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Turf War - are there 2 options for quarters?



I did use the serach function without any luck but at the same time can't believe this hasn't been discussed before. So if I just failed searching, my apologies... 


In Turf War we divide the table into 4 table quarters. I believe most people do this as shown in the first attached graphic. 

But what is a quarter? It is not necessarily a square, the strategy text only tells you about quarters which means they must have equal size and you have to divide the whole expanse of the table. That means that a quarter could as well be a triangle. You can divide the table into 4 equal triangles (shown in the second attached graphic) which all have a centerpoint where you can place the marker. 


Am I missing anything fundamental here or are there really 2 options? If not, how do you decide which option to pick? Do I have to agree with my opponent?

It does make a difference for the game choosing either option: Using the squares with corner or flank resp. using the triangles with wedge or standard requires more aggressive play since 3 markers get placed on the centerline. 



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A significant problem for using the diagonal quartering, is figuring out the centre of the section, given it's not explicitly stated.

I haven't done geometry in forever, but if I'm reading the math correctly, the centre of an isoceles triangle isn't halfway across (18"), halfway up (9"). It's a formula I didn't know, which in this case would result in it being 18" across, but only 6" up, which might be accurate, but doesn't "feel" right. I'd probably have put it at 8" up, but then I'd be wrong. :)

6" up would make the square of the four markers 24" across, or ~17" on each side of the diamond, which is slightly smaller than the normal format, which is 18" to the side of the square, and ~25.5" across the diagonal.

I feel like such a nerd working out the calculations for all of that. I'll feel like such a moron if I'm wrong. :)

Anyways, my point is, that unless it's in the book, having people be consistent in where the centerpoint of each quarter is, will be difficult.

EDIT: The other issue would be, that unlike the squared version, where only one deployment starts with a marker in their DZ (Flank), in the triangled version, three would (Standard, Wedge, and Flank), with the latter starting with two. Not sure it'd make that big a difference to the game, but it is a change that'd need to be factored in.

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On 1/4/2020 at 12:23 PM, Morgan Vening said:

A significant problem for using the diagonal quartering, is figuring out the centre of the section, given it's not explicitly stated.


If you draw lines from each corner (or vertex) of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite sides, then those three lines meet at a center, or centroid, of the triangle

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