for ONE book, it's just going to get worse and worse the more books they come out with...

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There has been discussion of a single Megarulebook comprising of all the books with all the errata. The only problem being when do you publish it? There's always going to be more rulebooks coming out...

Overall, I'd just be a fan of all of Weird-sketch's additional errata being put into the official errata, because I keep that printed out.

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There has been discussion of a single Megarulebook comprising of all the books with all the errata. The only problem being when do you publish it? There's always going to be more rulebooks coming out...

Overall, I'd just be a fan of all of Weird-sketch's additional errata being put into the official errata, because I keep that printed out.

Yeah, I would also find it more convenient simply to have the official errata updated a lot more frequently with maybe only one or two new points in it.

Sure beats learning the rules when you buy a model, anyway.

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There has been discussion of a single Megarulebook comprising of all the books with all the errata. The only problem being when do you publish it? There's always going to be more rulebooks coming out...

I believe humanity has achieved an important progress in that area quite long ago: ;)


And then publish the erratas and changes so that the player has only to replace the pages.

Edited by Q'iq'el
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Makes them alot better IMO. Lady Justice hardly needed the buff but a 4 point units giving her +damage is prettttty good. With a +2 Finish the job LJ will be doing 6 minimum damage with +1 flip, meaning units will be pretty much oneshotted with Riposte. Hard to argue with that....

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