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Who has the best core minion?


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I would classify a core minion as one who's in that 5-6ss range. Typically those that you would (ideally) consider hiring multiples of to form the baseline of your list. Those minions that are usually sold in 3's. I'm excluding versatile and gamin models as I feel like they're more supplementary. 

When I say "best", obviously there are many factors that come into play. Schemes/strats/enemy crews all play a factor in what you hire. However I find myself, in most cases always hiring or leaving particular minions regardless (or very rarely).


What I'd consider core minions

December: Silent Ones 

Academic: Ox Mages

Wildfire: Firebranded 

Performer: Showgirls

M&SU: Union Miners

Chimera: Order Initiates

Augmented: Warden

Foundry: Rail Worker



  • Do you ever hire them often?
  • Do you ever hire more than one?
  • Do they have a niche role? 


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For me, I'd probably rank Silent Ones as the best. They're probably the best part of December keyword and I'll always bring at least one, most times even two. The work incredibly well in the keyword and really compliment Raspy in alleviating some of the pillar pressure. The heals are very good and helps to stand up the rest of the keyword. 

I also really like Rail Workers. They're just very tough, Killy models for their cost. They're not particularly good at scheming but they're pretty decent at holding points and clearing enemies. I'll usually run at least one, but I'm not opposed to running two of them in certain matchups. 

I don't really play Hoff, but the Wardens look decent enough for their cost. I could see them filling a role similar to the rail workers.

Fire Branded are decent to mediocre. My main issue is that they're very static and need a Pyre marker in order to get anything decent out of them. Also, they're often taking damage from burning so they tend to die quicker than most. All that being said, when you get them in a Pyre marker, they actually be pretty scary and reasonably tough. I'll usually bring one, rarely two, though. 

Union Miners are a niche pick for me. If your hiring them, it's likely for False Claim, which is a really good ability, especially in M&SU where schemers are uncommon. They have a bunch of other niche abilities which makes them interesting in certain matchups. Overall I do like them, I just don't always have a reason for hiring them. I'll most often take one but have on occasion taken two.

Order Initiates have been pretty meh for me. They biggest purpose is drawing cards for Marcus. Outside of that, they're pretty average in melee and survivability. You really need a few mutations in order to get them to work well and that's why I feel like they're not great. I'll usually take one, but I find they have a diminishing return beyond that. 

Pre Errata and GG2, I would have said Showgirls are pretty forgettable. They do seem to have a bit more purpose now, but I'm still not sold on them. They really don't have much keeping them alive and usually they're your scoring models. They just don't really do anything particularly well and you need to play them so incredibly carefully. I often compare them to Saboteurs, who have a similar role but generally just work better. I've stopped hiring them long ago. We'll see if GG2 changes my impression. 

Ox Mages are tied with Showgirls are my least rated core minion. My biggest issue with this model is that it doesn't know what it wants to be. It's very subpar with it's damage and defence. It feels like it wants to be a support piece, which already makes it more niche than the other minions on this list. Even so, I find it's support abilities a bit awkward to use. I just have a hard time understanding exactly what this models use is. It's especially bad given that Sandeep has access to the gamin, who fulfil a more specialized role for a cheaper cost. The Mantra is pretty good, but that's about it. I don't ever hire them


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To be pedantic, Silent Ones are only Minion (2). Furthermore, Acolytles actually come in Rasputina's Core Box. Therefore I nominate Acolytes as December's actual "Core Minion," they are just so bad no one thinks of them as relevant to the crew.

I'd go with Rail Workers as the best Core Minion. They are extremely versatile: they can beat, scheme, tank, reposition, missposition, stun, or tie-up. Plus, they work very well with Arcanist upgrades. 

Their only real weaknesses are WP 4, vulnerability to spike-6 damage, and that your opponent gets to choose where Creative Salvage is placed (pls fix q-q)

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Yeah, calling Silent Ones a core minion is like calling Librarians the core minion of Freikorps. They're clearly a utility/specialist models designed for expanding the crew.


I see 1-2 Order Initiates get hired into some pools, especially those that require a lot of movement. Being able to self-upgrade takes a lot of pressure off of Marcus and extra Calls of the Wild can be pretty huge. 6 stones for 7 health makes them feel pretty solid for their cost too, especially with a defensive upgrade tossed on top.

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I’ve had some luck with the order Initiates. It’s nice to be able to force a min 4 (+1 from stampede) hit out of a cheap minion when it comes up too. Like jackalope ties something up then charge. Have had them punch above their weight often enough. Usually a once a game opportunity, but relatively easy to force when it happens. They can be fast, or stealthy as required. Overall I rate em.

But mostly I agree with Jordan’s assessments (and agree with the pedantic pointing out that silent ones aren’t the core minion). Though I’ve never played or faced Mei.

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I honestly forgot about Acolytes. That should tell you what you need to know already...

At 7ss, they're more expensive then the other masters core minions. It also doesn't help that the main mechanic of that keyword actually hinders them as oppose to helping.

I'm just not sure what their real purpose is. As I mentioned, Silent Ones do ranged better then they do. From the Shadows is nice, but often gets them killed. Analyze Weakness is a nice niche pick but too steep a price at 7ss. Tools for the Job tries to offset much of this models mediocrity but it just doesn't go far enough IMO.

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I feel like the worst part about Acolytes is that they're ranged minions in a crew that's about throwing Blocking terrain all over the place.  They really need to ignore terrain traits on markers or something.

My money's on Rail Workers, a 2/4/5 track on a 5ss durable minion is really good, especially since they can also do positioning tricks as needed as well.

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