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Starting Out Malifaux with a Guild Crew and some Outcast Mercs


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G'day folks, newcomer to the roost here, looking for some advice after finally dipping my toes into Malifaux! First of all, this is my first foray into the game - having been umm'ing and aah'ing over the gorgeous miniatures for about a year now, I've finally taken the plunge after moving to a new part of the country and finding a few players. All being well, I should have my first game on Wednesday, somebody's kindly offered to run me through a demo game, but I couldn't wait to get started, so made an order online a few days ago for what I think will keep me busy for a good few months!

That being said, jumping in at a point where there's already quite a bit released (I've ordered the Core Rulebook and Crossroads expansion to start, so I have access to all the masters), it does get a little confusing for a newbie. I've figured out that I don't need any upgrade decks, as I'll have all of the Wave 1 and 2 stats and upgrades in the book and as I understand it, I'll be able to use any more recent models I buy as they'll have their stat cards included? I'll start to add the other expansion books over the coming months, then, so that I've got all the upgrades, story encounters and can keep up to date with the fluff etc.

So, as far as what I've ordered, after having a massive gaming clearout I've gone a bit mad again and grabbed two Guild crews and one Outcasts crew, as I figure this way I can introduce my friends to the game with two opposing forces and also use the mercenary models in my Guild force as needed. So, I've picked up three boxes (Sonnia Crid, Perdita Ortega and the Vikktoria's), along with a few random miniatures, mostly because they appealed visually and look like they'll be a dream to paint - from memory, I've also grabbed the Withcling Handlers, some Desperate Mercenaries and the Pistolero De Latigo's. Should be plenty enough to keep me painting for a few months, but from a gaming perspective, is there anything I should really think about adding sooner rather than later?

My plan for future purchases was probably going to be the 2 player starter set (for the Guild and Mercenary models and because I really want to paint some Neverborn soon as well! Plus, I think it'll be handy for running demo games for the wife and a few friends who may be interested) and the Crossroads Seven box up next. Story encounters were one of the big draws of Malifaux for me, my usual gaming group being quite RPG oriented, so the X7 box being a combination of that and some beautiful mini's who are all mercenaries seemed like a natural choice.

So, I guess the big question now that I've bought a whole load of awesome miniatures without playing a game and reading the rules properly, is will I have a playable force from the start, and is there anything I should think about adding on top of/instead of the two planned purchases I mentioned? I'm not worried about being a super competitive player, but at the same time, I don't want to lose every single game! :)

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First of all - congrats on joining the game.

After that, I'd really recommend getting the Generalist Upgrade Decks. especially the Broken promises Master Deck, as it includes two new upgrades for every master, and some of those are really good. I can't say how important they are for the Master's you have - but more options are good.

Can't comment on Guild Specific stuff, as I don't play them. 

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8 minutes ago, Griautis said:

First of all - congrats on joining the game.

After that, I'd really recommend getting the Generalist Upgrade Decks. especially the Broken promises Master Deck, as it includes two new upgrades for every master, and some of those are really good. I can't say how important they are for the Master's you have - but more options are good.

Can't comment on Guild Specific stuff, as I don't play them. 

Thank you very much!

I meant to elaborate a bit further on the expansions, actually (how did I manage to write an essay without asking one of the main questions I had in mind?!?). My plan is probably to pick up the next couple of books as soon as I can afford to, as I'm a bit of a completionist with stuff like that, so if I were to grab Shifting Loyalties, Broken Promises and Ripples of Fate in book form eventually, would that provide me with all of the upgrades available and negate the need for the decks? If that's the case, I'll probably hold off and use the money I'd spend on the decks on new models and the books when I'm able to, rather than picking up the same information in two places.

I have grabbed the Schemes deck already, as that sounds really helpful for keeping track of what's happening through the game, but if I can avoid doubling up on upgrades etc., that'd be awesome (there are, after all, far too many pieces of shiny plastic calling out to me right now!).

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The upgrades are in the books, so if you are set on collecting the books, you could copy them out and wouldn't need the cards. The Schemes deck AFAIK is the book schemes (from the Core Rulebook) only. Further down the line you might want to check out Gaining Grounds - these are the tournament schemes and strats, available from the website (they change every year, the 2018 version should be out soon).

