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my first mini 20+yrs ago... show us yours..

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This came up on the IP thread and thought it could be interesting to see peoples first ever minis .. especially the more experienced guys..(or old gits) ..

This was mine and I still have it sat at my desk as a bit of encouragement for when I'm running painting lessons... It shows an early taste for chaos in particular the red and black that I am using a lot a lately but I think the eyes were a great touch:laugh::laugh:

so dig out yer old pics...


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A challenge eh? Sure, why not. I painted this back in 1998. At the time I was huge legend of the Five rings player. When they put out a minaitures game called Clan Wars set in Rokugan I couldnt resist. I snagged one of the Phoenix samurai and painted her up as my character, Kitsu Skya.


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This is somewhat embarrassing to post, but...

This is the first miniature that I painted. I'm no longer sure of the date that I painted this, probably some time in the late 1980's. I had a very limited understanding of highlighting and shading then :) . The base was added a number of years after painting the miniature.

I believe that my current work is somewhat better. :D


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My first mini was from a set called the "Press Gang" that I got from a friend. He didn't want them so gave them to me along with a Ral Partha catalog. I actually learned to paint from a little tutorial in the back of the catalog.

Anyway, that was around 1988 or so and unfortunately they have been lost to the ravages of time. Awhile later I got the Draconians boxset from Partha and I still have most of them. This is the earliest one I can find that I painted.


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I think my first effort looked similar to that, Moavo. I too used enamels, no primer, no thinners (except for cleaning the brush) and crap brushes. But, as mentioned above, I got rid of the evidence. :D (... which is a shame really, as I could probably have made a few bucks on some of that mid-80s Citadel stuff I painted)

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me too :laugh: although I have to say I have probably learnt more in the last 2 years thanks to the old internet here.... young un's they have it so easy.....

True it's the same for me. And when you don't enter contests and only paint miniatures for wargames you don't improve your skills so much and you don't really care.

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Interesting point.. I have to say that I count internet galleries and comps as the monkey on my back...There the little thoughts that go through my head that help me see faults and hopefully correct before others pass comments on the pieces.. without them I would probably count half my pieces as finished long before they truly are...

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Can't work out how to insert an image here but my first GW mini, when I started in this scale in 1998, is in my gallery, Bretonnian Sorceress in pink dress. Of course being incredibily ancient I'd been painting figures for many years prior to this


hey just worked it out!


Edited by waghorn41
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