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Bloodwretch. When do you pick them?


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From all the versatiles of NVB, these minions are the ones I struggle more to find a use. Maybe versus a crew with a lot, and I mean A LOT of indirect damage (evasive).

They got a nice charge range with Mv6 + Risky Maneuver (10'' reach), the double charge may be nice and Risky Maneuver could let them double scheme. However with 5 Wds, Df5 and Wp4 they are really squishy so the 1 damage for the Focused is really noticeable and they will probably die before using the healing in their kit; plus going versus 2 models to use Shove Aside is directly a suicide. Mv6 and Frenzied Charge would make them a good IR holders... but with how squishy they are it's not worth it the 2SS increase imo.

I initially think off them as cannon folder for Nephilims, but doggies are probably better for that...

So are they some kind of cheap high risk, high reward glass cannons? When do you consider them?

Ty in advance!

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My prediction:

I am guessing their primary role will be in an Explorer's Society Half-Blood keyword (which may or may not be dual faction). Lets them release Explorer's Society crew without having to release too many new models, and then Angel Eye leaders can take Explorer models into Neverborn games.

They may also have some cool shenanigans against horde crews. You can be throwing out blasts and shockwaves without hitting your own models, and they get a bonus every time they kill something.

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10 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

I am guessing their primary role will be in an Explorer's Society Half-Blood keyword (which may or may not be dual faction). Lets them release Explorer's Society crew without having to release too many new models, and then Angel Eye leaders can take Explorer models into Neverborn games.

Do you reckon they're going for both the Half-blood and Asylum keywords in Explorers?  🤔


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1 minute ago, solkan said:

Do you reckon they're going for both the Half-blood and Asylum keywords in Explorers?  🤔


I reckon each is possible and both seems pretty likely!

Why else make a set of versatile models share a keyword if you weren't going to splice them into Explorer's Society to be proper keywords? Grave golem doesn't need a keyword. Horesemen is a keyword, but in that case I think it is a flavour thing (though I hope like hell there is a henchman horsemen in Explorer's Society. That'd be bloody cool. I doubt that one).

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But look at the Ten Thunders: Lone swordsman and Samurai are versatiles that should share a keyword on flavour grounds, but don't... They just are empty with no keyword.

Seems likely the thematic versatile keywords are setting up for future releases (or past releases with Dead Man's Hand as we see with puppets and mortuary).

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Ty! I thought I was missing some key interaction; but it seems that they don't bring enough to the table. Then, which changes would you make to put them in line again (not super good, but worth consider for 5SS)? @Fixxer ones seem good suggestions (H2W, Stealth or Disguised)... H2K could also fit.

My suggestion: They seem to try to fulfill a cheapish glass cannon role, so good additions for the profile would be:

H2K, Flurry and Ruthless.

H2K would give them at least an opportunity to survive long enough to be useful without changing how much how they work right now and it will also have good synergies with their healing mechanics. Flurry would give them the oomph they lack even if they are still squishy and dumping card for an extra attack in a model that cheap isn't ideal for most crews. Ruthless is something scarce in the faction, so it'd give them another niche and it fits with the theme of a mindless and enraged murder machine.

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I think Maniacal_cackle's theory holds weight.

In M2E, Tuco was Nephilim.  Angel Eyes was Nephilim.  So were the Blood Wretches and Scion of the Black Blood (Maurice's previous name).

They got a story where they got the raw end of the deal from Nekima, and there's a character from McCabe's Explorer's Society story in the Ten Thunders book that sure makes a convincing Half-blood character now that I think about it.  It certainly would be conservation of details.  

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4 hours ago, solkan said:

They got a story where they got the raw end of the deal from Nekima,

Why am I not surprised? XD. Nephs and their politics of "Yeah, We are in a civil war while fighting the Malifaux invaders, but let's ruin the life of our few allies to make a point."

2 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

And if it turns out they're models with future plans, there is no point buffing without knowing the rest of the keyword.

If it's a model that will appear in other faction and crew then I agree, it's necessary to take in count both factions and the whole keyword to before suggesting changes. But there should be terrific synergies in that crew to make this model worth it tho.

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