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Weekly Model Discussion - Bayou Gremlin


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Hi Guys! 

Time for the next Weekly Model Discussion;  Bayou Gremlin!

Previous Discussions;

Weekly Model Discussion - Iron Skeeter

Apologies that this weekly discussion is about one whole week late - real life has rudely pushed it's way around.


It's cheap, it has mobility, it has utility. It's a minion.

Do you use Bayou Gremlins?

What kind of role? Sacrificial, activation control, central to the game plan? Scheme runners only?
How many are typical, and what master?
Against what faction would you not use these guys?  Do they just give your Ressurectionists extra corpses to play with? Worth the risk?
Any major downsides?

Discuss! (If you want to :D)

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Bayous are one of my favorite minions in faction. 

Aesthetically, they capture the essence of the faction - goofy poses, improbable weapons, and separate feet for gluing.

Kidding aside, at 3 stones for a significant model with Drunk and Reckless, and Bayou Two-Card, I find I use them to control the activation game in turns 1-3, and get schemes from them before they burn out.

They scheme well, can hit hard, and are just generally useful.

10/10, would get my bro again.

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28 minutes ago, Diceman87 said:

and separate feet for gluing.

I've heard about this, I mean, whyyy???


28 minutes ago, Diceman87 said:

I find I use them to control the activation game in turns 1-3, and get schemes from them before they burn out.

Cheers for the input!

Who do you tend to run them with, and is there a standard amount you'd normally use e.g. 3?

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39 minutes ago, Cadaver_Junkie said:

I've heard about this, I mean, whyyy???

Because in Malifaux, Bad Things Happen (like Gremlin feet)

39 minutes ago, Cadaver_Junkie said:

Cheers for the input!

Who do you tend to run them with, and is there a standard amount you'd normally use e.g. 3?

I’ll run Bayous with everyone except Zoraida and Ulix.  The big ones are Som’er and Zipp, though.

I like 3-4 as a baseline.  Som’er will summon more, so having 6 is a good call. Zipp uses them to pop all over the board.

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In every crew before GG18 I ran at least 3 in every crew. Great for burning activations and decent scheme runners. They actually survive longer than you’d think because of their defensive tech but with gg18 being more about survival and bigger models I’ve taken them in less and less crews

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I tend to Switch my master pretty frequently so my mates do net get too used to certain models.

THis results in constant underestimating my Bayou Gremlins.

I usually  run 3 to 4 in Somer-Crews so my opponents consider them a total spam unit that gives me activation Control and Scheme-Potential. Whichis true ofc. However these Little buggers kill more stuff than you might think at first glance. Yes they die in the process... but who cares right?


I have to admit I am a bit hesitant about drunk and reckless. I think 2 wounds on a 4-wound model is pretty hurtful, so you have to time your recklessness pretty well.

In non-Somer Crews I tend to skip them unless I really can't find any better use for 3 ss.

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Bayou Gremlins. Once the best example of this faction nature - squishy and plentiful. With Guild Guards/Desp Mercs price they lost this flavour.

In GG18 where dropping schemes and numbers are no longer that important they are not as good as before but still a staple for Somer's crew and one Zipp's built. 

Generally if I were told to give them a value between 1 and 10 (1 - crap, 10 - god-like model) I would grant them solid 5, maybe even 6 (in certain strategies/schemes).

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5/10? Whaaaaaat?? Drunk and reckless shenanigans and out-activating, they're aces!

I love hiding them in things like Turf War/hanging around the middle strategies.... let the opponent have the middle and when you've out-activated them two Bayous pop round the corner and grab a point at the furthest they can possibly be whilst still winning points.

Basically I try and make them as sneaky and irritating as possible, or throw them at powerful things from my opponents crew to slow them down. Bayou two card will have your opponent screaming in rage every time your 3ss minion beats them in melee.... seriously, Bayou Two Card is the best rule in the game!!!

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On 7/19/2018 at 9:58 PM, Diceman87 said:

Because in Malifaux, Bad Things Happen (like Gremlin feet)

I’ll run Bayous with everyone except Zoraida and Ulix.  The big ones are Som’er and Zipp, though.

I like 3-4 as a baseline.  Som’er will summon more, so having 6 is a good call. Zipp uses them to pop all over the board.

I actually like to use one (occasionally 2) bayou gremlins with ulix as a cheap reckless model. They make it really cheap and simple to put down scheme markers for war pigs. They also make good late game scheme runners because by that point, my opponent is too busy dealing with all the summoned pigs to care about my 3 stone runner.

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On 7/20/2018 at 3:14 AM, daniello_s said:

I would grant them solid 5, maybe even 6

On 7/21/2018 at 6:41 AM, wobbly_goggy said:

5/10? Whaaaaaat?? Drunk and reckless shenanigans and out-activating, they're aces!

I have had the worst luck with these guys, 
Either they are dead and gone before i get a good turn to use Drunk and Reckless, or place scheme markers where i need them.

With that in mind i have limited myself to using them Mostly with Zipp, usually 3-4. Lots of fun in Ours when you get a BayouBoy in each of the 4 corners!

But all in all I have to agree with @daniello_s  Desperate Mercs and Guild Guards really took the fluff out of them

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8 minutes ago, Beeray said:

I have had the worst luck with these guys, 
Either they are dead and gone before i get a good turn to use Drunk and Reckless, or place scheme markers where i need them.

With that in mind i have limited myself to using them Mostly with Zipp, usually 3-4. Lots of fun in Ours when you get a BayouBoy in each of the 4 corners!

But all in all I have to agree with @daniello_s  Desperate Mercs and Guild Guards really took the fluff out of them

Are you hiding out of sight?
I have played in tournaments with nowhere near enough terrain (as recommended in the rulebook) and then they do tend to drop like flies. 
For me hidey sneaky is the way forward...

Or give the opp something in their face that they'll care about more so the Bayous can go off sneakin'

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You can't always sneak them into position and they die easily which is expected from the model which costs 3SS only. Also they are really dependent on the terrain setup which on the one hand allows them to sneak up and survive longer but on the other hand has huge impact on their movement (remember that in 99% you can use Drunk and Reckless only once). I played them a lot and against experienced player they are not that amazing as many people would like to see them to be.

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1 hour ago, wobbly_goggy said:

Are you hiding out of sight?

1 hour ago, wobbly_goggy said:

nowhere near enough terrain

I usually play on a board with 1/3-1/2 of hte board of terrain, I still seem to not get alot out of them.
I havent specifically played hide and seek with them usually due to needing to do something with them or just being plain olde bad at placing them

There is a skill to keeping them alive that i just havent achieved yet i think.
I like that they arent insignificant and bayou 2 cards is awesome, but more often then not im in a situation where Drunk and Reckless isnt useable due to it killing them.
[Start a petition to make Drunk and Reckless 1 Damage and give them poison 1 :D #FlavorTown]

Im going to force myself to play more Somer to get better with these guys.

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As someone else commented in a other thread, my trick to keep the bayous alive is to force the opponent to choose between spending resources on them vs something more expensive. 

I can't seem to get them to win a single attack flip, but they always score VP for me in the form of scheme markers. An extra AP turn 3 can mean 2 markers in a turn. That alone is worth 3SS. 

However, like people have said already, I haven't used them in GG18 yet. I find myself using elite-y crews more and more

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