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Titania feels


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Audience, Behold, and Royal Indignation seem to me like they will be a very potent combo on her.

Combine with Barbaros for extra shenanigans.

Your opponent doesn't know frustration until they have to either target Barbaros and pitch two cards or target Titania and pass a WP duel.

I really like taking Malifaux Provides on Barbaros here as well as he can eat the scheme markers that Titania's crew tends to throw out all over the place as well.

I do still love the idea of Queen's Champion, and I really want to try a game (if I can get one with the proper scheme pool) where I take Queen's Champion and Nekima and really commit to making it happen.

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I was really excited for Royal Indignation. It lets her tank how she was meant to. The Emissary's conflux synergises so well with it since all Living minion and enforcer models become Undead Fae, letting the Emissary use its buff on them.

I played 2 games with the new upgrades. The game I used Royal Indignation I also used the Emissary with her Conflux.

I chose Royal Indignation because my opponent was playing Asami so I was expecting a fair few Oni minions, but he decided to load his crew with Enforcers and Henchmen. I eeked out a draw but I feel Pact with the Grave Spirit would have been better that game.

Second game was a 4 player, 30ss game. Titania used Pact with the Grave Spirit. She did a lot of damage that game. Wow.

Killed Francois in one turn (Bloody Command - 4 damage (moderate, +1 from a scheme marker), Rot within - 4 damage, Rot within - 4 damage). Then went after the Ten Thunders player. In one turn she killed a Thunders Brother (Bloody Command, Rot Within) then took another Thunders Brother to 1W (Bloody Command, severe, +1 from scheme marker dropped by Rot Within). Opponents freaked out and sent Misaki after her with her new The Storm upgrade and she got pummeled by blasts before being airdropped by Zipp.

The Rot Within doesn't seem like a lot. Max of 4 damage isn't really up there with the best beatstick masters. But it's worth remembering that there's no damage track. If the target has taken 4 or more damage, you can draw the flip and still deal 4 damage rather than a double negative damage flip. Bloody Command makes it easy to take off 4 wounds, especially if there's a scheme marker nearby. After that, you're good. Against masters you get an additional +1, so Bloody Command is 5/6/7 if there's 2 markers near them, and Rot Within is 5. Since Rot Within isn't a gun or melee, she can use it anywhere, on anyone in range. A Master with 2 Markers near them is in a lot of trouble if Titania hasn't activated.

The inability to stone seems better  as a defence. Titania running into 3" might not seem like the best idea, but if someone charges her and doesn't finish her, you can have a beater like a Cyclops charge them and they can't stone for damage reduction.

Basically in the space of 2 games I went from 'woo tanky Titania' to 'holy shit beatstick Titania'.

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Yesterd i used  this list in a match vs Reva

50 SS Neverborn Crew
Titania + 4 Pool
 - Pact with the Grave Spirit (1)
 - Aether Connection (1)
 - An Audience With The Queen (1)
Primordial Magic (2)
Mysterious Emissary (10)
 - Primeval Conflux (0)
Cyclops (8)
 - A Thousand Faces (1)
Rougarou (8)
The Tooth (7)
The Claw (7)
Mysterious Effigy (4)

 It work very well, Titania take Reva and wreck her with a combinations of Bloody command ( 5 damage) and then the rot within, i don't even try royal indignation but actually the pact with the grave look me more interesting

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Of course, my friends play Reva with Lithany of the fallen and guises death, Archie with hulk leap & doc found a squid,carrion emissary with my little helper, 2 shield bearer 2 necropunk

Flank deployment

Strategy: extraction

Scheme pool:claim jump, mark their grave,leave your mark, inspection,search the ruins

I chose mark their grave and search the ruins, my opponent take claim jump and inspection. 

Turn 1

their necropunk run for take the edge of the table, one on the left e one on the right,  follow by the shield bearer, reva emissary and archie move to the center of table.My cyclops run to the center and lock the way with ice pillars, the garou eat a scheme and push 3" versus the edge, where the necropunk and the bearer stand, double walk and challenge alpha on them, the necropunk failed the test and take 2 damage, effigy,the claw and the emissary leave a marker and move to the center protect by the Cyclops, Titania eat all the scheme marker to push the tooth by 6" to the edge with the rougarou, then walk twice. The tooth double walk ,challenge the necropunk, pounce of garou and kill by the reposte of the tooth

Turn 2

Reva activated and leave the cyclops in hard to kill, the cyclops charge Archie near Reva try to blast her, unfortunately no blast and only 6 damage on archie with 2 attack, the tooth and the garou kill the bearer, his carrion emissary lock the way of my emissary with his shard, the necropunk score claim jump on the right edge, archie kill the cyclops and Titania walk for the 1kfaces,  Titania activated and come for Reva leave her to 3 wounds remain

Score: 2-2 

Turn 3

He won initiative,activated Reva and attacks Titania, bad fate on him, first attack i flip red Joker,second attack black joker on damage and hit with the third for 3 damage, Titania activated and kill her with the rot within and score mark their grave, Archie hulk leap versus the garou and attack him, the garou take 8 damage and go to hard to kill, then activated and with the tooth kill archie, carrion emissary protect himself with shards and score the principal mission with the shield bearer, the necropunl score again claim jump, the rest of my crew move to the center

Score 4-4 

Turn 4 

Misterious emissary activated and cast hungry land marker near him,start shoot to the bearer and leave him to 2 wounds remaining, Titania kill him and score mark their grave, carrion emissary summon another necropunk by destined +2 for the strategy, the other necropunk score claim jump for last time

Score 6-6

Turn 5

Titania kill the emissary, the rest of the crew leave the marker for search the ruins and the emissary kill a necropunk

Score 10-6 

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