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Wamp goes Wyrd


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I have pleasure to announce the first of a series of special painting contests over at WAMP.

this one is being sponsered by Wyrd Miniatures who have kindly donated the prizes.

The contest will run until March 15th 2009.

All entries must be wyrd miniatures previously un-published but apart from that you have free rein , be it single figure, diorama, whatever takes your fancy.

Judging will be done by one of Wyrd's very own painter Demonherald

prizes are:

1st $50 wyrd gift voucher

2nd $25 Wyrd gift voucher

3rd $ 15 Wyrd gift voucher

4th $10 Wyrd gift voucher

you may enter as many times as you like but can only win one prize

You must be a wamp member to enter. wamp membership is free

to register and see the full rules go here:


any questions just give me a shout



Edited by Darklord
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I have two problems getting started with this:

1) I tried to register (a couple of days ago), but then I was told that the account was inactive when I tried logging-in.

2) Now the site seems to be missing.

Just me?

Give us a couple of hours. Tuxie will get you sorted. I'm sorry you're having issues. It's only because some git is spamming the site and we've had to be very careful.

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sorry for the late reply, we have had no electric for around 18 hours and man im cold!

your account is active (i did it the other day) and the site hasnt been moved.

new accounts have to be authorised as we had problems with one or two spammers so its just a precaution

anymore problems let me know

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I'm judging this little shindig anyone feel up to the challenge of impressing me??? I'm a tough SOB when it comes to this kind of thing......muwah ha ha haaa ... he feeling of power is certainly dizzying.....

good luck any and all that enter .. All you ironpainter wusses moaning about the strain of multiple comps to enter.... you only need a single model.. in 5 weeks... now come on you don't deserve to be in Iron painter if you can't manage to sneak that in..........

Great prizes donated by Nathan there nice one..

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