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Gremlin Village in Progress

U.S. Male

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Here are the first pictures of my gremlin village.

I want to base them up and make a bunch of water features, but leave it all modular. This is the first time I've tried something like this, but I am really happy with my results so far.






Edited by U.S. Male
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Fantastic, not just for a first time, but period! I love Malifaux's use of different terrain types,and you nailed the swamp building look. If you've never worked with water effects before, read A LOT of online how to's. It can be some tricky stuff, and if you use the wrong type, can end up yellowing(although for a swamp that may not be a bad thing). Keep posting pics, I'd love to see these completed.

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Towards the bottom of the page RRMS-O-03

Having looked at this there is a very simple found item equivalent.

Children's medicin cups. You want the ones with the measurements on the inside.

Take two cups. Cut the top section off of one. Glue them together to create the still.

Use a piece of plastic tube with some Kneadatite (greenstuff) to plug the ends and add that to the top. Add some wire to one end of the tube and you are done.

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Looks good though I might add a wash of either GW Chestnut ink (if you have it) or the Vallejo Flesh Wash to kinda warm up the wood a bit (GW Gryphonne Sepia will work as well though you will need a couple more coats). You can see the effect on the pic of Som'er I use in my avatar.

Definately looking forward to seeing the whole thing completed.

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One could possibly take a shower in the hooch.

On the lines of hobos and train sets watch Emperor of the North. It's a movie about hobos riding trains during the great depression. Lee Marvin and Earnest Borgnine beat eachother down in it. It's awesome. Btw I must have that hobo jungle.

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I painted up the boys' hut. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I had no idea about what I was going to do with the roof or door, so I just started painting and hoped for the best.




And I started my swamp terrain. I forgot to take more in progress photos. The small one is a cd with sculpy on top, then with sand and debris glued on top. The big one is foamcore and spackle over hardboard, and of course the standard sand coating. I originally tried sculpy for the big board. It was a complete failure. Sculpy sucks for doing this. Lesson learned.

These pictures were just after the last bit of a wash was put on in certain places, so they look a little funky in the middle of the water. Right now I'm letting the Vallejo Still Water set. Hopefully it'll come out. Then I'll add the vegetation.



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