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passive abilities when model dies.




in french discord, someone asked, somes abilities (like on Kaeris or Rasputina cards when their leader) give passives abilities.

To be honest, for now I only think about master's cards but maybe their is other cards like that.

But when those models die? do thoses abilities remain? For example, does "harsh winter" remain when Rasputina is killed?


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This has come up before and I've seen different opinions. I'm not sure what the answer is and there's no official answer yet.

That said, I've started to lean towards don't continue to allow passives like that if the model is killed. It simplifies trying to figure out what should and should not remain. Although that itself comes with some issues from memory...

Most people also play that if you kill a model with vengeance, that ability doesn't get to happen because the model is killed before vengeance happens for example.

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There's 2 questions in my mind. 1) does a model stop being a leader when it dies? I think the answer to this is "no" giving how assassinate is worded and scored. 2) do all abilities on a card stop when a model dies? This one is muddier but I lean toward yes. Part of this is it's just more fun. There's counter play to a leader ability by killing said leader. The only real hint to this is Nexus Leader upgrade that passes to other models when Nexus dies. If that wasn't needed it could have just been a leader ability on the card (unless there's just so much text they couldn't fit it ;))

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Step D of Damage Timing says after a model is killed you remove the model, stat card, and Upgrades from the game. If the Card is removed from the game I'm not sure how you can argue that the ability on the card stays in Play?

d. The killed model (its model, Stat Card, and Any Upgrades) is removed from the game. 

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Yeah, abilities disappear when a model died. Which is why the lamplighter card specifically calls out the behavior of lit lamps 'even after this model leaves play'.

If something like harsh winter were to stay until the end of the game, would need a similar call out as it's not covered in core rules.

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It depends on the -effect-.  A model doesn’t stop being leader when it’s killed.  And a passive ability that’s gone off (it’s condition to do something was satisfied) is still going to resolve.

But a lot of effects become meaningless when the model for the effect isn’t on the table.

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