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damn still doubts!




Imagine this building at the centre of game board in standard deployment. How flying and icorporeal models interact with this type of build?

Generally (from book) this tyoe of build have: Structures come in an infinite variety of sizes and shapes in Malifaux. All buildings default to having the enclosed, impassable, blocking, and hard cover traits. Buildings might have climbable areas (if the walls have hand holds), and might have areas that provide a vantage point.

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If you declare a scenery element "enclosed", that scenery element has to have an interior where you can place models, and it's expected that it has relatively restrictive openings.  Such things like intact houses, guard posts, shops, and similar walled buildings with interiors.

Not a bridge with an archway.

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33 minutes ago, TeddyBear said:

Sorry if i open again this thread, but i read a trick with zipp.. and i still don't understand some movement dynamics..

Incorporeal and Flying Models move in this way, on non-enclosed terrain? is it correct? (and also Jack daw??)

If you want to end on top of the building, then you have to move upwards 4" (because it is Ht4). But if you just want to move past the building, you don't have to spend any extra movement as long as you can get all the way to the other side in one Walk action.

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8 hours ago, TeddyBear said:

Edit. Also Solkan wrotes:

"If you declare a scenery element "enclosed", that scenery element has to have an interior where you can place models"

Impassable: "Models cannot enter impassable areas of terrain, wich includes moving through the walls of a builing or into other solid object. (no mention about incorporeal or Flying models)


Not sure what you are saying but the terrain rules generally don't mention the specific movement rules but those rules ignore almost all terrain rules.

The enclosed trait is used for buildings that you can stand inside of and is the only terrain trait that can't be ignored by flyers or models with leap. If a building is enclosed it means models can't use movement tricks apart from incorporeal to ignore it so a flying model needs to use a door to enter it but an incorporeal model can still walk through the wall. If you make a wall impassable but don't count the building as enclosed then a flyer or model with leap is allowed to ignore the wall when moving.

If there is no room to stand inside the building there is no point to declaring it enclosed, then you can just make the entire thing impassable because no one is allowed to end a walk in impassable terrain.

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28 minutes ago, TeddyBear said:

In terrain trait of small book at pag 73 they writing about incorporeal, (that only this type of models can ignore enclosed terrain).

Incorporeal models are not mentioned  in impassable. This thing confusing me.

in my view, it would have been better write this rule like you wrote: "enclosed buildings can't be ignored by Flying Models or models that have leap ability"


But several actions or abilities out there allow you to "ignore terrain". Listing all of them in enclosed would get to be quite a long list, and require updating everytime a new one is made. Leap, Flight, Diving charge, Augmented leap, just from the top of my head. 

And models with flight or leap can ignore enclosed buildings if they just move over them. Its only starting or ending inside them that will mean they can't use those actions/abilities. Its actually one of the flight/terain rules that makes sense from a "real world" view point. just because I can fly over a building, I can't fly into it. 

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17 hours ago, TeddyBear said:

First i see the distance of the model from the build and then ht of the build (in this case if the distance is 2 and the flight or incorporeal model walk 6.. the model can finish in one istance of move on the structure? is it correct?)

Don't forget moving forward 2" and up 4" gets you to the top of the wall but still hanging off the side. you will have to move the model 1" or 2" more forward to be standing on the wall. A lot of casual play that I've seen seems to forget that extra bit, but someone could call you on it. Happens a lot with climbing models. If they're at the bottom of the wall in base contact and have a movement of 8 and climb up, some groups ignore that extra bit forward to be fully standing on the wall and some will say your 1AP of movement doesn't get you to a valid stopping point.

This also touches on how much of a base can be hanging off the edge, which the rules don't go anywhere near thinking about, and is another one of those discuss with your opponent before starting the game topics.

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Sorry if i open again this thread, but i read a trick with zipp.. and i still don't understand some movement dynamics..

Incorporeal and Flying Models move in this way, on non-enclosed terrain? is it correct? (and also Jack daw??)

First i see the distance of the model from the build and then ht of the build (in this case if the distance is 2 and the flight or incorporeal model walk 6.. the model can finish in one istance of move on the structure? is it correct?)



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39 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

If you want to end on top of the building, then you have to move upwards 4" (because it is Ht4). But if you just want to move past the building, you don't have to spend any extra movement as long as you can get all the way to the other side in one Walk action.


Well, then a (Flying or incorporeal) model can moves through? like this

Also in a terrain like a sewer (in top of thread)?



Edit. Also Solkan wrotes:

"If you declare a scenery element "enclosed", that scenery element has to have an interior where you can place models"

Impassable: "Models cannot enter impassable areas of terrain, wich includes moving through the walls of a builing or into other solid object. (no mention about incorporeal or Flying models)


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2 hours ago, Ludvig said:

Not sure what you are saying 

In terrain trait of small book at pag 73 they writing about incorporeal, (that only this type of models can ignore enclosed terrain).

Incorporeal models are not mentioned  in impassable. This thing confusing me.

in my view, it would have been better write this rule like you wrote: "enclosed buildings can't be ignored by Flying Models or models that have leap ability"


Anyway, thanks to all you, now i think i understand ;)


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