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I'm moving!

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The house next door to where my apartment is came up on the market a few weeks ago and my folks encouraged me to try for it. Well, the papers were signed this morning, so I'm going to be moving.

It kind of sucks packing everything up and then unpacking it, but since I'm only moving next door, it shouldn't be too terribly bad. It's going to take a couple of days since it's just me doing the moving (I really need to find some friends or something :( ).

What's going to be really nice is moving from a tiny, one-bedroom apartment (and I do mean tiny) to a two-bedroom house with a full - but not fully finished - basement. It's not a mansion or anything really fancy, but it has some nice-sized rooms and plenty of space to move around in. I'm probably going to have more room than I know what to do with. I'm planning on taking a few pictures after I get off work, so I'll try to post some tonight.

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congratulations!! It's great being a home owner...well, great after a learning curve. I remember the first time something broke and I realized I could just call the landlord to come fix it...that sucked!

But still, it's a great feeling, and nows the time to buy! it should just be going up and up in value over the next several years :)

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Hey Hinton,

I wish you much happiness in your new home. Moving is NOT one of life's great joys, but this too will pass. Within the next year I will have to relocate & my next stop may well be a trek from NY to El Paso; next door sounds good to me.

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congrats on Being a home owner, After kids its one of the nicest tax breaks you can have. And bets of all. Its all YOURS, so you can paint the walls whatever color you want, and don't have to worr so much about the folks on the other side of the wall. So spring for that Awesome sound system.

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Thanks, everyone.

Snapped a few pics last night.

Here's my daughter in the front yard:


Picture from the front door:


Living room (carpet's getting cleaned today):


Dining room:


This is the biggest kitchen I've ever had:


My daughter's room:


This room is in the basement and it is huge. This is where I'm going to set up a painting bench and workroom:


My dad and I went through the house last night and found quite a few things that need to be fixed or redone. There are lights switches that don't seem to do anything at all (one switch in my daughter's bedroom turns off the electrical outlets in my bedroom!), so we're going to do some electrical work.

The stairs to the basement are really steep and narrow and we're going to rebuild them. The wallpaper is coming off because I really don't like it.

Overall, there are a few little things that need to be done, but nothing really major. It's a good house with a lot more space than I've had in a long time (it's even bigger than the house my ex-wife and I bought).

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Yes, that's the front of my house. You can tell it was taken a while ago because of the snow on the north side of the house (left side of the picture).

Again, thank you everyone.

Yeah, that porch is pretty big. There's a lot of stuff in the house that you don't see in houses anymore: push button light switches, pocket doors, "Jack & Jill" closet; it's kind of cool, but also kind of outdated. The people that owned it I think lived there since before their kids were born - and their kids now have kids.

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Congratulations on getting a bigger home. Having plenty of space is important, IMO. You can get used to not having much space, but you will ALWAYS feel better for having it. And having a dedicated hobby/work area is not something I would want to live without (even if I COULD, if I really had to...).

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Ok, so I have almost everything moved into the house. All that's left is the dining room table and my books. Frankly, that's the one thing about moving that I really dread: my books; boxes and boxes of them and they're heavy. But they'll get moved tomorrow.

Now comes the fun part of digging through everything and finding places to put all of it. It's kind of weird since I went from a tiny apartment where everything was pretty much within reach to having everything spread out now. Still, I'd rather have the space to move around.

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Pocket doors are so cool. Why would builders not do that today?

I had pocket doors on my old house (built in 2005). Cool, yes. A bit of a PITA, though. Since the doors hide in the walls, you can't put anything electrical there, which make putting a lightswitch in the room a bit of a hassle. Mine was across the hallway. Took a bit of getting used to. I kept forgeting and had to go back out the doorway to turn on the lights in the room.

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