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Need to get something off my chest...


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I gotta ask.... what is it with hiding the boob pictures? I noticed Mal only posts links rather than pics themselves to pictures of figures with their mammary glands showing. I see boobs everyday and I'm not scarred for life or anything from it (maybe from other things, but the image of painted or sculpted nipples never hurt me). Did Nathan personally say "No boobie pics on my site" at some point and I missed it? Frankly, it's kinda offending me that a natural part of what is a part of my own body is so taboo, even depicted as artfully done, rather than obscenely (like in porn).

So showing horribly mutilated undead zombies and pustulated, disease-ridden plague demons is more 'allowable' than a simple pair of breasts.... .....what?!


:parental: Look out! I got boobs! I'm a menace to society!!!!

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It may have been Mal's choice to err on the side of caution and link to those pictures instead of just posting them since some people can access Wyrd from where they work.

If someone walks by and sees a zombie or plague demon, they may think to themselves that it's related to a horror movie or something like that and think nothing of it. They see a woman's nude chest, you know they're going to think "That person is looking at porn at work!" and that somehow that person is a perv or something.

Yes, it's a double-standard that violence is more acceptable than something as beautiful and gracious as the nude female form. But some people simply will not be convinced that it should be the other way around.

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I think Mr. Hinton hits it right on the head. Americans (me included) have an awful double standard in that regards.

Somehow, tastefully done bare boobies on an inch high piece of metal is offensive, but a 4 minute Viagra commercial isnt? But that is what it is, and we aren't going to be able to change that.

Mostly it is about the NSFW aspect......If it allows some of our visitors to feel more secure about checking out the Web site, I'm all for it.

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I see boobs everyday and I'm not scarred for life or anything from it (maybe from other things, but the image of painted or sculpted nipples never hurt me).

:D you're a woman so that sounds like logic to me :D

Anyway, the reason I chose to do so is indeed to stay on the safe side. I assume that not everybody will be happy to see naked women with swords and such (or the sacrificed lady in the newspost by Bronze Age) when their kid is on their lap or they're at work browsing during their breaks.

Has nothing to do with me...heck, I live in Holland for God's sake :D. We get naked women and sometimes stuff that's almost porn on the telly (and no, not paid-for cable). So some pewter titties don't worry me or make me angry...not at all.

The same would go if someone would sculpt a dude with his tool hanging around...I wouldn't post that (I think I won't like looking at that a lot either...).

If everyone thinks it is silly and unnecessary I would gladly show all those titties in regular images...no problemo! But without that I'd rather play safe.

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I think it just irritates me, like in your post about the new Bronze Age minis... right smack in the middle of all the other picture... that I can see right there, I gotta click all these extra links to see all of them. Just annoying. Can't we post them anyway and put a warning in the post title? Like " *NSFW* New Bronze Age " or something?

But I think it's a sign of society going to hell when grotesgue violence and viagra commercials are more acceptable than mammaries. Just something wrong about that....

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...must.... resist......

no cant :P

have to comment on one thing.

Vike said

" But that is what it is, and we aren't going to be able to change that."

Mal said

"see naked women *snip* when their kid is on their lap or they're at work browsing during their breaks."

I think THAT is the whole problem actually, when nudity or even sex (not porn.. but if you are watching porn when your kids are awake somethings is wrong.) pop on media it is likely more damaging to cover the kids eyes screaming *no that is filthy bad stuff.* or even *just for adults* than letting it pass by as something normal and having *the talk* when they have questions about it. **snipped the rant going further on this** ;)

(for your information, I was raised in the extreme first variant, I wasnt even allowed to go to biology classes when they gave sexual education... and indeed in my teens this caused psychological issues as I tought when those *morning erections* came up it was an act of the devil, my parents were not unreasonable people, and probably would have given proper guidance if I had gone to them, but offcourse I didnt dare to due to above explained reasons... this also explains why I always am so vocal about this issue ;))

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Total corruption of your thread Deunde so I am apologizing in advance.