Minis wise, you are off to a good start. Sonnias box plus Handlers plus add-ons from Perditas box or Perditas box plus Pistoleros and Mercs or  Stalkers should both be easy to get to 50 Soulstone - you might want so start with smaller crews though, to get to grips with the game. Usually the first thing you hear is "get Francisco" (he buffs another models defense and willpower, which can be quite good), but you already have him :D. Sonnia might like the Malifaux Child as an alternative totem, but from what you write you are propably not looking to get a 100% competetive crew - if you want to stay in theme, for Sonnia the starter set models are actually witch hunters as well so might fit nicely, and for Perdita: Abuela Ortega completes the family (at least until the Monster Hunters are released).

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The decks have the same stuff as the books - you just don't need to print them if you get the decks. And they're good for people who are not buying all the books - at least I use Malifaux APP for viewing stat cards of stuff I don't have (books used to be used for this), and so the books are only useful for fluff for me. 

And I borrowed the books for a single read through of the fluff. Personally, only bought the Ripples of Fate book for Campaign rules. 

As for scheme deck - it's gonna be outdated for any tournaments you might decide to go to, as they will most likely use the official Gaining Grounds schemes. (The scheme pool get's updated yearly) 

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5 hours ago, Regelridderen said:

Get the app and the ‘cards’ for it. Then you’ve got it all, and your ‘cards’ will be fully updated now and in the future too.


This sounds like a solid plan, cheers - ten bucks is a bargain too! 

5 hours ago, Stonewall78 said:

Did you buy old 1st ed metal models? If you bought current 2e crews they will come with all the upgrades and cards you need. The rules are also free online. You only need the books for lore and models you don't own to read up on.
Perdita is a great master to learn with.

Bought the new plastic sets,  so will have everything to run the models,  I just wasn't sure if upgrades were included in the box or if they were only in the books and decks. 

Perdita's looking like being my starting point now,  I've fallen in love with the models and already have ideas for some themed terrain! I grabbed some extra goodies last night,  but mostly as a painting project (I picked up the Parker box as it came back in stock,  really keen to paint those guys :D), although I did buy Granny Ortega to round out the family :)


Thank you very much for all your help,  folks,  I'll be sure to post back here when my stuff starts to arrive and I get painting - now I'm just really looking forward to my first game tomorrow :D

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7 hours ago, tjgreenway said:

This sounds like a solid plan, cheers - ten bucks is a bargain too! 

Bought the new plastic sets,  so will have everything to run the models,  I just wasn't sure if upgrades were included in the box or if they were only in the books and decks. 

Model and crew specific upgrades are generally included in the box with that model, general upgrades are available in the 2 general upgrade decks. There is also the new master upgrades in the Broken promises deck. I would suggest getting the general upgrade decks, because they are very useful to have physical copies, but you will be able to see all the rules in the app after you've bought the cards. 

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Well, I had my first game today, using someone else's models (Arcanists vs. Arcanists at 30SS) as mine hadn't quite arrived in time to assemble, what an awesome game! I managed to eke out a draw (my opponent was very helpful, reminding me countless times when I missed rules interactions) and it seems like exactly what I've been looking for in a miniatures game - fun, frantic and full of character while still managing to be tactically challenging. I now can't wait to get my models onto the painting table (all cleaned up and ready to be assembled tomorrow :D ); my Sonnia and Vikktoria boxes have jumped straight to the front of the queue (sorry Warmaster High Elves! :o ). I'll be sure to throw some updates in here as I get some painting done and manage to get some games in with my own crews - and to top it all off, the wife seems keen to give this one a shot as she's fallen in love with some of the miniatures too :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well,  it turns out that the wife's fallen for Malifaux's charm almost as much as I have. Seeing as it's taken me three years to find a miniatures game that she likes, I let her take first dibs on faction and she's opted for Guild, gravitating to Sonia in particular :D

This, mixed with Parker's box coming back into stock at The Combat Company (he was the Master that first grabbed me :)), means I've switched allegiance to Outcasts for now,  so it looks like I'll be posting over on that board more for the time being.  I'll get back to Perdita soon though! 


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