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Your worst Google image search experience


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Tell my 7 year old that - they regularly google game cheats and walk throughs on their PS3 games and my son ended up on a pr0n site for teens last week. Needless to say it caught his interest and it wasn't until my daughter caught him that he thought he was in for the whoopin' of his life.

Since then I've had to put some blockers up.

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Speaking of the intraweb and such...

I used to have a neighbor that would delight in showing me disgusting images from the web. Like the victim of a motorcyle accident, or someone on fire, or other strange and disturbing images.

Thankfully the guy moved away. Why the hell would he want to share those images with others? I suppose there is a morbid curiosity, but I still find it odd.

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yeah, I have one "friend" who I swear his one joy in life is to try to trick people into opening wildly inappropriate images at work.

oh, I did do a search yesterday for "elephant" because we were having a debate as to whether they had ankles (it was a slow day at work), and I immediately ended up staring at a 5 foot long penis...

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My dad gets images like that. Not because of a love of death, but he is an industry medic working on ship yards. So he see's alot of mechanically related injuries and deaths. And the get sent around to show the dangers etc...

The last set he had was a pressure pipe had exploded some where in India (these things have something like 20000x the pressure of a car tire) and the pipe cap shot of decapitating this poor fella's skull and his brain was scattered over a mangle of pipes and concrete.

Safety first kids.

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I followed a link in a political forum once that led to another forum where American, British etc. soldiers who had been in Iraq or Afghanistan posted photos from their operations. It was pretty appalling, especially reading the accompanying "discussions" (i.e. expressions of mirth and snide remarks about the victims). Some of the victims might very well have been rebels, but that doesn't make any of it any less distasteful. That's probably the worst things I've seen on the net, and I really can't understand why people post stuff like that and why anyone actively search for it.

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Oh. well there was this image I got a couple of years back from another of these so called "friends" who liked to send links of horrible horrible stuff.


Well at first a couldn't quite see what it was. It looked green-brown.. no wait a green-brown fountain right towards the camera? What is that.. is that a butt? Is that a human laying butt-up in a bathtub? And a brown fountain...and.. and suddenly the entire image hit me like a sledgehammer. I wanted to rip out my eyes.

@Jim: Still intrigued by this face painting thing.

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