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Just tried out Jack Daw ☠️

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And it was amazing. 

The Strat was Corrupted Ley Lines - Flank Deployment

Vendetta, Breakthrough, Claim Jump, Outflank, Bait and Switch. 

So it wasn’t exactly a pool for Jack, but you just need to get models on the table and feel them out. 

In the same way, I just went with :

Jack + Ligeia


2 x Hanged with The Whisper (to discourage Ivan off of summoning from them)

Jakuuna Ubume


8 Stones

My opponent brough Ivan with 10 models and two stones. So everything and the kitchen sink. It was his first 50 Stone game, but I’ve never met Ivan either so, we just had to make the most of it 🤗

What really struck me was the mobility. 
Having a Hanged bounce off a Guilty to move around 20 inches and still manage to dole out an upgrade and 5 damage from a Black Joker. Scary stuff! Of course you depend on the Guilty, but still… Scary stuff.

Next was the card draw. Once Jack is secure, you just refill your hand. By the end of T3 I had a hand of 5 severes and a weak to go into T4. 

And then the ‘staggering’ amount of damage. You just have 2/3/4 damage Tracks, but there’s usually a trigger bonus to make it really annoying. And then having a deck with two ‘red’ jokers is such an advantage - my Hanged manage to flip one and cheat another.

The hard thing was keeping track of the activation order. Making sure that you had Staggered and Upgrades on things before going for the kills. 

The game went fast. Jack was in Mordrakes face by T1 and my opponent never managed to get across the middle. 

I went with Claim Junk on Jakuuna and a Hanged had a Vendetta vs Gibson - but sadly just tore him in half in one turn, rather than wait. Jakuuna just did her thing. Scored the home and center objective and then passed the ball to the Guilty to score a third, while she secured her Claim Jump. While the speed of the Hanged allowed me to stop my opponent from scoring Outflank and Breakthrough and only two points from the Strat.

A good game, a fun crew - and I really do not look forward to when my opponent gets the hang of Ivan and the game in general.


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  • 3 weeks later...

When Jack, Hanged, and Guilty are all getting upgrades out can be downright oppressive to an enemy if the game type is right.  Jack you really have to think through those activation orders, and make sure you are getting the proper actions done.  Early game I hand out as many upgrades as possible with Hanged and Jack. Meanwhile my Guilty are out sand trapping important models, begging to be killed for more upgrades. Around turn 2 1/2 or 3 I like to go agro and start deleting models in the most oppressive fashion.  The Tormented can be a bit of a puzzle to learn to use well, but are so fun to use...

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I do think my next big decision is whether or not I cut the Crooked Man from my Daw2 list. It's only had a couple of games but I haven't seen much from it yet. It keeps getting dramatically outpaced by the crew. But to be fair I do keep forgetting Shafted, so it's at least 50% my fault.

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17 hours ago, Regelridderen said:

@Autumn King @Cranky Old Man I got a good feel for the crew basics, but I do have a hard time fitting in the Drownedcand the Crooked Men? Do they see any use with you?

I like the Drowned, Comabt Finese (cant cheat in melee against the model) is brutal to many melee teams.  That being said, I prefer the Guilty in most games and I just don't want to give up a Guilty or the stones for a Drowned.

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Honestly I haven’t really tried the crooked men and even less the drowned. If I took Jaakuna I would think about a drowned

My normal Daw crew

New Jack Daw Crew (Resurrectionist)
Size: 50 - Pool: 7
  Jack Daw
    The Whisper
  Lady Ligeia
    Grave Spirit's Touch
  Guilty 2
  Dead Outlaw
  Dead Outlaw 2

I like the outlaws for schemes but I could drop them both for a hanged with gst, but I would to keep my friends. Hanged are one of the most busted models in the game.

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Jaakuna is amazing, one of the best sand traps in the game.  Pulls you in and makes you suffer. 

But, I agree Hanged are just so good, and can literally take any Reser upgrade and be amazing.  I don't like my friends, I like to run two.

19 hours ago, Cranky Old Man said:

Honestly I haven’t really tried the crooked men and even less the drowned. If I took Jaakuna I would think about a drowned

My normal Daw crew

New Jack Daw Crew (Resurrectionist)
Size: 50 - Pool: 7
  Jack Daw
    The Whisper
  Lady Ligeia
    Grave Spirit's Touch
  Guilty 2
  Dead Outlaw
  Dead Outlaw 2

I like the outlaws for schemes but I could drop them both for a hanged with gst, but I would to keep my friends. Hanged are one of the most busted models in the game.


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19 hours ago, Autumn King said:

…I don't like my friends, I like to run two.

My friends are grade A arses, they deserve to have a couple of hanged stuffed down their throats. Those were awesome - and I’m switching between 8ish keywords ATM, so it’s not like it’s a thing 🤭

I didn’t get much action from Jaakuna in my game, mostly because of terrain, but still she was the ball carrier and she scored my Claim Jump. I’m pretty sure she’d held her own had she been engaged.

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@HomelessOne I started out a fair few masters out post nerf, and I’d say, I’m happier playing them that way, because without those changers it would have been easy mode. Ivan feels like he’s good fun and that he’s got good potential still, he must have been absolutely oppressive before. Dreamer was my first master, and he definitely needed the nerf - what mostly bothers me now is that his Lucid Dream is mostly a wasted mechanic by now, where it really drove the thematic feel before, but the balance is better.

Daw is not a straightforward crew to play. You really need to manage your hand and get your activation order right. He doesn’t feel broken. I’d just get the core and the Hanged box and try him out for cheaps.

