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Feral's Malifaux and Others

Mister Feral

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New readers read-me!


Skip to here to start reading from my 2014 progress onwards. Models prior to that were completed way back in 2010!


[Original post follows]


Hello, I suppose I better introduce myself.

I was up to about a month ago a GW purist, started off in the miniatures hobby nearly 12 years ago (so I've been at it a while now). I decided I needed a change and stumbled across Wyrd Miniatures and I knew then I was on to something good. :)

So, I took a dive into Malifaux and got some miniatures so this will be my thread to show what I've painted. I would like to think I've got the hang of this painting business by now, but I always like constructive critism, ideas and the like (though good old-fashioned praise is good too. :angel:)

Here's my first one done;
Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer


Waiting to hear what you think,

Edited by Mister Feral
Changed photo to reflecting basing improvements.
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Hello, I suppose I better introduce myself.

I was up to about a month ago a GW purist, started off in the miniatures hobby nearly 12 years ago (so I've been at it a while now). I decided I needed a change and stumbled across Wyrd Miniatures and I knew then I was on to something good. :)


How true for so many, yet it makes me a little sad that more dont make that adventure into the wider world.

However I cant comment on the minis cos my blady work comp. wont let me see them.

Welcome aboard.

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Thanks for the comments and welcomes, it's nice to be here. :)

As for the colour scheme (and green hair), I cannot claim originality because I pretty much copied it from the painted example printed in the blister pack. (I changed the shirt from red to purple though) :idea:

As for the base, it's just a bit of slade and modelling sand basecoated and drybrushed in various shades of brown. There's also a little brass etching cog I bent and bashed up there too.

(just realised, I should of painted the surgical tools pouch brown and not black - oops!)

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It's still a very good job though, even if you're not claiming originality.

I don't know if it's all varnished and what not, but i'd maybe do something to make the cog a bit more distinct, as it took a wee bit of looking around to find it, though that could just be me, or possibly just the position, it might stick right out in real life.

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Nah, it hasn't been varnished yet. I usually end up missing something or going back and improving bits.

I will have to hit the cog with a bit of a rust effect, but nothing too grand.

I repainted his surgical tool pouch, that was irritating me a bit.

I have in the painting pile in various states of progress;



Convict Gunslinger


So, one of those will be next up. :)

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Aye, it's true that particular Batman characters influence my painting choices, I'm a DC graphic novels enthusiast at heart.

I updated my photo of Leveticus in my first post to show the basing improvements (rust effects on the buried cog and patches of grey drybrushed on for that wasteland look).

Also, something new;

Convict Gunslinger:


It's pretty much the standard scheme except I changed his hair to pink and gave him eyeliner around his good eye because he's so macho. :laughing:

I hope you like it,


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Aye, it's true that particular Batman characters influence my painting choices, I'm a DC graphic novels enthusiast at heart.

I updated my photo of Leveticus in my first post to show the basing improvements (rust effects on the buried cog and patches of grey drybrushed on for that wasteland look).

Also, something new;

Convict Gunslinger:


It's pretty much the standard scheme except I changed his hair to pink and gave him eyeliner around his good eye because he's so macho. :laughing:

I hope you like it,


The mini rocks I like the flesh tone and all of the bruising.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again people, thanks again for the nice words.

I have seen that McMourning (funny idea), I am going in a similar direction for my Seamus (white face paint).

I have something new done;

The Hanged:


They could use a few improvements, but are otherwise done. Lovely sculpts, even though I clumsily broke one's tab off and had to pin him back onto the base. Oops.

Thanks for looking, and let me know what you think. :)

Edited by Mister Feral
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Yay Mr. Wyrd himself likes my stuff, I am pleased! :)

Here's something a bit different for you (from Mad Puppet Miniatures)

Scavenger Leader:




Let me just say, I love this model! It was probably the first non-GW miniature I rather liked and as such probably kicked off my adventure into alternate lines.

Having said that, it did take me three attempts to get the flesh right for some reason but persistence won out in the end. I'm rather pleased with the mohawk, managed to blend the colours quite well I think. I also added a bit of "psycho jester" makeup to his face for character.

(I reckon he'd make a great proxy Convict Gunslinger.) ;)

Comments and stuff would be nice, I'm rather pleased with how it turned out.

Thanks for reading,


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