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Anna Lovelove's Gravity well and Summons, Unbury and Replace



Anna's Lovelace's gravity well says: Enemy models may not be Placed within :ToS-Aura:6 unless they are Placed by an effect generated by friendly models.

is this only referring to the Place from movement effect and abilities such as Leap and Flight or does it also effect models that are placed from summoning, unburying and replace.

for example: can Sandeep Summon a wind gamin within 6 of Anna Lovelace? can a Soulstone Miner Unbury within 6 of Anna Lovelace? can the Corphy duet be Replaced by 2 Corphy within 6 of Anna Lovelace?

the 3 examples all describe models being placed (with a lower case p) in the description of their mechanics, is this different from a Place (with an upper case P) mentioned in Gravity well.

Thanks for the help.

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2 hours ago, WildRose94 said:

is this only referring to the Place from movement effect and abilities such as Leap and Flight or does it also effect models that are placed from summoning, unburying and replace.

2 hours ago, WildRose94 said:

the 3 examples all describe models being placed (with a lower case p) in the description of their mechanics, is this different from a Place (with an upper case P) mentioned in Gravity well.

If you look at the later paragraphs of Bury, there's this sentence:


If the model cannot be Placed, the owner of the model instead places it anywhere inside their Deployment Zone.

As far as I know, what happened is that they the authors initially tried to capitalize the game terms consistently, but then those efforts faltered.  I think part of the reason for faltering is the unavoidable ambiguity caused by first word capitalization in English.

At the moment, "place" and "Place" have to be treated the same.  I think the main point where it may be a bit ambiguous but you basically have to fight for the interpretation that allows the game to be played is "Place effects cannot move a model into or out of a Building."  But even there, the point of compromise is that Summoning, Replacing or Unburying inside a building isn't "moving into" the building because it's not coming from anywhere else.

Otherwise, yeah, Gravity Well is really thorough at the moment.

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