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Crooked men just die too easily to be any good. Drowned are ok but have never had a big enough impact for me to care. 

But jack wants hanged, guilt and monty so often that you don’t have huge amounts of space. Plus so many SS users you want cache. Jack 1 wants a bone pile. Jack 2 wants jaakuna. 

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Another thought I had would be running Toshiro over Montressor?

Most of Jacks crew is likely to be minions, and so they stand to gain from Daimyo’s Gift and his Leadership. While Daw himself can benefit from Foul Mouthed Motivation. With cards being JD’s biggest resource having +flips and a healer present will really cut down some of the pressure I imagine.

How integral would you say Monty is? In my game I found him ‘nice’, but he was still just a bruiser, and Jack and the Hanged had that covered.

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Imho Toshiro can replace Jaakuna and you'll keep both him and Montressor (who can comand minions to fight within Leadership aura). With Toshiro you go through the deck really fast finding both jockers (if you lucky enough with hanged :) ). 

Montressor sometimes can be bit slow, but i really like his "stagger doesnt end" aura and staggering pushing atack, situationaly execute is nice too. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just tried out Daw1 last night and wow he can be oppressive. The game was a little wonky since both me and my opponent took crews we had never played before. He took Nexus2 with a total of 13 models in his crew. I took 2x Hanged w/ Whisper, Monty, 2x Guilty, and a Bonepile. Strat was Corrupted Leylines which after playing it out I'm not sure it's Daws best scenario but it wasn't terrible. For Schemes I took Assassinate and Claim Jump on Monty. My opponent took Spread Them Out, and Detonate Charges.

Turn 1 I ran a Guilty up the middle of the board and was able to slingshot one of the Hanged into a cluster of his models. The second Hanged jumped up to the guilty but couldn't make the second shot into my opponent. Daw moved up and was able to give out an upgrade but couldn't jump into the crew since the spellcaster had an aura from Dr Meredith where you can't end movement near it.

Turn 2 Daw dragged Lady Ligeia into a large clump of enemy's, passed out some upgrades and then pulsed to give 3 models slow. This really messed with my opponents turn and truly showcased how oppressive Daw can be. If my opponent didn't have 13 models I think this one activation alone could have won me the game.

The rest of the game was me killing a bunch of his models with only 1 of my Hanged going down after multiple turns of my opponent trying to kill it. But due to the fact that my opponent had 3 Master models and multiple totems that he can make significant the game ended in a tie. 

Some takeaways from the game, Daw is very oppressive and deceptively quick to engage, but feels like a one trick pony in that regard, like my opponent immediately commented on it after the game saying he should have just nuked the guilty when I ran it up so I couldn't slingshot off of it. Once engaged Daw is fantastic but if he needs to pivot seems a little tricky to disengage since you want to be in the middle of their crew. The rest of his crew minus the Hanged also feel quite slow. I didn't feel like I had a good football carrier for Leylines. I like 2 Hanged but maybe drop one for something that can run schemes better?

What are your go to for scheme running in a Daw crew?

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  • 2 months later...

I have recently picked up everything Tormented and am planning to dip my toes into his keyword very soon.

I have been playing about with lists and looking at what OOK synergies there might be has led me to look at Madame Sybelle - she is a hefty investment at 10 stones but Undivided Attention combined with Disturbing Whispers and Terrifying 12 (and in general a lot of Terrifying throughout most of the crew) can lead to an awful lot of failed attacks.  She can help slingshot models forwards (or pull enemies in) and a small heal if she lands the trigger on Undivided Attention never hurts for Jack if the enemy does focus on him.

Currently looking at something like:

Jack + Whisper
Lady Ligeia
Madame Sybelle
3 stones in the pool

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49 minutes ago, bakaryu135 said:

I have recently picked up everything Tormented and am planning to dip my toes into his keyword very soon.

I have been playing about with lists and looking at what OOK synergies there might be has led me to look at Madame Sybelle - she is a hefty investment at 10 stones but Undivided Attention combined with Disturbing Whispers and Terrifying 12 (and in general a lot of Terrifying throughout most of the crew) can lead to an awful lot of failed attacks.  She can help slingshot models forwards (or pull enemies in) and a small heal if she lands the trigger on Undivided Attention never hurts for Jack if the enemy does focus on him.

Currently looking at something like:

Jack + Whisper
Lady Ligeia
Madame Sybelle
3 stones in the pool

The idea of Sybelle seems super cool, definitely worth testing.

Two issues:

  • 3 stones is not a lot, since you have 5 models that rely pretty heavily on soulstones.
  • I almost always put Grave Spirit's Touch on Hanged as it makes them way more survivable.

So maybe give your list a go, and then if it doesn't work out try dropping a Guilty for two upgrades and a stone? Or maybe tinker further.

As another mention for versatile models that work well, I love Enslaved Spirits with the crew!

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I agree with MC, Daw is really intensive on your Soulstone Cache, as there are lot of important triggers, you don’t want to miss.

You’ve also got 5 models to compete for those stones and high cards to win duels - JD, Monty, Sybelle, double Hanged. That’s easily a weakness.


In my experience, it is less the quality of Terrifying, but the abundance of it that drains your opponent. I’d focus more on the Sybelle’s Beckoning Call, than her aura. Daw is a slow crew that needs it’s sheananigans to outwit the opponent. So in the end, I’d probably choose Sloth over Sybelle.

But do try it out, make it work and make us all proud ;)

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