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NEWS: New Hasslefree Greens (February releases)

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the dwarf pistolier is the best I think by far, although the pose definately looks like a copy of that other mini, you know the one :D

Aha... you mean that other mini by that other company? :noevil:

Like it quite a bit, though! Also, I'm a big fan of Cohen... oh I mean 'Conran'! :umbrella:

And a couple of the pirate competition winners too....

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I filled the crack so she's got tight-assed lycra spandex on, like all good Browncoat/Steampunk pirate chicks will be wearing. The mix of the putty was a bit off from the original nude so there is some coloring shadow, but be assured, it should be glass-smooth across those cheeks.

Check out any Zoe booty shot on the new Serenity DVD and that is the exact look I try to shoot for in all my sculpts.

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