(I agree that sex in general should be out in the open. I got to learn about the "Birds and the Bees" in kindergarten when some other kids started having orgies in the apple orchard that was on the school property... I firmly believe that you are better off having it right out in hte open and plan on having the talk with my son when he is about 5 or 6. The human body is a beautiful thing. Both male and female forms. Sex is a natural function and should be encouraged in a safe non damaging way. Right enough of that)

You have to get something OFF YOUR CHEST? I do hope that you can put them back on your chest when you are done! Boobs are great! It would be a crying shame to remove them!

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You have to get something OFF YOUR CHEST? I do hope that you can put them back on your chest when you are done! Boobs are great! It would be a crying shame to remove them!


and have to apologise for the threadjack as well.

back to little lead women (and men.. who in fantasy and summer dont hesitate showing their boobs as well ;))

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The only thing that annoys me more than censorship is unwarranted self-censorship. Sure, it's nice to be considerate and care for other people, but this whole PC hysteria is getting on my nerves. This, not posting certain photos of minis, may be a relatively harmless thing, but it annoys me all the same. If everyone starts acting this way it won't be long until it's become a "rule" and everyone will start feeling nervous about showing these pics at all. Even if un-spoken, or even un-intended, self-censorship suggests to other people that they ought to conform, or they will be regarded as insensitive. That's what annoys me the most!

If you're nervous about watching certain images at work, then perhaps it might not be a good idea to browse miniature news at work? If you're nervous about your kid seeing a depiction of human skin, then don't browse miniature news with your kid in your lap! I for one will not assume people get offended by inch-high naughty figurines, especially since I've hardly ever heard anyone seeing it as a problem.

If you feel the need to "warn" people, stick a "NSFW" in the title or something... Not showing the pics just make me skip the news or go somewhere else where people aren't so squeamish.

I'm not having a go at Marijn personally here. It's the tendency I'm annoyed by.

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Granted, I check this site from work and appreciate a heads up with a NSFW warning, but in the big picture, gimme a break. They're boobs on tiny peice of metal. I have yet to see anything that is actually offensive. I wouldn't check the site from work if I thought I would get in any real trouble for looking at images like that. It's "art" and I'm pretty open about my hobby at work and people seem very interested and accepting. I'd say if you have an issue with this thing at work, check the news and releases from home. No need for us all to be censored. (just maybe warned;)

Don't let the man keep us from our boobies!

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I disagree....why not have a NSFW title occasionally?

I can't change the policy that my company has. If I happen to be browsing a web site on my break, and it has a shiny little object, and my boss sees, it's no problem.

If I did the same, and it was a picture of boobies, my boss may care or a co-worker may claim sexual harrassment.

Maybe my boss won't care, maybe the co-worker won't care, but a bit of a heads up is not a bad thing at all. That way if there is even the risk, I can avoid it.

So the folks that are 'more enlightened' or 'free-er thinkers' have to make an extra mouse click? Honestly, is that too much of a price?

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It's not the extra mouse click that bothers me... It's the idea that if there's even a remote posibility that someone somewhere may be offended by an inch-high nude sculpture should make me have to think twice about posting pictures of miniatures on a miniature site.

I'll try to remember to give hints in the title if I post something naughty (if naught else, because I know that will get Jim looking... ;)), but I will post pictures that I want to share with the community, be it my own work or someone elses.

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Can understand both sides of the conversation. Consequently, in order to make folks happy on all sides of the fence as well as keep folks on computers at work safe and happy, I've added a spoiler code.

You can do this in the advanced reply by just clicking on 'wrap spoiler tags around selected text' (I'll add in a graphic here shortly) or put the actual spoiler tag with the [] [/] brackets and it'll hide it till clicked.

Also a great way to hide spoilers for movies, games, etc if you want.
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You have to get something OFF YOUR CHEST? I do hope that you can put them back on your chest when you are done! Boobs are great! It would be a crying shame to remove them!

No no no.... not my boobs! It's that big heavy black blanket with the 'CENSORED' stamps all over it that I'm trying to lose. ;)

American people make me laugh with this puritanism. Good point Duende.

I agree. Here I was thinking that the majority is supposed to rule but apparently if 1 person is offended at something then everything must change to accommodate their fragile little sensibilities. Sheesh! I'm offended by offended people! :laugh:

And Moa, per your request, here you go...

Ha, ha!! Made ya look! :P:


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