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Malifaux Bag from Battlefoam?

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Im actually from Arizona, where battlefoam is based, and have had conversations with a few employees, and as said, what ive heard is pretty awesome, as of now i carry my crews in the battlefoam 216 i believe it is, its the two or three tray case, anything BF makes never fails to impress.

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Hello guys,

General Baggy here from Battle Foam. Just to let you guys know the new Malifaux bag will be released August 1st. Pre-orders will begin on July 1st and will continue until the end of the month. We will be attending Gencon and will have the bags at our booth and the Wyrd booth for purchase.

MSRP for the bag complete with foam trays will be $70.00

More details and pictures will be available July 1st so stay tuned to the Battle Foam website and the Wyrd Site.

Hope that helps guys.

General Baggy

Protecting Your Army

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have a look at


for a small case should beable to fit 2-3 crews still and its tiny.

I have one of these, and it's... the compartments are not the right size. Most of the minis, the top of the head pokes out above by several milllimeters, and same if you try to put them in lengthwise - they squish into the foam or won't fit at all depending on size.

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I have one of these, and it's... the compartments are not the right size. Most of the minis, the top of the head pokes out above by several milllimeters, and same if you try to put them in lengthwise - they squish into the foam or won't fit at all depending on size.

I find this odd considering that I too have a mini Feldherr case for my Malifaux and everything that's on a 30mm base fits in perfectly; and I have all sorts of models from different crews, some perched on quite tall micro-art studio bases!!

(EDIT:) When I say they fit perfectly, I think this is in fact what you are calling "squish into the foam" as I am always after cases where the miniatures are held rigid in the foam and have no room to rattle about. They do indeed squish into the foam a bit, to keep them still in transport.

I picked up the version of this case that is double thickness, and the bottom part is full of diced foam to keep my Desolation Engine, Bad Juju, Killjoy, etc. large 50mm/40mm models. :P

Edited by n0signal
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